
Infinity Void

Greenhills Town, a sparsely populated place surrounded by mountains and hills, was one of many towns in Magnolia County.

In the early morning, the mighty sun rose in the east, shining brightly on Greenhills Town and warming it with its light.

Located in a corner of the town, there is a simple manor with picturesque courtyards adorned with vibrant flowers. The atmosphere is full of life, with butterflies fluttering and birds chirping from overhead trees.

And inside the manor, in a spacious room filled with various kinds of instruments, bookshelves, and scattered papers, sat a small build young man on the strange magic circle drawn on the floor.

He has thick, brown wavy hair swept up at the back but left to fall over his forehead and face in the front.

His body was adorned with a special uniform with a high-collared belted top, light pants, and knee-high boots. He also wears the black hooded mantle with a longer knee-length cape attached.

With his eyes closed, he breathed rhythmically through his nose. A faint blue light surrounded him as he swallowed, gradually enveloping his entire body.

Time passed without him realizing it as the faint blue light poured steadily into him.

When he opened his eyes, a sense of joy filled his gaze.

"I finally reached the First Circle!"

His name is Rain, and he is a mage of the Nightshade Guild.

Of course, his identity is not that short and simple.

He is a transmigrator from Earth.

To be more precise, he was originally just a graduate student from a renowned university.

Before transmigrating, he had just received an acceptance letter from his dream company and was overjoyed. He planned to return to his hometown and share this good news with his parents.

However, before this heartwarming event came true, the bus he was riding on got into an accident.

When he woke up, he was reborn as a newborn in a small remote village in the far north of Luna Kingdom.

When he was ten years old, an elderly mage stumbled upon this village while badly injured.

After being treated by the villagers, the old mage took some sort of magic aptitude test on the children in the village as a token of gratitude.

At that time, Rain was lucky to be the only one with magic talent.

In the end, the old mage brought Rain to join Nightshade Guild after getting consent from his parents.

Five years have passed since then, and he finally reached the First Circle.

The strength of a mage is determined by their Circle rank, ranging from the weakest at First Circle to the strongest at Ninth Circle.

Before entering the First Circle stage, mages are called Apprentice Mages.

In that stage, mages are not marginally different from non-mages. They can only use basic magic spells like [Ignite], [Heal], [Clean], [Telekinesis], etc.

Rain's magic talent could be considered mediocre.

He has affinities with water, fire, earth, and wind—— which are the four basic elements of magic.

That's right!

Among the four basic elements, he has them all. As a result, his ability to sense mana during the Apprentice Mage stage was progressing at an unusually slow pace.

As such, it took him five whole years to become a First Circle mage.

No one could understand his feelings at the moment.

When Rain is engrossed in the joys of advancement, suddenly...

"Master Rain, the breakfast is ready."

A boy's respectful voice could be heard from outside.

Rain smiled lightly as he said, "Rudy, bring in the breakfast!"

He responded and was about to get up, but suddenly...

[Infinity Void is opening...]

A mysterious voice rang in his head, making him halt his movement.

He looked around with a doubtful expression, thinking he had misheard it. But at that moment, the mysterious voice rang again in his head.

[Infinity Void has been successfully opened!]

Before Rain could react, something suddenly appeared and formed right in front of him.

It was a small and hollow vortex with a spiral blue-starry colored space inside that resembled a galaxy.

Rain was shocked and frightened.

"What is this?!"

[Infinity Void is a place where an infinite number of treasures reside. It allows the host to pick a random treasure each day.]

As if hearing Rain's doubt, the mysterious voice sounded again.

Infinity Void?

Pick a treasure every day?

Rain raised his eyebrows, and though he became a bit calmer, he still had doubts lingering in his heart.

He looked around and made sure this wasn't a prank.

After a while, he found his magic staff in the corner of the room.

Rain approached and observed the so-called Infinity Void adhering to him like a garment, moving with him as he moved.

After picking up his magic staff, he cautiously tested the depth of the Infinity Void by inserting half of it inside.

He waited for some time and then raised the magic staff, but nothing unusual happened.

Rain felt slightly relieved.

"It seems like this isn't fraud..."

Before plunging his right hand into the Treasure Pool, Rain hesitated briefly but then summoned the courage to do so.

A chilly sensation enveloped him as soon as he placed his hand inside. Despite his nerves, Rain pushed through the discomfort.

Suddenly, he felt something in his hand and quickly pulled it out. It was a book with an ancient gold-colored cover, which he held firmly.

Rain's eyes widened as he looked at the book cover and noticed the title [Arcane Method] alongside several characters...

He calmly skimmed through the book and exclaimed in surprise, "This is a meditation technique?"

Meditation techniques play a vital role in helping mages accumulate mana from the world and channel it into their bodies. It's crucial to select meditation techniques that align with one's attributes to enhance the benefits of their practice.

The meditation technique Rain was currently practicing was called the [Four Point Method]. It was a common meditation technique widely spread in the mage community.

