
I Want To Become the Demon King

Evil will always exist. No matter how hard someone tries to get rid of it, evil will never go extinct. So then why do we try to get rid of it? Why not control it instead? Skyler a young man finds himself in another world, given no instructions, and stuck alongside his classmates. Stumbling along he discovers new powers and great secrets.

Ethanquiv · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


Thirty goblins charged straight at the group of nineteen unprepared humans. Never in their whole life did they think that something anywhere close to this could happen!

They were just transported somewhere so different from their old home. Little green creatures the size of children, trees towering hundreds of meters tall surrounded them.

What the heck happened?

Out of fear, students quickly ran. Left, right, even back into the burning school. It was practically everyone for themselves at this point. Grace, shocked and stuck in fear couldn't move. Her mouth moved up and down slowly as tears slowly fell from her eyes.

Skyler, who was in the middle of the line stared at the goblins charging at them. Seeing how goblins jumped out of the dense vegetation, stabbing the dispersing students he made up his mind. He turned and ran back towards the burning building.

The chance goblins were in there was low because they just traveled through the halls. Flinging the door open Skyler charged through the burning building. Smoke built up to the extreme at this point. Skyler could barely see past around five feet in front of himself. Turning towards a random door that read Classroom 7, Skyler ran inside.

Blocking the door shut with a bookshelf standing right next to it, Skyler then headed to the window on the other side of the classroom opening it slightly to let out the smoke in the room. Running towards a closet in the back of the room, he found a broomstick, which he quickly equipped.

Breathing heavily he sat underneath the window holding the broomstick in his hand. "What do I do now?" he asked himself as his body shivered.

"Those... Things looked so vicious." He shuddered to himself as he thought back to the scene of a couple of his classmates getting stabbed by the child-sized monsters after trying to run into the forest surrounding them.


The door, blocked by a bookcase shook. "wrahhhh" a noise resounded from the other side. "rawhaaw" Another noise could be heard. "Are they talking to themselves?" Skyler mumbled to himself.


The glass part of the door shattered. A dull knife broke through the door's window. Holding the knife was a skinny green arm, with long brown claws. Two green creatures, the size of a child stood on the freshly broken glass. Smiles formed on their face as they stared at Skyler huddled underneath the window.

"Oh..." Skyler mumbled as he looked at the creatures. "Fuck"

Standing up he held the broomstick tightly pointing one end of the stick towards the creatures. A ridiculous laugh escaped the two goblins. One charged at the shaking Skyler as the other started flanking him.

Understanding the situation Skyler knew he had to take one out as soon as possible or he would be flanked. Charging at the charging goblin Skyler aimed the broomstick at the goblin's body.

Being little agile shits like they are, the goblin dodged to the right, counter-attacking with its dull knife.

Seeing the knife approach him, Skyler's body seemed to go in slow motion, adrenaline rushed through his whole body. 'I don't want to die!' He thought to himself. Bringing his muscles to his limit he swept towards the right with his broomstick.

Connecting with the goblin's neck, a crisp wack resounded throughout the room. The goblin's neck bent slightly, causing the creature to fall towards the ground with a thud. Turning back towards the goblin flanking him, he saw a small green body soaring through the air. "SHIT!" He shouted swinging his broomstick like a bat, nailing the goblin in the feet causing it to flip mid-air, its head connecting with the ground.

Taking the chance of weakness, Skyler stabbed down as hard as possible towards the Goblin's head. Red blood flowed out of its head as it lay motionless on the floor.

"rawha?" A confused sound resounded behind Skyler. Looking back he saw the first goblin get up slowly shaking its head. Rushing towards it he stabbed as hard as possible towards the goblin's body, piercing through its chest.

With a second thud, it fell back on the floor, this time destined to not get up again.

"Holy Shit!" Skyler swore as he dropped his trusty broomstick. Hands shaking and legs feeling as if they were jello. His butt hit the floor as he sat there looking at the dead bodies of the two creatures he just killed.

"What is happening?" Skyler talked to himself as he sat in the middle of the newly bloodied room. "Are we stuck here or will someone save us?"

As he was piecing his thoughts together Skyler saw a small shimmer within the chest of the goblin he stabbed. Standing up with a lot of effort he walked towards the dead body and took out a shiny rock from the goblin wound with his broomstick.

A clank and roll later the shiny rock rested on the floor. Staring at it with a slight interest he slowly reached out. As his hand came closer to the stone, small wisps of blue sprouted from the stone.

The small wisps twirled and funneled into his hand. A warm feeling spread throughout his body as his dull golden eyes slightly brightened.

After a few seconds, the shine of the rock dulled. Leaving a grayish pebble on the floor.

Energy seemed to spread through Skyler's whole body as he stood stably, staring at his hands. "Wow, this feels amazing!"