

On that ordinary day, your every normal day is what it should be. God suddenly appointed me as a Second Son Of God, what should i do now?

Fallen_Star_17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 - World Change, Mysterious Forces.

# Chapter 3 - World Change, Mysterious Forces.

***I Suddenly Become The Second Son Of God Chapter 3 - World Changed, Mysterious Forces.**

It was already been 3 day after that ceremony happen, during this 3 days the world are in turmoil.

Many people are finding the Second Son Of God - which is me - while some people are in utter confusion. The governments ask many physicists, scientists and researchers about what did happen, after researching they did not found a single clue. While the popes and priests all over the world are trying so hard to find the 'Second Son Of God' and even the popes who are in the seclusion came out, this people are the one with severely obsession with catholics.

The governments of all nation announce yesterday that 'It was God, we are certain about it. Hearing about the announcement, the second son of God had been crowned.' after hearing this announcement many people rejoiced.

"The God indeed not abandoned us!"

"Oh Almighty God!"



Many people shouted, and many celebrated. But even if they celebrated it still useless if they did not found me.

Three days ago after coming back home from the church, mother ask me to explain this. Of course i did said and explained it, My mom was quite shocked about it.

Because of that happening, the classes are temporary suspended as the government tries to investigate it.

Also during this three days i researched this newly found power, it seems like i can do anything i want. Like teleporting, condensing fire or any elements, and etc, But strangely its feels more weak.

I decided to go to the heaven as it was one thing i can do, i discover something and i want to ask him.

In the heaven, God is sitting on the large throne but his form is now different. It is a old human like figure but with more vitality, Except for the eye color nothing has changed, the eye color changed into deep black darker than anything.

"Why are you here, Julius?" The God ask on his throne.

"There is something i found strangely..." I said.


"The world seem filling more vitality and an energy? I also found many strange energy all over the world, but i know you already knew it." I said.

"This happening because of what i did. I visited the world with my own body and also let out my consciousness and voice, triggering for the energy and vitality to come back again." The God said, explaining to me.

"Oh, i see. I will go now, Bye!" I waved to them, but before i go God said said to me.

"Now that you become the son of God, your existence or identity will slowly forgot in the world. Everyone will forget about you that goes to your family, there will be no 'Julius Perpecto a 15 year old boy and a high school student' but 'Julius the second son of God'" the God explained to me.

"Wait what?! But they still know me, wait how long it will take for them to completely forget about me." i ask to him.

"Maximum of 3 weeks." the God said.

"wait, but Jesus... did his identity also forgotten?" I ask to him.

"Yes "

My face changed to depressed expression. "Oh i see." i said and disappeared.


A figure emerged from the shadows.

"My lord, the young lord talent is quite amazing. He already master 1% of that power" The figure bow down.

"I know, i waiting for the interesting he will do." The God Smile.


I came back and saw my mother and sister is sitting in the couch in the living room, they stared at me and saw my face.

"What happen?" my mother ask.

I said to her everything except for the energy and vitality thingy.

She was shocked.

"Can this be stop?" My mom said worried.


"I see."my mother said.

"Then, brother we have to make a memory before completely forgetting about you!" my sister said.

"Olivia, okay!" i said.

"Dont be sad mom! Lets go to amusement park!" Olivia said to my mother.

We did all kinds of fun, also with my ability. We also travel some tourist places all over the world, well that was the plan.


In a cave, a figure can be seen sitting cross legged.

"This... The spiritual energy is coming back!" the figure exclaimed.

"The ancient scripture is true!" the figure shouted.

"It says. 'When the son of God of crowned, the God will come and bring the energy back onto this land' its really true! This will the revival of the Crescent Moon Sect! " The figure exclaimed and then laugh.

In an underground wodden cave, figure also sitting cross legged. With his palm facing each other.

"Amitabha!" the figure said in a low voice.

"Time for my three golden beads temple to rise!" the figure shouted.

In a white room, a large white room. A figure sitting in a stone chair in the center of a circle.

"Interesting!" the figure exclaimed.

"Hahaha, son of God! Interesting!" the figure laugh.

"Bishop!" the figure call for someone.

A figure emerged from a light.

"Yes my lord." the black cloth figure said.

"Gather the 12 zodiacs!"the figure said.

"Okay my lord " the black cloth figure said and disappeared.

In a ruined temple in unknown location, inside the temple a coffin can be seen. A female figure rose from the coffin, she smiled.

"HEHEHE, Oh second son of God, i cant wait to meet you." the figure smiled.

She stand up and the surroundings become night.

"Rise my legions!" the figure shouted. The ground cracked.

"HAHAHA" the figure laughed out loud.


But even though this is happening i don't know any of it, not a single clue well for now. I still have to enjoy this last few moments of mine with my family.