
Chapter 16: Eyes that do not see, hearts that feel. Part 1 (2)

"Let me see" Clyde taps Andy's nose. "You don't have anything. I don't see any fractures. You're bleeding a little from your right nose" Clyde opens his bag, takes out a cotton ball, and puts it on Andy's nose.

"Thank you, buddy."

"Whenever you want, Andy, By the way, guys, what are you doing outside at this hour?"

"Go to school. Aren't you going?"

"No, it's New Year's Eve. There are no classes today"

"Oh, what the heck? I just got out of bed, to no avail. Okay, see you the day after tomorrow."

Both friends knew that Andy had no family, so Andy would definitely spend New Year's Eve alone. This was something they could not allow.

"Hey, Andy."


"You know, our neighborhood is having a New Year's Eve party. Clyde and I were wondering if you wanted to come."

"Party? Sounds good. Okay, I'll go."

"Excellent, we'll see you there. Oh, sorry, Lincoln, I didn't mean to."

"Don't worry, Clyde, I'm not upset."

"Should I bring something?"

"We just want to have a good time," Clyde answered.

"See you tonight. I'm going home to sleep." Andy leaves for his house.

The three friends were very excited about the party that night. More than anything, Lincoln. Well, this will be his first New Year's Eve party spent with his family in a long time.

It was already 6:30 pm. On Franklin Street, everyone was preparing for the banquet to be held to celebrate the New Year. In the neighborhood, the residents were dressed in their best clothes, their best perfumes, and their best menus.

At Myrtle and Albert's house.

On Lincoln's bed was an open box with a note in it: "Happy New Year from Venomous Industries." It was a party suit.

Lincoln was finishing putting on his new suit that he was going to wear that night when the sound of someone knocking on the door caught his attention. The boy gave permission to whoever was entering. It was Albert, who was already dressed for the party, opened the door and entered the boy's room.

"How elegant you are, son."

Lincoln was wearing a suit consisting of blue-gray pants and a jacket over a gray shirt held in place by leather straps that crossed the upper chest in the form of a tie with a scorpion pin decorating the top.

"Thank you, Grandpa. It was a gift from my work."

"This job gives you many benefits."

"A little, yes."

"Well, you seem like quite a businessman, son. Come, let's go down so grandma can see you."

Both men go to where Myrtle is waiting for them, ready. When she saw her grandson, she couldn't help but pinch his cheeks with tenderness.

"Aww, you look like a gentleman, son."

"Thank you, Grandma Myrtle."

"Good. If the three of us are ready, let's go to the party and wish this year in style."

Albert headed with his wife and grandson to the event hall, where the end-of-year party would be held.

The Loud family was already there. The girls invited some of their friends, including Polly, Giggles, Haiku, Tabby, Carol, and Fiona, among others, along with their families.

Lori constantly checked her cell phone. Well, Bobby was supposed to arrive at the party before the Casagrande family, who were already there. They explained that Bobby had a problem with his car and took it in for a last-minute repair.

All guests dressed in their most elegant clothes and wore masks. They are all very luxurious. The banquet was served at one of the two tables in the venue. While the band consisting of Luna, Sam, and Tabby livened up the atmosphere.

Everyone danced until the door opened, catching everyone's attention. Albert and Myrtle entered first, followed by their grandson. As they entered, all eyes fell on Lincoln. A song played in the background as he walked.

Everyone's reactions were different when the boy entered the room.

While Lincoln's parents showed so much pride that tears escaped their eyes, it was different for the rest. Especially for girls.

Leni dropped her glass when she saw her brother in that suit; Luna, who was tuning her guitar because she was watching Lincoln, pulled her string too much and broke it; Tabby, who was in charge of the drums, threw her drumsticks, causing a domino effect that sent all the drum pieces scattered all over the stage. Lynn and Polly, who were eating one of the party snacks, threw them to the floor. Lucy and Haiku couldn't hide their admiration for what they saw because their cheeks were extremely red, highlighted by the paleness of their skin. Luan and Giggles's mouths were wide open, as were their eyes, while the poke flowers they were wearing as decorations began to drain. Fiona and Carol licked their lips as they pressed their legs together, gasping for breath. Ronnie-Anne, who was pouring a glass herself, spilled it on Carl's head, while Carlotta, who was taking a selfie at the time, dropped her phone into a bowl. Finally, Linka had a mesmerizing expression, her eyes wide open and full of brilliance, while Liberty lay unconscious in her chair, with an expression of pleasure and blood dripping from her nose.

"It looks like someone is the center of attention," Myrtle said, nudging Lincoln in the elbow.

The elderly couple quietly advanced among the guests. Unlike Lincoln, who, despite not being able to see, could feel all eyes staring at him—some with lust, some with jealousy—on the part of overprotective fathers of their daughters, fortunately, Lincoln's relief came in the form of the sound of the door opening. The McBride family had gone through this with Clyde's three girlfriends. The McBrides already knew of their son's polygamous relationship, and although it was a shocking discovery at first, seeing how much love their son had for these three girls, they decided they could try to be more understanding. Fortunately, polygamy had been legal in the state for a year.

But there was one guest among the new arrivals who stood out more than any other. It was Andy. The orange-haired boy was wearing a white shirt with a tie, gray pants, and black shoes.

For those who did not know the boy, what most caught the attention of the invited guests was that his shirt sleeves were rolled up and fastened with a safety pin, indicating his "physical disability."

Clyde and Andy approached Lincoln, who was talking to his parents.

"Hey Lincoln!" Andy greeted his friend.

"I'm glad you could come, Andy. Oh yeah. They are my parents. Rita and Lynn Loud. Mum, Dad, he's my friend from school, Andy."

