We're in Love, but I feel there is no more the same love between us.

Sometimes, I type a message and suddenly erase it without sending it to him.

I call him and end the call without even ring a dial tone.

I am in very deep pain and alone.

I can only express my views to him, but he is busy with his works and his own problems.

My daily routines were typing a message of all my feelings and erase it…

And dialing a call and end it without a ring…

I am eagerly waiting for him to understand that I am living in a world given by him called Darkness with full of past memories…

I wish he could see my pain…

I am just waiting for a miracle to happen, that one day I could come of out of this dark world and replace them with new memories…

I wish that he knows that he is my world now…

He became my weakness, my strength, my happiness, my sorrow and everything starts from him and ends with him…

I think about him like 24/7, where I don't know if he at least thinks about me…

My whole world has gone into gloom; it was just like living with a body without a soul in it…

His smile enlightens my day, but now there are no smiles, no conversations, everything is missing…

Love isn't the only answer for me…

I need something else than LOVE…

Yet, many people lack a clear understanding of what love is.

Everyone assume that they had already confessed their love once, so the person will stay no matter what we do, and think that there is no need to express their love again and again.

This is the main cause of all problems; due to this many people end their relationship.

The power of love or expressing it is overestimated.

As a result, our relationships with our own people we care about suffer.

That's why love is not enough.

An unrealistic understanding of the concept of love can cause us quite some trouble.

What happens when we overestimate the power of love can be seen all around us.

When we think that only confessing love once is everything, it's likely that our relationship lack some important emotions which we have to know and understand them.

Love alone cannot compensate the ignorance, patience, compromises, mutual respect.

Healthy relationships take much more than just love.

We need to care, respect their feelings and also do little things which make them happy.

Love isn't going to fix me; I always wanted his time where he could do little things for me which involves his efforts, caring which makes feel very happy…

I need his time.

My Life doesn't automatically restart as soon as love kicks in. It's really very tough for me or anyone to come back to a normal person after such long suffering.

His mistakes committed in the past will not be undone.

My pain about unresolved issues will not fade. Love requires lot of care, time, attention, efforts, mutual respect and compromises.

That's what a healthy relationship means and it's a wonderful thing.

It makes us care for the needs of our partner.

These were all her unsaid feelings, which were never conveyed to me by my love.

She was always silent, and I couldn't understand until I realized what she has gone through.

After knowing how much pain I gave to her. I felt to write her feelings through my words.

After all, I want her to feel just as great as I do.

She needs more than love. Love is not enough.

I hope, I will never make her feel this pain, and give my time which she needs in Future.

✍️ ఆరుధ్ర ఈశ్వర్ ✍️
