
Chapter 1

An explosion resonated over a forest that only moments ago had been completely peaceful.

"You shall not my temple! Join me, one way or the other." The Necromancer Queen yelled, unscorched by the fire.

"You and your unholy creating will perish under the blade of Helm!" The paladin charged in once more with his great sword.

However, his blade never reached the Necromancer Queen. It embedded itself in the flank of a giant warrior. The latter had putrefied flesh leaking though the joints of its armor.

"Aaaarghhhhh." Yelled the barbarian, as articulate as ever, and charged in as well.

But the undead soldier had picked up on what was going on. With its shield, it pushed the paladin away, sending him flying into a nearby tree.

"Do not worry friends, Pholtos shall guide us with his ethereal light." The cleric ran up to the paladin to heal him.

The ground suddenly began shaking and gazers of acid suddenly erupted from it. The paladin and cleric both managed to get out of the way, but the barbarian hadn't been so lucky. His flesh began to slowly peel away as he let out a hellish scream. He didn't go down however, his eyes burning with rage.

This sight made the Necromancer Queen react in quite a predictable way. She laughed with her evil laughter, preparing her next move.

Now, you might be wondering where I come in in all this. Well, I rolled a bashing nat 1 on my initiative, so even the lair action got its turn before me.

"Cleric! Use your fire spells on them, zombies are vulnerable to fire. Don't waste your spell slots on the paladin, he has lay on hands ! Barbarian, stop wacking it, its AC is 20 right now, so focus on getting rid of that shield." I yelled to my companions. Thankfully in this world this counted as a bonus action.

I then hit the kobold zombie in front of me with my torch, dealing somewhere between a d4 and a d6 of damage. I still had my movement left, but I would've gotten an attack of opportunity from my opponent, which wasn���t a risk I was willing to take.

"You are not strong enough to defeat me, your bodies will soon join the ranks of my undead army!" The Necromancer Queen yelled, marking the end of my turn.

Now, you might ask yourself how exactly I ended up in that predicament. Well, I am not quite sure myself. The last thing I remember is catching a cold, and then laying at the hospital with tubes pushed down my throat. Despite my memory being blurry, I still recall being a huge fan of tabletop rpgs, with dungeons and dragons 5e being my favorite system. That's how I knew about zombies, and that's how I knew about class abilities.

The issue is that I'm not sure what class I am supposed to be. So far, I haven't been able to cast any spells (despite getting all the components and practicing over and over with incantations). Based on the fact that during our last fight I got stabbed once and almost died, I know I can't be a fighter, paladin, barbarian or ranger. I am half decent with a bow though, so maybe my character multiclassed?

What I know for sure is that I am still a human. I look very similar to how I looked in my original world as well, apart from a few white strands in my hair and a perfect skin. But humans are the worst race to play in dnd ! They can't see in the dark, like our Elven cleric, nor are they immune to any damage types like our Tiefling paladin. And if they drop to 0 hit points, they don't get up, unlike the half-orc barbarian.

Seriously, I don't know my class, I am a shitty human, and I don't even have access to my character sheet.

The only reason this party had taken me with them is because I managed to discover who had cast a 'darkess' spell in a town's center. Spoiler alert, it was out very drunk (at the time) Tiefling paladin who had that spell as a racial feature.

The ground shook once more. Parts of it falling though the roof of the temple below.

It was my turn again, and since I didn't pay attention at all to this round of combat, I was forced to spend my bonus action assessing the situation.