"Nice to meet you." Andy took off his right shoe and extended his foot to greet Mr. Loud. Who stared at him with a mixture of confusion and discomfort. "Yes, I know it's dirty. But my arms aren't that long."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Andy. Nice to meet you too." Both parents greeted the orange-haired boy.

The rest of the night was spent by the guests eating, dancing, and drinking champagne. Especially Leni, who seems to have developed a good appreciation for champagne, as she's already had five glasses, all brought by her current "boyfriend."

It was almost 00:00 AM, so everyone had their masks on.

While the couples danced to a slow song, waiting for midnight to kiss their lovers, most of the girls were looking for a certain boy. It was impossible not to recognize him, even with the mask on, because of his white hair. But this person was not at the party but in the parking lot.

Lincoln and Andy laughed while passing a cigarette bowl.

"This wonder is kicking my ass. Hey, how did you light it if you don't have an arm?"

"Don't underestimate me. My feet aren't just good for kicking."

"You're so weird, bro. I like it hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah"

"Listen. I didn't think you'd agree to go out for a smoke. Didn't you need all your senses?"

Lincoln took a long puff from the cigarette, then exhaled the smoke and replied, "To hell with that. I was so stressed out. I need this."

"And you? Why aren't you over there looking for a girl to kiss?"

"Yeah, of course, kissing someone or kicking someone. I don't like those things." Andy took another drag on his cigarette as he looked out into the parking lot as one of the vehicles parked there moved up and down. "We're not the only ones who skipped the kiss. Someone's having a party in one of the cars."

"Ha ha ha. Quite frisky."

"Damn. That truck won't take that much shaking. It's already a piece of junk."

Hearing these words, Lincoln got back to his senses from the effects of marijuana. "A truck!? Scrap!? Tell me how it is!"

"It's a truck, green and white. It looks like it's from the 1950s."

"It's my dad's truck!"

"But what the hell?"

"Is someone having sex over there?"

"It must be one of your sisters."

"Only two of them have partners. One is on stage, and the other hasn't arrived yet."

"Hey, and your other sister? You know, the blonde with the big tits."

"Leni!!!" Lincoln remembered his older sister's boyfriend.

"Where are you going? You don't know where the truck is parked."

"Then lead me down to the damned road!"

Andy leads Lincoln through the cars until they are a few feet from the seat when it opens, and one of them gets out.

"Hey, you bastard. What are you doing fucking in other people's cars?" The person who got out of the truck was Scood, who saw Andy and Lincoln approaching and ran to a motorcycle, which he forcefully started and left at full speed. "Shit, he got away." Andy looks at the seat inside, and a shocked expression invades his face. "Don't fuck with me!"

At that moment, Lincoln had arrived, as he wasn't as quick as his friend. "Andy. What's going on? Why are you saying that?"

"Lincoln... there's your sister."


"And she... seems... to be unconscious."

"What!?" Lincoln pulled Andy out of the way and went in, touched Leni, and could feel her condition. Her dress was torn across her chest, exposing her. The skirt of her dress was standing up, and her panties were at one of her ankles, revealing her intimate area, and blood was oozing from her.

In addition, there was a used condom on the floor that also had some traces of blood on it.

Lincoln pulled Leni up, but something wasn't right. "Leni?" Lincoln places his ear on his sister's chest and then his hand under her nose. "She's not breathing."

"But what?" Andy asked, startled.

"She's not breathing, Andy; she's not breathing!"

"Shit, shit, shit. What the hell are we doing?"

"Go get help! Get my parents and tell them to call an ambulance!"

"Yes, yes. Right away." Andy runs away, while Lincoln stays with Leni.

"Please, Leni... don't leave me" Lincoln began performing CPR on Leni, chest compressions, and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. "Come on, Leni, come on." Lincoln repeated the procedure again. "Please, Leni, stay with me." Lincoln went through the CPR steps again until Leni woke up with a loud scream, then vomited on the floor.

Listening to his sister, Lincoln felt his soul return to his body, and he began to cry. It was nice to do it again. He's cried a lot lately since coming home, considering that when he went blind, he was told he couldn't do it again. "Leni. Are you okay?"

"Lin...Ki..." was the last thing Leni said before she lost consciousness again.

Lincoln stayed by Leni's side while Andy could be seen arriving in the distance with the Louds, girls, grandparents, and the rest of the guests behind them.

It was 2:00 am. The Loud family was in the hospital. While the younger sisters slept in the waiting room, the older sisters and Lincoln kept their parents company.

Rita did not stop crying, while Mr. Loud felt intense anger mixed with helplessness.

Suddenly, the door opened in front of them to wake up the minors. A doctor and two nurses came out. One was pushing the stretcher where Leni was, and the other was holding the floor attached to her arm. Seeing their daughter in this state, the parents called the doctor and filled her with questions.

"Doctor. What happened to my daughter? Where are they taking her? Will she be okay? When can we see her?" The questions continued until the doctor raised her hand to calm them down.

"Your daughter's condition is delicate. At the moment, she is out of danger."

"But what happened to my daughter?" asked Mr. Loud.

"Your daughter suffered an overdose, and as a result, she fell into a coma."

"This is impossible. My daughter will never do drugs." Rita was shocked by what she heard.

"I don't think it was her decision. The type of medication we found in her system was flunitrazepam."

"What is this?" asked Mr. Loud. The answer came from his scientific daughter.

"A sleeping drug known colloquially as 'Rufis', or also by its more commonly used Bulgarian name."

"The rape drug," the doctor finished.

The faces of the Loud family are unparalleled. Rita knelt on the floor and began to cry, while Mr. Loud hit a table while screaming to get rid of his anger with several obscenities, just like Albert.

For their part, the girls and Myrtle and Rita surrounded Leni's bed. However, there was one family member whose absence was conspicuous.

In the parking lot behind the hospital, Lincoln was standing. In front of him was a recently purchased and unused trash can that had been a boy's vent tool.

