

Around the year 2020 Ara Roxanne Black-Lupin is a sixth year student at Hogwarts along with the Weasley twins. She has great singing and guitar skills, that the twins and Lee could use for their band, "Trolls in the Dungeon". Will she agree to take part in the band? Will anything interesting happen between her and her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory? Read it to find out... DISCLAIMER: I absolutely love Cedric and will write fanfiction about him I just was in need for a character in the 6th year. Sorry about that.

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13 Chs


I stared at the black and white patterned carpet, while eating a piece of chocolate. My hair was tied into a ponytail. I was worried sick for my dads, Moony and Pads.

Moony is a werewolf, and tonight is a full moon. Pads is an animagus, he turns into a dog every full moon with him, and they both run around the forest until dawn. Initially it had been my dad, my Uncle Prongs and some other dude who turned into animagi to be with Pa. Uncle Prongs is a stag, it's so freaking cool. However, when my cousin Harry was born, my Aunt Lily forbade Uncle James from going with them, and the other dude was somewhere in China, doing something for the Ministry, so it was only my dads.

A hand touched my right shoulder and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. It was my Aunt Lils, whose vanilla scent invaded my nostrils. She held two cups of tea, one for me and one for her. This is what we do when full moons when I'm not at Hogwarts. When we're at Hogwarts I turn into a silver fox and run with my dads.

"Honey, why are you on the floor? Let 's sit." Aunt Lil said, and both of us sat on the grey couch in front of the TV. I sipped my tea, and rested my head on her shoulder. She held my face and said, "They'll be alright, A."

"I know," I said, even though it was very nice to hear her reassurance.

"Anyways, are you excited for your fourth year?" She asked me.

"Honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I'm excited to see my friends, I haven't seen them in ages, but I don't want to start studying and doing homework."

"I feel you. I felt the same when I was your age. Now I can't wait to get rid of Harry and Lottie."

I chuckled. "I'd feel the same way. I know Lottie's already sleeping, but where's Harry?"

"He's at the Weasleys' A!" Uncle Prongs shouted from the kitchen. "They have two boys your age, George and Fred, I'm sure you'd get along well with them."

"That's likely," I mumbled under my breath.

I had heard about them before, I mean, who hadn't heard about the red-headed twins and their partner in crime Lee Jordan? They were basically royalty at Hogwarts. Flocks of girls surrounded them at every free period, drooling all over them. They had a band, 'Golden Snitches', where Fred played the drums, Lee played bass and George played guitar. All three also sang.

Uncle Prongs sat between me and Aunt Lil, as I rested my head on his lap. I fell asleep as we watched episodes of the Bachelor, and presumably Uncle James was the one who placed me on Harry's bed.


"Morning A, how did you sleep?" Asked Aunt Lily, as I slowly opened my eyes. I reached for my phone, 9:30. "I'll wait for you downstairs with your Uncle Prongs. I have left you Harry's sweatpants and Uncle Prongs' zip up with one of my tank tops, so that you can change out of yesterday's clothes. You also have underwear and a towel in the bathroom if you want to shower."

"A shower actually sounds great, see you downstairs." I said as I grabbed my clothes and headed for the door. I took off Lottie's volleyball shorts and Uncle Prongs' NIRVANA hoodie and hopped on the shower. I washed my hair and changed into black "stop looking at my dick" sweatpants with a red tank top and a black zip-up. I wrapped a towel around my hair and went downstairs to have breakfast.

The smell of pancakes took me to the kitchen, where Lottie, Aunt Lily and Uncle Prongs were throwing raspberries to each other. I sat down at the table.

"Good morning Ara," said Uncle Prongs, as Aunt Lily served pancakes into a white plate.

"Morning." I answered, "Morning to you too Lots."

"Good morning," she said as she fiddled with her fork.

Aunt Lily passed me the plate as she said, "Ara, honey, we will be taking you to the station, because yesterday your parents arrived late. They'll apparate to Hogsmeade at the time the train arrives, they'll apparate with your baggage too. We'll meet with Harry and the Weasleys at the station."

Great, I'll have to deal with Tweedledum and Tweedledumber at 10:30 am. I thought to myself, as I poured syrup on my pancakes.

As if he had read my mind, Uncle Prongs said. "I can accompany Ara to her wagon while you're picking Harry up. I'll say goodbye to him later. Only if she is okay with it, obviously."

"Sure." I said, relieved, as I threw him a thankful glance.


We arrived to the station, and saw 7 redheads and a brunette boy, standing inside of platform 9 3/4, which was cloaked to Muggles. I presumed that were Harry and the Weasleys. Harry approached us, I was right.

"Hey Mum, hey Dad. Hi 'Anne," Harry then paused to look at her outfit. "Are that my clothes?"

"Yeah, yesterday night I had to stay at yours because of the full moon."

"Oh. Alright, just return them asap." Harry said, then started to turn back to the group.

"You wish!" I said loudly, so that he'd hear me and Lottie giggled.

"You better 'Anne!" he answered without turning back to look at her.

Like I have siblings and Dad and James and Remus and Lily are inseparable, Harry and Lots are the closest thing I have to a brother, and the same but vice-versa.

"Let's get you to your wagon, shall we?" Said James, stretching his hand out for me to grab.

"Sure, bye princess!" I said to Lottie, as I hugged her, then I turned to my godmother. "Bye Aunt Lil! I love you!" I said before kissing her cheek. I literally love her as much as a mom.

"Bye honey I love you too! Be safe!"

We crossed the wall, and James accompanied me to wagon 6, (even though I'd later move to wagon 10 to sit beside Terry and Jane and Cedric.) I hugged him and he kissed my forehead.

"Take care kiddo. If you need anything I'm a phone-call away, and I pinky-swear I will not tell Remus or Lily, but you know I can't keep secrets from Padfoot." He kissed my forehead, again. James is kind of an older brother to me, and he never fails to make me laugh.

"Bye Jamie, love you." I said, entering the train.

"Love you Boobear! Promise you'll call every day! We'll miss you so much R!" He shouted as I entered the wagon, clearly aiming to embarrass me.

I simply flipped him off and walked to wagon 10.