
chapter 1 :- 1 Minute

A boy in the deep Forest was lying on the ground.

he slowly opens his eyes and sign

"Not Again"

He draws on the ground a star and cross some sides and write above the cross "MONSTERS STRONGER THAN YOU REMEMBER THE VENGEANCE."

Its been a minute ( A Month) I have come to this Unknown world.

As mostly Mc start on the forest, so do i, but there is the difference they got the system, Armor, bad guys, good guys, assassin's in a previous life, the girl helping them and more. But I am stuff in the forest for a month (I think).

I have yet to see a being that can talk.

Where ever I go, there are monsters, and my memory is not that good to remember where or when monsters appear because of its dense forest without sunlight and me wides everywhere.

Next chapter