"Damned son of a bitch!!" With a punch, he punched a hole in the container. "Bastard. I will kill you. I will kill you. You son of a bitch. I will find you. I will kill you. I will destroy you." The flurry of blows continued until only three walls of the container remained.

Lincoln's knuckles were bleeding from the blows. The boy tore off the sleeves of his coat to use as bandages. Finally, after washing off the blood in the hospital bathroom and applying some lotion that he always carried with him, he went up to the floor where Leni was. At times like these, he was grateful to be blind. Well, he couldn't bear to see his sister in the state she was in.

While Mr. and Mrs. Loud were talking to the doctor and the sisters and grandparents were getting ready to go home, Lincoln sat on the bed next to Leni, holding her hand. "I knew this would happen. I should have been there to protect you. You are so beautiful and innocent; it is your blessing and your curse. Like a sword with two edges."

The boy caressed his sister's cheek. "I'll find that bastard. I promise." Lincoln moved closer to Leni's face and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

-At the Loud's house-

The sisters slept peacefully.

Myrtle and Albert stayed the night in Mr. and Mrs. Loud's room, as Rita and her husband decided to spend the night at the hospital with Leni.

Lincoln sleeps on the couch. The boy seemed to be having a nightmare. Well, he didn't stop moving.

-Lincoln's Dream-

Lincoln was in the middle of a forest. The sky was covered with gray clouds as the wind blew strongly and snow fell in torrents.

Lincoln was holding a bowl in his hands while two large wolves walked around him. One is gray with blue eyes, and the other is black with red eyes.

The black wolf approached Lincoln and started talking to him.

"I know what you want. You have every right to take it." The wolf's voice is dirty and cavernous.

"You know you shouldn't," the gray wolf argued against it. His voice was like that of an old man. Quiet and safe.

"He took it from us!!! It should have been our first time! He stole our prey!"

"She's not prey. Lincoln, I know you love her. She's not a sexual being. You love all the girls you've been with. You know it's not just sex. It's deeper than the pleasure of the body."

"Exactly. And if you don't, who'll be next? Luna? Lynn? Lucy? Or Ronnie-Anne? Are you going to sit around while you wait for some bastard to take what's yours? Or worse. What about Lily?"

"Lily?" The latter confused Lincoln.

"Lily, pure, innocent, and helpless little Lily. There are a lot of bad men out there looking for a girl to be separated from her parents for a moment. Will you let what happened to Leni happen to Lily too?"

"No!!!" Lincoln's scream was filled with all the rage his soul contained.

"So, you know what you have to do." The wolf leads Lincoln to a pond with some black wolf-shaped statues placed in a circle. From the statues' mouths flowed a thick red liquid that shone like the blue liquid of the cave.

The black wolf stepped aside so Lincoln could collect some of this liquid in his bowl. Before he could drink it, the gray wolf appeared.

"No! Lincoln. Don't do it. This isn't the way."

"Don't listen to him. Think about Leni. How many girls have to suffer for you to realize?"

Lincoln thought, "The Black Wolf is right. Leni deserved justice. No, she deserved revenge."

Lincoln looked at his reflection in the liquid he was holding in the bowl and said a few words.

"For Leni. Cheers"

The boy began to drink the liquid while the black wolf laughed evilly.

Suddenly Lincoln's body began to turn black, and bulging veins developed red on it.

Lincoln woke up from this strange dream. This is not the best way to start the new year. But he didn't have the time or inclination to think much about it.

Lincoln got up and went to the bathroom. After washing his face and teeth, the boy went downstairs to prepare breakfast, but from the stairs, he could smell a scent coming from the kitchen, where Myrtle was preparing breakfast.

"Grandma? What are you doing up so early?"

"Oh. Good morning, Linky. I thought about making breakfast today. You always do, but I think it's best if you rest today."

"Yes. I think I could use a break." Suddenly, Lincoln's cell phone started ringing. "Excuse me, Grandma. I have to take the call." Lincoln got up from the table and left the house to talk in private.


"Hey Lincoln. Happy New Year."

"Good morning, Professor."

"I found out what happened to your sister. What a terrible thing."

"How did you know?"

"Nothing happens in this city without my knowledge, let alone the involvement of one of my employees. I want to tell you that I can put at your disposal all the resources you need to find the culprit."

"There's no need. I already have a way to find him."

"As you wish. By the way, I've already covered you for that debt you had with the SPA."

"What? Really? That's great! I thought I'd have to pay for it with money from the next battle. You... wait... let me guess. I owe you that money, right?"

"You already understand our dynamics. As always, payment is a battle. I will wait for you this afternoon. I will send a car to pick you up."


"Is there a problem?"

"Yes. My sister is in a coma. I can't leave her alone now. I have to be aware in case she wakes up or her condition deteriorates."

"Uhm... I see. Good. Yeah, that's the thing. I'll call you later." Venom hung up, leaving Lincoln confused.

An hour later, Messrs. Loud arrived at the house.

"Dad? Mom? What are you doing here? You should be with Leni," Lori asked.

Messrs. Loud passed by and went to Lincoln, whom they embraced tightly.

"Thank you, son. Thank you so much." Rita strengthened her hug, and so did her husband.

"I'm proud of you, hero," Mr. Loud shed tears of joy.

"What's going on?" Lori, like her sisters, was confused until her mother cleared up her doubts.

"Your sister has been transferred to a private hospital, where they will be able to treat her better. All expenses have already been paid. By your brother."

"This, who, me?" This surprised Lincoln.

A cry of emotion rang through the house, followed by a torrent of hugs.

The Louds, along with Albert and Myrtle, chanted Lincoln's name while throwing and catching him. For his part, Lincoln was still trying to process what was happening. Until his response came in the form of a phone call.

