
Early education and training

4 years later

In the past four years Ren had been constantly accompanied by his mother who constantly conversed with him.This allowed Ren to learn the language of his village.

Speaking of his village they appeared to be a friendly and hardy people.Ren also noticed that there were quite a few children for each parent.

His mother explained that the village had to keep replenishing its numbers as best as it could as people kept dying.Valerie also explained that Ren was the first child she had given birth to despite the fact that she and James had been trying to have a child for years.

This gave Ren some serious red flags on how dangerous this world was but so was what his mother explained next.

Ren had also noticed that the surroundings of the village seemed to change from time to time though it was rare for it to happen.The first time it happened Valerie explained that the villages mages had to teleport the village out of the way of some calamitous creature.

As soon as Ren turned five his mother announced to him that it was time.

"Time for what mommy?." Ren innocently asked as he looked up at his mother.He hoped he'd finally be able to learn more about this world after being couped up in the village for so long.

"It's time for you to recieve your education and training Archie." Valerie said as she led the small Ren to an unfamiliar building within a part of the village that Ren had never seen before.

Ren was excited but also cautious.He was eager to learn about his new world but he didn't know how bad the training would be.

Despite almost arriving at the building Valerie stopped and crouched in front of Ren.

"Now no matter what happens I hope you understand that what you will go through is for your own good and that of the village.I love you okay and so does your father." Valerie expressed how she felt but Ren wasn't so sure about his father.

Ren's father had mostly alienated himself from his son for whatever reason and Ren wasn't entirely sure that his father cared about him.

As Ren looked around he saw that there were other children his age being led to the same building.They all had determined expressions as though they were anticipating some intense trials.

Ren entered the building as he began to harbour serious doubt within himself.The inside of the building was empty.It didn't even have any chairs.At the end of the room was an 8 foot tall swole man packing some serious muscles.He was bare chested and only wearing some trousers.He was dark haired with blue eyes.

As soon as everyone was present and sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of him the man immediately began to speak.

"You all must know why you are here today.Today is where your mandatory training and education will begin.This world used to belong to humanity.We were at the apex of the world and accomplished feats that are now only legend.However we grew complacent and soft.Humans were no longer civil anymore placing material wealth over the lives of their fellow man.We were killing our world and all the animals within.There was also 50 genders and sexual orientations for some reason.Seeing the depraved state of humanity the gods or entities we know as gods decided to spawn creatures from myth and legend all over the world.These creatures never seen before seemed to have one goal in mind and that was the eradication of humanity.It wasnt unfair though as the gods removed the limits of human potential in order to make humanity strong.However 95% of humanity died and those who survived were forced to accept new ideals of strengh,competence and training in order to fight off the continuously spawning entities.However training isn't the only way to gain strengh you can also obtain powerful loot from entities and humans alike when their bodies disappear upon death.Are there any questions?...Good now let me lead you to the training ground so you can gain some basic fitness.It'll start off easy and gain difficulty over time so the training doesn't tamper with your body's growth.My name is Fred by the way."

What proceeded to happen was basic strengh,speed and stamina training that was spartan for a bunch of five year olds.Ren almost vomited twice from training that he hadn't prepared for.Ren decided to persevere as long as it produced results.The other children seemed to notice that he was struggling more then they were and they looked at Ren with derision.

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