
Chapter 41: Late night walk

After a scrumptious meal, the group had theoretical lessons about bombs. It was a good lesson to be honest. Ryan is actually a good teacher despite how unreliable he is on a normal basis.

He talked about fundamentals of explosions, a little bit of history and trivia of it's modern usage in the age of magics. He even made a small play—a demonstration of sorts of how an explosive goes BOOM!

He definitely didn't set that off near Khelly on purpose. He really didn't. He swore to the moon and back. And he's definitely not being petty for his blunder in their cooking session a while back.

Though no matter what the boy says, Leila could definitely smell the bitterness he lets off. She saw many people venting in such ways in the years she lived as a goddess and the short life she lived as a human. Her eyes are discerning enough to spot them when she sees them.

That episode ended up with a fight. The two duking it out in the ground like some immature brats who had both enormous egos offended. The former goddess felt her veins throb in annoyance as she saw them all rowdy.

Thinking that it's a waste of time, she once again made Harvey take care of the troublesome matters. Thankfully the boy also had enough fighting and had personally separated the two. He was fuming mad that he promises the pair to be prepared for a world of pain the moment they go back to the city. Real pain will be felt when everyone is back in their natural elements.

Although the two were used by the green eyed boy giving them a mocking sneer or just a smile of distaste, currently the boy's smile is particularly pleasing to look at. His features softened and he looked absolutely handsome. But it somehow gives the impression of dread. Dangerous but alluring.

It scared them more than anything they knew of. That something a little out of norm(at least to what they are used to) is actually so intimidating. And it made them behave like they are having their Magic Language class. Too terrified to earn the ire of their incharge.

With that the night concluded for the group. Well everyone except the one in charge to keep watch and Leila who is off to see some acquaintances.

Though they had made some changes with their schedules before they settled the next night. Instead of having the hunting group go out in the mornings, they move it to the afternoon activities instead. Harvey reasoned that although his specialty was not really very specific on time, doing it in the mornings is more convenient for them. Something about waking the muscle for later work and whatnot.

There were no objections, so it was finalized after a few more words. Quite an easygoing affair, something that the other groups of their class will be envious of if they know. Miles away their classmates are having arguments over arrangements and opinions, a physical fight is just a little a step away into blowing up.

Compared to those groups, Leila and her people are getting ready to sleep. They even have time to mess around. Invidious team dynamics to have.

There are three tents in the camp. One for the boys, one for the girls, and one for the adults. The adults volunteered to take rounds for the night watch, making sure the children got enough rest for tomorrow's activities. A suggestion that has been warmly welcomed by the kids. They really need a good sleep over the drastic things they did since they arrived.

Khelly and Sophie were instantly knocked out the moment they laid to their sleeping bags. No doubt exhausted and spent to do anything else. Which is kind of expected, but a welcome thing for Leila. Her escapes will be more convenient with them asleep.

Dressed in easy to move clothings, something the black haired girl has reminded them to do in the case of emergency. One must be an idiot to wear a nightdress in this kind of place. If an attack were to happen, you can't expect such wear will provide enough protection a casual wear or a practical clothes could ever provide.

To keep things discrete enough, a clone was made to be in her place. It was hastily made, but enough for the purpose. Though to the former goddess' standard it's far from satisfactory. She's definitely honing this skill of hers to mastery on a later time.

Giving instructions to her clone for a while, Leila then transported herself to the heart of the valley—Lake Laura.

When she appeared again, she found herself in familiar surroundings. Towering trees that are competing to be the tallest bathing in the moonlight, fireflies flickering all over as they flew and about, calm and peaceful lake that lulls any passer bys, and the odd sense of oppression that came from all directions.

The whole valley is a strange place even by the former goddess' standards. Lake Luanne was characterized by its lowlands. It's dwellers often than not are herbivores, predators few in variety. It's also the biggest of the three lakes, at least the two lakes need to be added together to be the same size as Luanne's Lake. In some people's words it's the catch basin of the whole valley, that is why it is very large.