"Wait, wait, I have a call from work." The Louds didn't stop lifting Lincoln up; he had to answer with complete celebration. "Professor? What's going on here?"

"It looks like you've already figured it out."

"It was you? Did you order Leni to be transferred to another hospital?"

"Yeah, now. You said you couldn't fight because you were worried about your sister. So I decided to pull some strings to get her to a better hospital. It's a special place where politicians, businessmen, and celebrities go to live longer. They have the latest medical advances. Your sister will be fine."

"Why do I feel there is a 'but' here?"

"Pretty obvious, Lincoln. Yes, that's right. The hospital isn't as cheap as you imagine. Only the cost of a room has nine figures, and I'm telling you the lowest number is nine hundred."

"Nine numbers?"

"And this is just the room. Add the cost of the treatment, the machines used, the payment for the care of the doctors and nurses, and the transfer to the new hospital. Well, in total, there will be about..."

Upon hearing the total, Lincoln felt his soul leave his body. "What the hell? That's not a price. It's a fucking bar code. How? It's an astronomical amount."

"But if it's your dear sister, don't you think she deserves it? By the way, I'll add the debt from the hospital expenses along with the debt from the SPA and building your parents' house. Then tell me. Can you come to the fight this afternoon?"

Lincoln sighed and reluctantly replied, "Yes, Professor."

"Lincoln hung up while he was still being thrown by his family, who were so caught up in the celebration that they didn't listen to the boy's conversation with his boss. To celebrate even more than Leni's quick recovery and Lincoln's "kind gesture," Mr. Loud decided to prepare a "Lynzania," his famous dish.

After lunch, Lincoln, Myrtle, and Albert bid farewell to the Louds, promising that tomorrow they would go to the new hospital to visit Leni.

Once he arrived home, Lincoln went into the yard to spend some time with his pet.

When the wolf saw Lincoln, he pounced on him and started licking his face.

"Ho ho. I love you so much, buddy."

White-Flame noticed that something was bothering his owner.

"Yes, I know. It shows a lot."

"This motherfucker. He'll pay me, and you'll help me." Lincoln pulled out a sock from his pocket that he found on the floor of the bench. "This wretch forgot this. Remember this smell." The White-Flame sniffed the sock. As he did, his pupils shrank, and his face turned into one of anger, baring his teeth and growling.

"Yes. Very good. Good boy. Rest tonight. Tomorrow we will go hunting."

The rest of the day passed normally until late at night, when dark, rain-laden clouds approached. It was a very fun way to start the new year.

Lincoln was waiting on the porch of his grandparents' house. The boy was wearing a black leather coat over his business suit. Well, those weren't the clothes he wore to his real job.

As usual, a limousine arrived to pick up Lincoln. The boy opened his umbrella so as not to get wet in the space between the house and the car. Once he boards the car, head to the meeting point. The setting was a suburban mental hospital. A place that was falling apart.

Inside, there was a typical group of businessmen wanting to win or lose some money on bets.

The fighting will be in the institution's courtyard. The walls with balconies were used by millionaires as terraces.

"Who did you say I'm going to fight, Professor?"

"Advanced Encorporander. Owned by fancy Luxor. It is a company that recently entered the association."

"Will this be their first match?"

"No, they've already had twenty-five matches."

"Who is his representative?"

"I don't know. But I know he's fierce. Don't hold back with him."

"Understood." Lincoln went down to the courtyard while Venomus spoke with President Lux.

"Good evening, Mr. Lux. I see you brought your son."

"Yes. It's time to teach him about the family business."

The president's son was the same arrogant boy who had insulted Giggles and Luan at that party. Seeing the white-haired man entering the courtyard, an expression of anger appeared on the boy's face. "Dad, that's the bad boy who insulted me at that party with the ugly girls." He said it in his strawberry boy tone.

"What?" He saw Lincoln. He remembered that day when his son came home crying with stains on his pants. He told him a false story that he was being harassed by ugly girls and that by rejecting them, the albino had frightened him so much that he used physical force, causing him to have this embarrassing accident.

"That damned peasant. I'll catch him." Lux took out his cell phone, but Venom stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lux. But you can't do anything against this boy."

"What? Why not?"

"He's my fighter."

Hearing this surprised the arrogant rich man.

"As I am sure you know, it is strictly forbidden to use your influence to harm a fighter for reasons that are not related to the interests of the association."

Mr. Lux was disappointed that he couldn't use his money to ruin Lincoln's life. But being an entrepreneur, he always had an idea to work with.

"In that case, Professor, don't mind making a bet."

"What are your thoughts?"

"I will bet all my assets, my company, and my precious metal mines. My physical possessions and goods."

"Impressive. I think I should match your bet and bet all of my monopoly."

"No, Professor, none of that. Although it would be nice to be the owner of every industrial and commercial branch you own, I have a better idea."

"Then what do you want?"

"If I win, you will give me your fighter contract."

"Sorry, I think I heard wrong. I thought I heard that you wanted to hold the contract of young Lincoln Loud."

"You're listening carefully. Unless you think your fighter isn't strong enough to win."

Venom was not a man to be intimidated by a challenge. So he didn't hesitate to answer, "I accept your bet."

"Excellent. Let's make it official then."

According to the association's bylaws, for a bet of this size, a contract must be concluded with the signature of both bettors and five witnesses vouching for it.

While putting his signature on it, Lux thought maliciously. "He was abandoned. The truth is that I had doubts about choosing this crazy man as my fighter, but he turned out to be very useful. Now he will bring me a good slave. Lincoln Loud, you will pay the price for humiliating my son."

In the courtyard below the court, the show began.

"Tonight. The ownership rights to the platinum mine will be disputed between these two companies."

"Representing Venomus Industries. Lincoln Loud: (White Wolf)!

Against. the corporate representative.

Horace Mahoney: (Bonebreaker)."

