
I, The Number One Villain of Konoha Village

Traveling to the Naruto world, binding the villain system, and reaping rewards as long as one commits evil acts. In this tale, Uchiha Yuu, a formidable contender for leadership within the Uchiha clan, fixes his gaze upon Uchiha Mikoto with a sly grin. "Mikoto, as Fugaku's fiancée, surely you wouldn't want Uchiha Fugaku to be denied his birthright as patriarch!" Amidst the chaos of the Third Ninja War, amid the cries of battle on the battlefield. "Kushina, you cannot bear to witness Minato's demise amidst the carnage of war!" Within the clandestine confines of Akatsuki's lair, a blade poised threateningly at Nagato's throat. "konan, can you truly stomach the thought of losing your sole remaining friend in such a brutal manner?" "..." It's a translation, btw

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31 Chs

The Clash of Captains: Deputy vs. Captain

Yuu, the most powerful member of the Uchiha family, was at odds with Uchiha Fugaku, the son of the patriarch, but many Konoha executives were happy to see it.

Konoha executives don't want to see a united Uchiha, so some elders are still behind the scenes, making the relationship between Yuu and Uchiha Fugaku extremely rigid.

"Captain Yuu isn't late; it's just that some guys arrived too early."

Uchiha Eren looked at Uchiha Fugaku with a sneer.

Seeing Uchiha Eren, who was assisting yuu, Uchiha Fugaku's expression darkened further, his demeanor turning more menacing.

Similar to Uchiha Leo, Uchiha Eren is also a staunch supporter of Yuu and ranks among the most formidable members of the Uchiha family. His strength is nearly on par with that of Uchiha Fugaku.

"I'm speaking with Uchiha Yuu. It's not your place to interrupt. Who do you think you are?"

Uchiha Fugaku regarded Uchiha Eren with indifference(cold stare).

"you wanna die?."

Uchiha Eren's fury intensified as he swiftly retrieved a kunai from his ninja pouch.

"Eren, there's no need to waste words with trash," declared Yuu, the dominant figure, breaking his silence.

"He's nothing but a waste. What can you expect from him?" Yuu cast a disdainful glance at Uchiha Fugaku, making his contempt for him clear.

The Uchiha clan met its downfall under the leadership of Uchiha Fugaku. Regardless of the reasons, as the patriarch who led the family to ruin, it's an undeniable fact,Yuu berated him, labeling him as a failure.

"Uchiha Yuu."

With an angry shout, Uchiha Fugaku drew the sword from its sheath behind him and slashed toward Yuu.

The blade struck Yuu's body, and with a resounding "bang," white smoke enveloped him, revealing only a wooden log in his place.

"Konoha Village prohibits ninjas from attacking their own comrades, Uchiha Fugaku. Do you wish to be branded a traitor?"

Yuu appeared behind Uchiha Fugaku with a sneer and kicked him out.

Although Uchiha Fugaku's strength as an Elite Jōnin is not weak, there is still a significant gap compared to Yuu. After all, Yuu has already stepped into Kage-level with one foot.

Rolling from the ground, Uchiha Fugaku got up in a state of embarrassment.

"Hmph, you don't know whether to live or die," Uchiha Fugaku muttered defiantly.(making a seal for fire dragon jutsu)

Yuu also formed a seal.

A colossal Great Fireball, with a diameter exceeding ten meters, clashed with a fire dragon.

In an instant, the immense fireball crushed the fire dragon and surged forward toward Uchiha Fugaku.

"How is this possible?" Uchiha Fugaku exclaimed in disbelief. He quickly employed the Body Flicker Technique to evade, feeling embarrassed. The spot where he had been standing transformed into a sea of flames in an instant, leaving a large crater in the ground.

Uchiha Fugaku, his expression grim, glared at Yuu. Yuu had employed the Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique, a C-level ninjutsu, which was considered one of the most fundamental Fire Style techniques by the Uchiha clan. Meanwhile, Fugaku had utilized the Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique, a B-level ninjutsu.

Consequently, the C-level ninjutsu wielded by Yuu unexpectedly overpowered his B-level counterpart.