Moreover, the [Four Point Method] is only a Tier-2 meditation technique, which will only assist him in training up to the Second Circle.

According to the teachings of the senior mages in the guild, Rain knew that a mage's achievements were not solely determined by their magic talent, but also by the quality of their meditation techniques. The more advanced the meditation level, the greater the potential for achievement

However, Rain was just a low-level mage. As such, advance level of meditation technique was inaccessible to him. If he wanted to exchange it, he needed to reach the Second Circle first and then pay for it with a certain amount of points.

With a sense of curiosity and expectation, Rain began to open the book [Arcane Method].

The first page recorded the method and ingredients needed to create a magic circle was detailed, along with a bold sentence indicating a spell that must be used during the meditation practice. The remaining information provides additional guidelines to follow prior to, during, and after the meditation session.

The first page of the meditation technique does not have any special significance, except that the materials required for practicing it are of greater value compared to the materials used in the [Four Points Method]. However, these materials are not rare but just slightly costlier.

As Rain read on, his eyes scanned down the page until they landed on a noteworthy statement: "Mages of any attribute can utilize this meditation technique."

Rain was shocked and amazed.

"Does that mean mages with abstract attributes can also practice this meditation technique?"

The so-called abstract attributes are attributes beyond the four basic elements. Those who possess it can learn any kind of magic, including the four basic elements and rare elements such as lightning, ice, darkness, light, etc.

For this reason, those who possessed abstract attributes to be said rare talents. Whenever they appeared, various guilds would vie to recruit and nurture them.

Speaking of which, Rain was not unfamiliar with someone who possessed an abstract attribute because that person was one of his peers in the guild.


Remembering that person made Rain depressed.

The reputation of abstract attributes is well-deserved. It took Rain five years to become a First Circle Mage from an Apprentice, but that person accomplished the same feat in only five months.

Compared to that person, he was just a piece of trash...

Fortunately, Rain was self-aware and stopped comparing himself to such a freak.

Besides, he wasn't that bad.

Despite his lack of skill in magic talent, he was still a transmigrator.

Who knows if he'll find his turning point one day?

As it turned out, his whisful thinking became a reality.

He got a Goldfinger that enabled him to randomly receive a treasure every day by simply reaching his hand into the mysterious void.

Hehe... so what if you are talented? I have a Goldfinger!

Rain quickly adjusted his mood.

After finishing the first page, he eagerly flipped to the next one, only to find it completely blank. Perplexed, he went through the rest of the book, page by page, but each one was devoid of any content.

The book had ten pages in total, but save for the first page, all were blank.

"Perhaps they require certain criteria to show their content..." Rain pondered as he pinched his chin in thought.

It's not impossible, especially given how extraordinary this meditation technique is.

"The first page records the meditation technique for First Circle mages. Does the second page contain meditation techniques for Second Circle mages? What about the third page and so on?"

Rain's mind ran wild as his heart pounded rapidly.

Nine pages represent the First Circle to Nine Circles, then what about the tenth page?

Is there a stage above the Ninth Circle?

Rain shook his head and chose not to dwell on it. Whether it was the Ninth or Tenth Circle, they were still too distant for him. Even with [Nirvana Method], there is no guarantee that he can reach such a high level.

Anyway, he had just stepped into the First Circle, so he could take his time.

All he has to do now is gather materials to practice the first page, and change his meditation technique.

After tasting the sweetness of his Goldfinger, Rain was eager to discover more treasures. Unfortunately, the black vortex vanished just as he was about to reach out his hand as if it could anticipate his intentions.

Rain expressed disappointment by muttering, "I suppose not..."

After the Infinity Void vanished, the book in his hand also vanished.

Rain was startled and was about to question when a game-like panel miraculously appeared before his face.

At the top of the panel, you will see the word "Inventory." Underneath it, there are several boxes of the same size. The first box displays an image of a gold-colored book.

"My cheat is also equipped with a storage?"

Rain felt both surprised and delighted by this discovery.

Upon inspection, he noticed numerous boxes on display, indicating the storage capacity was substantial. Unfortunately, his excitement was short-lived as he realized only items from the Infinity Void could be stored.

Never mind, as humans, he must learn to be content.

It's good that he got this kind of storage.

Rain was convinced that the items from the Infinity Void must be exceptional, as evidenced by the level of [Arcane Method], which he believed to be a Tier-9 meditation technique. With this storage, he no longer had to worry about them being lost or stolen.

Then again, another doubt surfaced on his face.

Why has Goldfinger suddenly appeared now?

He had been living in this world for fifteen years and had attained the rank of First Circle mage, but this Goldfinger...

Never mind, it's not too late.

Don't worry, my precious Goldfinger~

I didn't blame you~

It just baffled him that suddenly the Goldfinger came alive.

Did he trigger something?

Is it possible because of his advancement to First Circle?

Rain was lost in thought.

"Master Rain, are you all right?"

Rain, who heard this, quickly straightened his clothes and exited his room. As he made his way down the stairs, a young boy in a blue shirt appeared, carrying a tray.

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