Lincoln's opponent was a 6'2" man. He had broad, muscular arms. (189 cm)

He was wearing a coat torn at the sleeves and long, dirty brown trousers. He was chained from his wrists to his legs and neck. The handcuffs he was wearing had red lights on them, meaning they were electronic shackles.

Venom credited Lincoln's opponent for his trips to prisons and insane asylums in search of fighters and "specimens." "Serial killer Horace Mahoney. I never imagined that someone like Lux would recruit someone like him to represent him. It won't be easy for Lincoln."

"Fighters ready? Fight!"

Lux pressed a button on a console and unlocked the shackles.

The man ran toward Lincoln and knocked him down, but the boy evaded him by jumping to the side. The giant's fist collided with the ground, forming a crater.

Thanks to the force of the hit, echolocation gave him a clearer picture of his surroundings.

He left a hole in the ground with just one hit. This guy is nothing like the ones I've encountered.

Before Horace could pull his fist out of the ground, Lincoln ran up to him and started punching him in the arm and ribs, but it didn't seem to hurt him.

"Damn, his meat is so tough."

Horace broke free and hit Lincoln in the stomach with a hammer blow, sending the boy flying and crashing into a wall, spitting blood in the process.

Lincoln fell to the ground, holding his stomach. "Damn. It hurts so much I can't stand up."

Horace ran back to Lincoln and grabbed him by the hair. The giant started hitting Lincoln in the face, then slammed him into the ground, then into a wall, and finally tossed him into the air, sending him into the middle of the courtyard.

Lincoln suffered several bruises on the skin and dislocated his arm from the fall, but his ordeal was only just beginning.

Horace grabbed Lincoln's dislocated shoulder and waist, lifted him above his head, and began to bend him.

Mr. Lux watched the boy suffer with delight. "I suppose he would still be of some use without being able to walk."

Meanwhile, Venom was pure in the face of the situation.

For his part, Lincoln felt his spine bend to an unbearable point. It was excruciating, but before it could be cut like a toothpick, Lincoln stuck his thumb into the knuckles inside Horace's eye. The pain the giant felt made him let go of Lincoln and take his hand to his eye.

Lincoln took advantage of this to punch him in the face, breaking his nose, but the pain in his back and arm made him lie down.

If Horace wasn't angry before, he is now. So he got on top of Lincoln and started choking him. Lincoln hits him in the face with his good shape arm, but this blow doesn't seem to affect the giant, so he chooses a different and unusual strategy. Lincoln grabbed Horace's balls, squeezed them, twisted them, and then pulled them down. The sound of skin ripping and the copious amount of blood flowing from his crotch was followed by Horace screaming in agony, releasing Lincoln, and bringing his hands to his genital area. The boy took the opportunity to grab the giant by the face and slam him to the ground.

For a moment, Horace stood motionless. Lincoln took the opportunity to rearrange his arm. The boy knew such a technique from all the times he had to help Lynn when she dislocated her joints.

Horace stood up slowly. His face reflected hatred and anger, because no one had succeeded in overthrowing him.

His instinct for blood was boiling, and his bloodlust was rising at full speed.

Horace grabbed Lincoln by the neck, slammed him to the ground, and then threw him into the wall. Horace took Lincoln by the neck again, slammed him into the wall, then to the ground, before beginning to stomp on him.

Lincoln was already spitting blood.

From the above, Lux smiled sadly. "It's a pity that my new slave will die. But seeing him on the ground feels good." Lux turned to see Venom with a smug expression. However, the professor was very calm.

Horace pressed harder against Lincoln's chest. Little by little, his ribs gave way to pressure.

While in a snowy forest, Lincoln saw his body from a third-person view across the red pond and the black wolf beside him.

"They are defeating you, child."

"Yes," Lincoln answered in an indifferent tone.

"Look!" the wolf points to Mr. Lux and his son. They both pointed and laughed out loud at the beating Lincoln was receiving. "It looks like those tight little bastards are having a lot of fun at the expense of your pain. And look who's over there! The brat who made fun of Giggles and your sister."

Lincoln saw the boy. Even though it was the first time he had seen him clearly, he couldn't be wrong because he recognized that annoying sarcastic laugh, "This bastard is arrogant."

"I think it's time to show him the true power of the White Wolf."

In Lincoln's hands appears a bowl filled with red liquid, until the black wolf interrupts him.

"Why do you only drink a small amount from this bowl?"

Lincoln understood what the wolf meant. The boy threw the bowl on the ground, then buried his face in the red liquid and began taking large gulps while the wolf smiled evilly.

-Back to the real world-

Horace raised his foot to take one last step. But as he lowered it, Lincoln's hands stopped him. Horace used more force, but his foot didn't drop an inch. Suddenly, Lincoln rose, grabbing Horace by the ankle. The albino boy executed a judo move, slamming Horace into the ground. He repeated the process three more times before turning him around and throwing him into the wall.

Lux and Charmaine stopped laughing at the power the boy possessed. Venomus, on the other hand, dropped his expression, wearing an expression of spiteful glee.

Horace fell to the ground, looking at the albino boy.

Lincoln wiped the blood from his mouth with the palm of his hand, then ran the blood through his bangs and lifted his hair, exposing his eyes. But this time, there was something different about them. The gray shadow in his pupils had turned red.

Horace got up and ran towards the boy. The giant struck just as he had at the beginning of the fight, leaving a hole in the ground, and just like then, it was dodged by Lincoln.

The albino boy scored three times on Horace's ribs, but this time the giant spat out blood. Horace attempted another hammer blow, but Lincoln jumped out of the way, then delivered a roundhouse kick that landed on Horace's jaw, dislocating it.

Horace placed his hands on his jaw to reset it, but that left his core guardless, which Lincoln took advantage of to connect a flurry of blows to his ribs, glutes, and stomach.