"Master Yuu's prowess is truly beyond the reach of someone like Uchiha Fugaku. Only Master Yuu is worthy of assuming the mantle of patriarch," Uchiha Eren remarked, his tone respectful as he gazed at Yuu.

His reverence for Yuu stems from Yuu's formidable strength, offering the Uchiha clan its best chance of producing a Kage-level powerhouse.

Since the departure of the Uchiha clan's progenitor, Uchiha Madara, the clan has been in decline, failing to produce a Kage-level powerhouse for many years.

The current patriarch is merely a Kage-level powerhouse, and having sustained severe injuries in the Second Ninja World War, his lifespan is likely limited.

 Yuu swiftly moved, employing the Body Flicker Technique to appear before Uchiha Fugaku, delivering a powerful blow to his abdomen.

In response, Uchiha Fugaku activated his Three Tomoe Sharingan, but upon locking eyes with Yuu, he froze in place.

Both Yuu and Uchiha Fugaku activated their Three Tomoe Sharingan. Although identical in appearance, the intensity of their ocular abilities varied.

Despite Uchiha Fugaku being seven years older than Yuu, the latter had unlocked and mastered the Three Tomoe Sharingan earlier and with greater skill.

Although Uchiha Fugaku attempted to use his Sharingan to cast an illusion, it barely lasted a second. In that brief moment, Yuu's fist connected with Uchiha Fugaku's abdomen.

The force of the blow sent Uchiha Fugaku hurtling more than ten meters away, crashing through the nearby guardhouses.

Uchiha Fugaku, who had vomited blood and was almost fainting, attempted to rise when a foot suddenly loomed before his eyes and stamped down on his head.


Uchiha Fugaku's head was forcefully slammed into the ground.

"Dare to fight with me, I really don't know whether to live or die," Yuu proclaimed.

His foot pressed down with such force that Uchiha Fugaku's face contorted.

"The captain is mighty," 

Uchiha Eren was thrilled to witness Yuu's act of stomping Uchiha Fugaku under his feet.

Previously, Yuu had shown little interest in the position of patriarch. However, his ruthless attack on Uchiha Fugaku raised questions. Was he aiming to claim the position of Uchiha's patriarch?

"We must spread the news and inform the family that Fugaku was defeated by Lord Yuu, rendering him unfit to be the patriarch," Uchiha Eren muttered to himself.

"Uchiha Yuu, release Captain Fugaku!" Those who sided with Uchiha Fugaku shouted out as Uchiha Fugaku suffered a severe beating.

Yuu simply ignored them. Those who lacked the courage to take action were not worthy of his direct attention.

"Uchiha Fugaku attacked fellow ninjas from the same village, arrest him,"Yuu instructed Uchiha Eren.

"Yes, Captain."

After retracting his foot, Yuu ordered Uchiha Eren to apprehend Uchiha Fugaku, who complied by immediately rallying a few others to capture him and lock him up.

The few ninjas who sided with Uchiha Fugaku exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what to do. While they considered stopping the capture, they lacked the courage to oppose Yuu directly.

"What should we do?"

"Let's report this to the patriarch. He'll know what to do."

Feeling unable to resolve the situation themselves and wary of provoking Uchiha Yuu, they opted to inform the patriarch instead.

"What did you say? Fugaku was arrested by Uchiha Yuu??."

Despite being in his fifties, the Uchiha clan leader, who appeared as old as seventy, was filled with anger.

"Uchiha Yuu, what does this mean?"

He suspected that Uchiha Yuu had planned something against his son for the position of patriarch.

Now in the Uchiha family, the only one qualified to compete with Fugaku for the position of patriarch is Uchiha Yuu. He doesn't believe that Uchiha Yuu has no plans for the position of patriarch.

"You just stood by and watched Fugaku get arrested by Uchiha Yuu?" the patriarch asked angrily, glaring at the people in front of him.

Several individuals bowed their heads, too afraid to speak. Of course, they wouldn't have hesitated if it were someone else, but it was Uchiha Yuu who had arrested Uchiha Fugaku.

Even if Uchiha Fugaku was easily taken care of, stepping up would a gift!

Of course, the primary concern is fear; there are rumors that Uchiha Yuu can be ruthless.