
I think you have the X Factor

    It all hit him hard, it was like waking up from a dream. One second he was singing his heart out, and now he was standing, quietly, in front of the judges, waiting for what his faith might become. From what he could see, it went alright, he guesses. The audience was quite excited and he got a great number of claps and praising in his direction.

"Nicole, what do you think?" Simon started, breaking Harry from his nervous thoughts.

"I'm really glad that we had the opportunity to hear you acapella cause we could really hear how great your voice is."

"Thank you" harry blushed,

"For a sixteen-year-old, you have a beautiful voice" She acknowledged.

"Thank you" Harry responded, he was too nervous to say much else.

He could hear clapping collapse all over the buildings.

"I agree with Nicole, however, I think you are so young, I don't think you have enough experience, or confidence yet" Explained Louis Walsh.

"Okay" was Harry's mere response, trying his best to make his voice still.

"Yeah, well someone in the audience just said rubbish, and I totally agree with them." Simon was quick to defend. Harry decided that he liked Simon. And along with that came a loud cheer from the audience.

"Because the show isn't designed to find someone in youth, whether sixteen, the seventies and it doesn't matter,I think that with a bit of vocal coaching, you actually could be very good." He continued.

"Thank you, thanks" Shaking Harry. Harry couldn't stop smiling, he had the corners of his mouth as upwards as they could.


Harry looked at him expectantly. But received a sight as a response, he bit his lip. He knew where this was going,

"For all the right reasons, I am going to say no."

A loud boo was heard echoing from the walls.

"Actually I don't think they booed you loud enough there" Simon teased.

Which resulted in a laugh from Louis part and a screaming crowd. And even a little "Boo" from Harry, as a joke, OF COURSE.

"I liked you, Harry, I'm gonna say yes" God bless Nicole!

"Thank you"

"Youll be happy to hear that I am going to be agreeing with Nicole, you got two yesses"

"Thank you"

Harry couldn't believe it, could this be it, did this mean that all his dreams would come true? He could already picture himself, on a stage singing in front of gigantic crowds, recording music, living a life of luxury, and being invited to the best parties.

Harry had to push the feeling away, he knew he shouldn't get too excited, he got through, he didn't win.

He thanked the judges the last time before walking backstage. The first thing he did was hug his mother. Anne had such a proud face, it honestly made him happy seeing her like this. She had tears in her eyes and quietly whispered "You made it" into her son's ear. A big smile was plastered on Harry's face while he saw his whole family join in for a group hug.

He quickly excused himself for a wee, all of the nervousness had made him need to go to the bathroom. He ran towards the bathroom. He rose his eyes to see the most beautiful boy he has ever seen, he had gorgeous light blue eyes, cinnamon hair into a beanie. Harry froze at the sight of him and accidentally spilled into him. Harry instantly turned into a bright shade of red. Looking at the floor.

"Oops," he apologized to the mysterious boy, who resulted oddly familiar to him.

"Hi" The blue-eyed boy greeted him, not bothering that he spilled. Harry was bout to introduce himself when the speakers announced that "Louis Tomlinson" will be performing up next.

"That's me gotta go, bye" The boy rushed out of the bathroom in a great speed. Harry was left alone with a heart running a million miles an hour, a blessed pair of eyes, and a curious mind that wondered who this Louis guy was and if he had seen him before.