Lincoln's blows sent Horace flying back until he was trapped against the wall. Everyone present watched the scene in amazement.

Horace Mahoney.

Age: 35 years.

He was sentenced to death in the electric chair for multiple murders. Up to forty victims are attributed to him, not counting the policemen who died at his hands during the raid that led to his arrest. However, his large size and muscle mass prevented a successful execution. Since all of his murders were committed in one city, he could only be executed in that jurisdiction. For this reason, it was decided that if he was not executed, he would be punished with life imprisonment until Lux convinced him to be his fighter, with the promise of the ability to kill all of his rivals without any legal consequences. An offer Horace couldn't refuse.

So far, Bonebreaker has had a streak of 25 wins and no losses. That's why it was surprising to see something like what was happening. He was surrounded by a boy a little more than half Horace's size.

Horace took Lincoln by the shoulder and waist. Although he was beaten, Horace managed to catch him and lift him above his head, and then he began to bend like last time. Lincoln attacks again, this time sticking his middle finger into Horace's ear. The pain Horace felt made him throw Lincoln to the ground and begin stomping on his back. But Lincoln turns around and grabs him by the foot, and after a quick movement, he falls.

Without letting go of Horace's foot, Lincoln steps on Horace's thigh, breaking his femur. Unsatisfied with this, Lincoln put him in a leveraged submission, dislocating his ankle and kneecap, and finally breaking his tibia and fibula.

Horace's cry of pain shocked everyone present. With a powerful kick to the back, he sent Lincoln forward ten feet.

Horace stands up as best he can and approaches Lincoln, pulling his broken leg until he is face-to-face with him. They both interlocked their fingers in a battle of strength as the other tried to push his opponent. Even with only one leg, Horace's resistance was impressive, but what he didn't count on was that Lincoln would respond by kicking Horace's good leg, breaking his other femur.

Horace knelt in pain. He was unable to stand anymore, which Lincoln took advantage of by grabbing him by the neck with both hands, then lifting him up and beginning to strangle him.

The pressure exerted by Lincoln's hand was too much, even for Horace's stiff muscles. The giant begins to hit Lincoln in the chest, causing bruises and even causing the boy to spit up blood, but this is not enough for him to let go. Suddenly, vein-like marks began to appear as bright as fire on Lincoln's back, up his spine to his shoulders, chest, and face.

Horace continued to hit with more force, to the point that he broke the bones in his fingers and wrists. Despite that, he kept hitting. Horace's face was turning purple from lack of air, and his remaining eye began to bleed and swell. In that moment, for the first time, Horace felt what it was like to be at the mercy of someone who intended to end your life. In that moment, the predator became prey.

Finally, the sound of the fighting ended. A sound like breaking branches was heard throughout the place, even with the sound of rain. But what stood out most about the scene was the position of Horace's head, which was tilted back by one hundred and forty degrees while blood came out of his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. But as the saying goes, better safe than sorry, so Lincoln threw him into a dry tree whose top had been weathered so many times that it was as sharp as a stake. Horace's body was hung from the tree, going under his ribcage and coming out through his mouth.

Everyone looked stunned at the end of the battle, except for Venomus, who was extremely happy with his fighter.

"Winner: Lincoln Loud!" The referee declared Lincoln the winner as the boy left the courtyard and headed inside the building.

Meanwhile, Professor Venomus approached Mr. Lux, who was on his knees, with tears in his eyes and an expression of despair on his face. When he looked up, he saw Professor Venom holding the contract in front of him.

Lux knows what he means. "Please, Professor. What if we renegotiate the terms? How about a corporate alliance?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lux. But a bet is a bet, and it has to be honored." Venomus looked at the contract with satisfaction. "And now I have a second technology company. I guess this means I no longer have a competitor."

Lux crawled on all fours and took Venom by his robe, kneeling in front of him, crying, and running his nose. "Please. Professor, I'm begging you. I have a wife, a son, lovers, and children with mistresses. I won't be left with anything. If you lose, will you really give me your fighter contract?"

"Of course," Venomus replied with a slight smile.

The coldness with which Venom responded left Lux speechless. "How? Even if you knew what I could have done to the boy?"

"Yes. But I trusted him enough that I didn't have to worry about betting like that. The result of this fight only confirms that. Lincoln, this is my goose that lays the golden egg. Since he became my fighter, my company has grown like wildfire. And it's all thanks to him." And to fools like you, I monopolize the most important markets. Soon I will have the whole country in my hands."

"Please. Please. We can come to an agreement, but don't take my property."

"What property?"

Venomus's question left Lux confused.

Venom pulls out his phone and shows him the screen. "At the time we signed the contract, I sent pictures of it to all the banks and real estate agencies you work for, and they have already been informed that you lost the battle. So, a few minutes ago, you no longer had any money or property. Because now they are mine. Oh, and by the way, now that you no longer have a company or a fighter, you have been kicked out of the association"

Lux pulls out his phone only to see how all the zeros behind his bank account numbers have turned into one, how all his properties in every country in the world are marked for foreclosure, and he received a notice from the association telling him he's no longer a member. "No...no. This is a nightmare."

"I don't want to live on the street," Charmaine began crying with his father, while Venom let them wallow in their misery.

While Horace's body was being carried away, Lincoln was in the medical tent.

In the medical tent, the doctor finished examining Lincoln.

"I must admit, boy, I've never seen anything like this before. The blows you took must have left your body badly injured, but even if you have injuries, they're minor. You're stronger than you look. However, if there's some, it is better to act with caution. In the following days, you will feel the pain of the blows. Try not to make sudden movements, and rest well.

"I will. Thank you, Doctor." Lincoln put on his business suit. But before he left, Venom stopped him.

"Wait kid. Come with me; I have something I want to give you." Venom directs him to the hospital parking lot.