Lake Lola was the opposite of Lake Luanne. Located near the mountains themselves where high cliffs are overseeing. It's also the smallest of the three lakes. Maybe due to its location it sparingly has enough water to expand, furthermore it is the only water source in its area. It's inhabitants are more often than not birds of prey. Feasting over the water creatures that were nurtured by the mountains' blessing and the small animals that roamed around the grounds.

Last but not the least Lake Laura. Located at the heart of the valley. Home to old trees that are imposing in heights. Not too small as Lake Lola nor as massive Lake Luanne. It's residents are often big and powerful, if not are cunning and nimble. It's also the most dangerous of all lakes as the creatures here have some sorts of society, with rules to be met and laws to be followed. Something that is almost human -like, but primitive enough to only let the strongest to survive.

Leila surveyed the area. It was as if there was little to no changes since the last she came here. It's still the jungle of tall trees. With many leaves on the ground, and shading enough to only let the moonlight peek through the gaps of foliage.

No surprises though. Compared to a city or at least to a significantly urbanized area, to places far from civilization things don't differ much unless something drastic is happening. Like earthquakes— natural disasters on the matter, aftermaths of such catastrophes that drastically alter the whole surroundings. Leila reckons it will take at least decades for something to change.

Walking to the nearest living creature. Leila whistled slowly to announce her presence. To declare her arrival to the lake's dwellers. And that she wishes no harm to be done in her being as much as she wishes nothing bad towards theirs. She conveys her will to meet the lake's ruler, wanting to talk about some serious matters.

A small ferret approached her and took a long stare at her. It listened to her words as if remembering all of it by its heart. After assessing her of sorts, it ran away to the bushes informing the whole community about the foreign presence. Especially so to the ones who the outside is addressed to.

Finishing her announcement, the former goddess directly went to the nearby biggest tree. Sturdy and old was it's majestic presence, like it had always been there since the time immortal. Sheltering and witnessing the various changes of the land. She decided to wait there. It's eye-catching enough.

She then moved her gaze into the beautiful tree at the small islet of the lake. It's purple in its leaves and sturdy golden brown in barks. Mythical and mysterious its whole presence in the still waters.

It is the home of her acquaintances, the feared Silver Wolves. Said to be descendants of some fierce legendary race, a harbinger of death and destruction. Old and powerful, massive and savage.

As if sensing the girl's presence, a young cub appeared on the lake's waters. Seeing her, it greeted her enthusiastically. Running in full speed to her direction, it looked like it was floating in the waters. Leaving only small ripples on the still surface.

It's glittering and silvery and shiny under the moonlight. Eyes green like emeralds, sparkling with purity and intelligence. A beautiful creature born to rule over the land it stands on.

The wolf youngling yelped in happiness. It pounced into the girl's stomach making the two of them landing into the grounds. It then licked the girl's face to show its affections.

"Nice to see you too pup." Leila said with a warm smile. In her pleasant mood, her blue eyes are now orange unimpeded by her special eyeglasses. She left them at the tent, more comfortable to go without it as much as she can.

Frolicking for a while, the two finally calmed down. The pup led the girl into its dwelling where its family was. It whimpers and bark as it guides her along the way, like it is telling her all its grievances when the girl hasn't visited it.

Once in a while Leila hummed in response to the whimpers and barks of the young pup. It made the whole journey calming, at peace in contrast to the looming unease slowly descending as the night went deeper.

As it's home was in the middle of the lake, the young wolf stumped it's paws into the water to make a path. At its strike, a frozen bridge was made. It ran into the ice looking back at the girl once in a while. It was as if it was inviting her to have a match with it.

Filled with childish sensations, Leila indulged the young cub. She raced with it to it's home. It was liberating, as if she is once again one with nature. That she is once again back to what she was once before.

When they arrived at the foot of the mystical tree, a huge wolf was there. It lays on its stomach that looks at least two floors high in its current position.

As if sensing their arrival. It opened its tantalizing blue eyes. Gazing and appraising what their presence will bring to it.

Editing Progress: 42/42

Edited: 1/20/20

MyNameIsTakencreators' thoughts
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