

On that ordinary day, your every normal day is what it should be. God suddenly appointed me as a Second Son Of God, what should i do now?

Fallen_Star_17 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Heaven Vision, Second Son Of God

# Chapter 2 - Heaven Vision, Second Son Of God

At the church.

While kneeling down, I'm quite frustrated.

'What the h*ck happen, what the heck is that dream?'

Im so frustrated thinking about it just now.

More than 6 hours ago, in that dream. I met a guy sitting at the white throne with 12 angels beside the carpet standing, in the dream.

All of them facing me.

"Welcome Julius, Congratulations for coming here" said by the guy with white hair, golden eyes and brown skin.

'He.... How did he know my name?'

"Who are you? How can a dream person knows my name." I said facing them with fearless eyes.

"Dream? HAHAHA this is a dream? Yeah, you can call it a dream but also is not" Said by the white haired guy.

"Answer my question, who are you?" I ask to him.

"Let see how should i introduce my self....." He cut his sentence, a second before continuing.

"I am known by many names and forms....." he said and then stand up.

His body glowed a golden light and his form changed.

"Some call me the Heavenly Dao..." He changed to a white light. His form changed again.

"Some call me the Universe it self...." His form changed into a universe like form. He changed again.

"While some call me Yahweh the God" he changed into a humanoid form but a golden light surrounds by heaven like lights. He then changed into his previous form.

He sit at the throne. "I am what you all called God" he said exposing the domineering aura.

'Wait, if I am seeing God that means. Im in the heaven and Im-'

"Don't worry, you are not dead. As you guess this is heaven. I'd make you sleep, and pulled your consciousness here and also to let you experience your previous dreams" the God said while looking at me.

That made me sigh for relief, good thing i am not dead yet.

"So why i am here?" I ask.

"You are here because I chosen you to be my second son." the God said.

"W-what? Second son? Of God?" my head was full of confusion.

"Before you are even born, i already appointed you as my second son. When you are still at you mother's womb, Mary blessed you and your mother, a week before you are born Jesus also blessed you and acknowledged you" The God explained.

'W-What? How? Why?'

"Before you become a fetus, you are just a little soul. I then blessed you, after you were born a give you a sacred body.

But your ability is too strong, influencing your surrounding. I decided to seal it for a while, i also guide you as you grow giving you fortunes and misfortunes.

Are not you quite lucky? Being guided by the God itself."

"Wait, out of all humans. Why do you picked me?" i ask.

God smiled. "For fun. Hehehe"

"Later, i will officially appoint you as my second son" God said as he smiled.

He flicked his finger. "Jesus."

A handsome young man then come in, it was Jesus. His features is also quite similar to the description of the sacred scriptures.

"Yes father?" Jesus ask.

"As you see, this is you second brother"

Jesus eyes become delighted and his pupils changed to a golden one.

"Oh you are that little one, hehehe you grown up now." Jesus said.

"I will also give you a little bit of my power during the ceremony later on, and also unseal the seal on you." God proclaim.

"Wait wait! I still cant process of what is happening!" I exclaimed.

God smiled. "I think it is time for you to wake up"

My surrounding started to blacken, my mind starting to dizzy.

*Hoo, Haa*

Breathing rapidly, my head is hurt. Touching my forehead while thinking about that 'Dream'

'What the heck is that?!'

Back to the present, in the middle of the mass.

While kneeling.

Already finished the half session, almost about to end.

"Please stand up" the priest said.

Suddenly when it about time to stand up, a dazzling light suddenly appear at the top of the altar.

Im one of the few people who already stand up.

But suddenly all other people except for my suddenly kneeling down, they suddenly face at me while kneeling.

The sky at the top of the church suddenly opened up, one can see the palace above it.

All people suddenly kneeled down, all facing one direction the church where I'm in.

All people in the earth suddenly kneeled down, even if one has a broken leg it suddenly healed just to kneel, the blind can now see just to see the grace of heaven. Even if one has a cancer or in the deathbed or has extreme condition or sickness, they been fully recovered just to kneel and see this phenomena.

Two humanoid angel came down from the heaven through the top of sky of the church. A throne also followed down with a golden light figure sitting on it its none other that God.

All things, non living things and living things kneeled down. Even if one inside the church can see what is happening outside.

The whole planet kneeled down, the whole universe kneeled down!

"I announced to all things, i appointed someone as my second son! The Second Son Of God!" The God announced.

"With my word, he can do anything he want!" after saying it, he disappeared. The angels also came back to the sky. The suppression also disappeared, they can now move.

All people outside the church confused who is this second son of God, some even trying find it now. But the people inside the have a clue who it is, the one who the light shine on during this, the only one who stand up during the suppression.

It none other than me, Julius Perpecto.

Now after the suppression all people stand up, but am their eyes are glaring at me.

'Oh sh*t, this is a bad situation is not it?'

Remembering what God said in that 'Dream'

'God said i have a power right? I should try it out'

Let get me, my sister and mom get out of this first, my mom is still shocked while my sister glaring at me fiercely.

"Lets go out first" I said to them.

We are about to go outside through the door but someone suddenly appeared.

"Where the Second son going?" Its the priest.


'Dealing with them is a pain in the ass'

I clicked my finger and disappeared from the scene.

The space surrounding changed.

We arrived at home.

"Jul, care to explain?" my mom ask.