Lincoln began to feel around with his cane until he felt a large metal object.

"Is this… Is this a car?"

"It's more than just a car. This car represents the future of sports cars. Lincoln, I give you Alexander.

In front of the two men was an orange car.

"Will you give me a car?"

"Absolutely. Let's say it's a compliment from the company. But yes, in a certain way, for you."

"In other words, you give it to me, but the cost will add to my already large debts."

"Only fifty percent. The rest is courtesy."

"How mysteriously kind of you. But I'm not of legal age to drive, and even if I were, I can't drive because of my condition."

"Don't worry. Like I said, Alexander is more than just a car."

"It is powered by solar energy, which stores it and is able to allow it to walk for up to eight days and nights, and while it does so, it continues to store it in its backup battery. It has a state-of-the-art autopilot and GPS system, programmed with all short routes or scenic views across the continent. You can travel from Alasca to Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. It is programmed to operate via voice commands. Its structure is made of titanium and carbon fiber. Light and resistant. Unidirectional bulletproof glass. You can see from the inside, but not from the outside."

"Like those mirrors used in interrogation rooms?"

"Exactly. Plus, there's a security system. It's only programmed to open in the user's voice. If someone tries to force the door, they'll be reprimanded. In the form of a five-hundred-volt discharge."

"This is little more than a stun gun. But doesn't that mean that if I touch it, I'll end up curled up on the ground like a fish?"

"Don't worry, it can be transferred, and only the user can do it. Alexander. Activate the transfer code."

An automated voice came out of the car: "Please. Enter the password."

"Password T R 45"

"Waiting for new user confirmation."

"Say your name and then the password I just said, so the car will recognize you as its new owner."

Lincoln started saying his name, "Lincoln Marie Loud."

"Enter the password."

"TR 45"

"Newly recognized user. Hello, Lincoln Loud."

"Give him an order. And remember. You must always say his name first."

"Alexander. Open the driver's door."

The car complies with the command and opens the door.

"It's like a giant Alexa on wheels. I suppose I won't depend on you anymore to send me vehicles when I need them."

"That's how it is. It also has other accessories. It's all here in the manual. Don't worry; it's in Braille."

"Thanks, boss."

"Oh. One more thing. When you get home, give this to your sister Lisa" Lincoln takes the envelope from Venomus.

"Ok. Until next time, Boss." Lincoln gets into the car and orders it to take him to his parents house.

-Meanwhile at the Loud's house-

Lori, Luna, and Luan packed their things to go back to college the next day.

Luna was packing her clothes and guitar while Lynn was sitting on her bed "It's annoying that I have to go back to university."

"Don't worry, Luna. I'll take good care of Lincoln."

"But don't try anything weird. Remember, we're sharing him."

"Sure, of course. But while you're gone, I'll have to work twice as hard for you. Don't worry, sis. I'll be thinking of you while I ride Lincoln."

"What? You're going to do what?" This time, it left Luna confused.

"Oh, that doesn't seem right."

"How's that? And what's up with Tabby and Polly?"

"I haven't told Polly yet. And you?"

"No, I didn't say anything to Tabby either."

"We should tell them sometime."

"What if they say yes?"

"I think we would have less time with him if others would occupy him."

"So let's keep it simple, then. The first one to order will get him for herself."

"I like that idea."

In Luan's room.

The comidy girl was packing her things. However, a little uncertainty struck her. The reason she went to that university wasn't just because they had a good acting course or because her sisters were going there too. The biggest reason was that Benny was going to the same university. The idea of studying with the boy she loved was something she had always dreamed of since she was fourteen years old.

They will have a college romance and get married when they finish their studies. She would have her own comedy TV show, and he would become an actor, and eventually they would have a daughter named Bonnie.

Luan planned an entire future with Benny. She never imagined that the love of her life would be able to do something so mean with one of her best friends.

I guess things don't always go the way you expect.

Suddenly, Luan's memory crossed. That was the moment Lincoln entered her room to comfort her after the breakup. The image and words of her brother that day were still fresh in her memory.

'Luan. You still deserve a man who will love you forever. And you'll find him one day.'

Remembering that, Luan's face turned red with embarrassment. "Oh. Why does he have to be so kind and considerate? It confuses me." Luan covered her face with one of her sweaters to exclaim. "He's always so kind. He always puts our happiness, desires, and well-being above his own."

"He's so cute." Luan's cheeks reddened, and a tear ran down them as she hugged her jacket to her chest.

"What am I thinking? He's my brother."

She could hear something from the other side of the wall.

Apparently, one of the employees didn't feel like doing their job and didn't fill that space with noise-canceling material.

Luan put her ear to the wall to hear that it was a conversation between her older and younger sister.

"Maybe Lincoln could work out a schedule for us on a rotating schedule. He's good at organizing things. Remember how he organized the fridge with Lisa?"

"Hahaha. Yes. Too bad he forgot to put a place for Dad's things. He had to improvise food to impress this investor."

"I wonder where Lincoln is now?"

"I don't know. But I hope he comes back soon. I want to have one last turn with him before I go."

"A turn with Lincoln?" This word confused Luan. But she decided to keep listening.

"We'll have it. Since I'll only have it for myself while you're in college, I'll be generous and not ask you to share him"

"What do they mean by sharing him? Unless... Um?" Flashbacks came to Luan's mind in the last days of Luna and Lynn acting nice to Lincoln. "What!?" Luan covered her mouth after that scream.

"You heard that, Luna?"

"Yes. And that's weird. The walls are supposed to be soundproof." Luna started to look for where the sound was coming from when she was interrupted by a louder noise. This was from one of the less expressive sisters in the family. It was Lisa. When they got down, they saw Lisa hugging Lincoln.

"What happened? Why all the fuss?"

"What is happening, sis, is that it has finally been recognized that I will help humanity move forward into the future."

"Read it again, honey." Rita was so excited, so Lisa proceeded to read the letter Lincoln had given her.

"Ahem... Dear Miss Lisa Marie Loud: We hereby inform you that due to your past achievements in the field of science, you have been offered a position in the Scientific Department of Venomus Industries."

"Your brother got Lisa a job at the company."

"I will finally be able to work in an environment where genius can open to new horizons."

"Wait. I thought you were forbidden from doing any kind of experiment. Also, you're too young." Luna reminded them of the conditions the court had imposed on Lisa three years ago.

"At home, no. But I can do it in a controlled environment."

On the other hand, Lana approached Luna, took her by the hand, and pulled her. "Luna, you should see Lincoln's new car"

"Does Lincoln have a car?"

The family leaves the house to see the orange car parked on the street.

"Where did you get this car?" Luan asked.

"It was a gift from Professor Venomus."

"Why didn't he give you one of his limousines?"

"That's enough already, Lola. The professor won't give me a limousine. Although maybe it means increasing my debt." His last thought was, 'And I know how much I already owe.'

"How do you drive it if you're blind?" Luna asked.

"It's on autopilot. If I want, I can rest in the back seat in the meantime."

Hearing that, Luna had an idea: "Hey, brother. Can you take me for a ride?"

"Me too."

"And three"

"And four"

Lana, Lola, and Lily also wanted to ride in Lincoln's new car. Luna wanted a last moment alone with Lincoln before leaving, and she could not get it if her little sisters were there. So she thought about an excuse for their existence alone.

"I forgot something at Sam's house, and I do not want to return at midnight."

"Well, go up. Tomorrow I will take you on a picnic after school."

"Yeah!!" The three girls jumped with joy, then hugged their brother.

"Alexander. Open the back doors" The car beeped and opened the door "The car works with voice. But only with my own."

"Yeah. It is a great car, son. But nothing matches the classic Vanzilla."

While the family was laughing, Luna and Lincoln went up to the car, heading to Sam's house.

"So what did you do...." Lincoln could not end his question because Luna had passed on him and gave him a kiss on the tongue "You have never forgotten anything at Sam's house, haven't you?"

"Take your pants off" she ordered.

"Alexander new path. Drive around the city and then return home; take the longest route" Lincoln sighed and then gave Alexander new orders.

"Re-calculate a new path."

"It will give us time."

She pushes Lincoln, leaving him lying on the seat, to ascend to the boy's head.


The next morning, Lincoln arrived at school in his new car with Andy.

"Man. That car is cool."

"Yes. The best thing is that you can go out while traveling elegantly."

"It is very bad for you to pay half of what it deserves. As I see, it is not cheap."

"Thank you, Andy."

Another car parked next to Lincoln. Andy was able to get to know who it was, "Clyde, did you get your car?"

"Yes. I thought it was time to give the car more movement." Clyde sees the orange car and gets crazy. "This is a luxury car. It was supposed to not be put on the market until after three years."

"Yeah, you sure love cars."

"Yes. I entered the automobile world two years ago. How did you get this car before reaching the market?"

"It was a 'gift' from the professor."

"Working there gives you many advantages, buddy."

"Wait for the spring vacation. We will go on a wild trip."

"This looks great."

"Good. Let's enter before we are late."


"Hey Lincoln."

"How are you, bro?"

"Looks well, Link."

"Good morning, Lincoln."

While the children were walking in the corridors of the school, the other students received Lincoln warmly. Clyde's report clearly shed light on the rumors that had completely dissipated. Currently, Lincoln and his friends are the most famous children in school. Lincoln was received as a kind of "celebrity." With the exception of the group of less preferred girls, who still believe that Lincoln was a criminal because they were absent on the day of the report.

No one knew that they were still thinking badly in Albino because they were only whispering; no one disturbed themselves to notify them of the news. However, there will soon be more important things to worry about in that group of chimosas.

The girls were sitting on the stairs of one of the corridors.

"I cannot believe that Lincoln would expel Chandler outside the city. It was supposed to be the opposite," said Suzy.

"In fact, this makes me happy. This man was garbage," Molly replied.

"We regret the going of your boyfriend, Christie," Cici said the word of her boyfriend while she was suffering from a desire to vomit.

For her part, Christina was suffering from an internal conflict. On one hand, she was relieved because she no longer had to pretend to be Chandler's girlfriend, but on the other hand, she no longer has any remaining options to get rid of Lincoln.

While the girls were talking, they heard some footsteps from afar, and a person passed before them.

Upon seeing him, the girls dropped their mobile phones, and they began to drool. The mysterious person stopped in front of them.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me where class 546 is?"

The girls referred to a door.

"Oh. Thank you very much." The mysterious person withdrew, leaving the girls and their hearts in their eyes.

In room 546.

The students were talking to each other when Mrs. Johnson issued an announcement.

"Student attention. Apparently, a new student joined our course today." Agnes was in an empty office in the back of the room. "I think he has not arrived yet" Agnes ideas were cut off with the voice of one of them knocking on the door. The teacher went to open it, but when she did, her eyes expanded and her pupils swelled.

"Sorry, is this room 546?"

Agnes can barely utter a word. "Yes, yes... you should be the new student."

"Yes. That's how it is."


When the boy entered the room, everyone was silent. Girls and some boys also stared. But there was a group that did not look happy. Lincoln can feel heaviness in the air. Clyde and Andy looked at the boy with suspicion.

Agnes stands next to the boy.

"Students. I present to you your new... hot. I mean, your colleague. Why don't you introduce yourself?"


"Good morning. Let me present myself. My name is Hidiki Kurohana. Nice to meet you."

Do you want to read chapter 17 and 18? Go to my patreon, you'll find the chapters there.


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