
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · History
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153 Chs

Chapter 152

"What'd you think they talking about?" A man elbowed another.

The elbowed man stopped whispering to the man on his right and turned to the one on his left with a frown. He looked to where the first man was looking and saw the woman with the buxom figure talking to another one on the skinnier side.

The frowning man instead looked at the guy standing beside the skinny woman. "They weren't here yesterday… You think they want to try out?"

"What's it matter, Nicolo? I mean, I don't think they have much to offer." The man who had been standing on the right of second man asked back to the one who posed the question.

Nicolo shrugged. "Just curious. The buxom lady looked happy to see them."

A fourth man opened his eyes to look at the talking women and addressed the others. "They're talking about giving the man a job as a cleaner." 

The others went 'oooh' and dropped the topic. Since Martel said so, they believed it. After all, he could read lips and had an amazing sight.

"You sure you can do it, Obehd?" Martel asked the second man.

Obehd moved his shoulder in circles grimacing a bit but nodded. "If we don't go hard, I don't see any problem."

"If it hurts, we'll stop. Although we need the job, we won't push past your limits." Cipe, the man standing on Obehd's right said, worry clear in his voice.

Obehd patted his head and hid the wince at the move. "It's fine. Let's get this over with so I can rest." He pushed away from the wall they were leaning at to walk to the stage as Isabelle sat back on the table, signaling the start of the day.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. What was the name of the group again?" Isabelle rummaged through the papers. She was the only one doing the casting that day as Monthe arrived early at their home to tell them Vieve's mother fell sick and she went to take care of her.

In the morning, Isabelle barely had time to scold Joseph for not letting the wolf out thus having to clean poop off the floor again, stitch a pair of skirts for the store, eat something without throwing it up and arrive at the building half an hour before the scheduled time to arrange everything.

"South Dynasty." Nicolo, the tallest of the four, replied.

"Right. Here. Obehd, Nicolo, Martel and Cipe, right?" Isabelle asked. They nodded. She noticed they all had different surnames, so it was not possible for them to be brothers of family. She rose a brow when she read they did stunts and plays. It was interesting. "Alright. Let us see what you got."

The four nodded and saluted at the same time. She was impressed by their level of discipline. She offhandedly noticed their worked bodies, lithe but muscly. And, she paid close attention to their attires.

Tight and sleeveless button shirts, comfortable looking pants and flared skirts over the pants. They also carried some sticks and what seemed to be swords. Though, they were probably fake since no one was allowed to carry weapons in town.

When they moved, she focused on them again.

Three moved to the back, leaving the shortest in front. He took out the sword and contemplated it. Then, he spoke with a harsh voice. "Father, Mother. I promise on this sword that I will get revenge for you. I will let you rest in peace even if it costs me my life."

The way he spoke told her that he could actually read and that whatever they were going to represent was an excerpt of a story written by an actual scholar.

With a flourish, Cipe, the youngest of the four, started his journey. Isabelle and the other people around gasped in wonder seeing as the other three created obstacles with their bodies so Cipe could jump over or slide below.

At one point, the other three acted as some sort of human ladder until Cipe finally stood on Nicolo and looked around. "Finally, the city. My revenge is getting closer." He jumped down and rolled to soften the fall. 

Then, he ran around while Martel put on a mask and some sort of cape from the things they left in front. He stood by the side, as if contemplating the sight while the other two stood in the middle, side by side, guarding.

"Halt! Who are you?" Obehd called out, seeing Cipe purposefully walk to them.

"It will not matter who I am after I kill your master." Cipe unsheathed the sword and got ready to fight. 

"Assassin! Die!" Nicolo yelled and unsheathed a sword to fight.

The fight was obviously staged, but the pace at which they swung their swords at the others, the narrow escape dodging, the jumps, the rolls and the juggling they did with the weapons, had everyone holding their breaths for the outcome.

The two guards fell. Cipe swung his sword as if cleaning it of the blood and walked forward. He pointed his sword at Martel who slowly turned and faced the intruder.

"So you came." Martel said with the most unsurprised voice. He had waited for him.

"This is for Father! And Mother!" Cipe exclaimed, swinging his sword and starting yet another fight. 

This one was more intense and fast, with neither of them backing down, each doing their own flips, doing splits on the ground and in the air, grabbing their clothes and throwing each other around. The mask was lifted off in the exchange.

"You…" The avenger stood stupefied.

The revealed face softly smiled. "Do it." Cipe shook his head and took a step back. Martel stepped forward, grabbed the sword and put the tip on his chest. "Do it. Free me."

"No…" Cipe wanted to pull his sword, instead it was pulled forward, right into the other's chest. "Noo!" He let go of the sword as if it burned him. 

Martel fell on his knees. "Thank you." He mumbled before falling.

"Nooo!" Cipe knelt and hugged the body. "Noo, brother! Brother, why! I forgive you! I will not avenge them anymore! Stay with me! Brother!"

Isabelle felt tears forming in her eyes at the soulful screams. She took a deep breath and swallowed the knot in her throat before applauding with the rest of the people gathered there. It had been a marvelous performance.

It was so amazing that she started hesitating on hiring them. With how good they were, she doubted they would want to work for a base salary. She decided to wing it and ask their base limit.

"That was amazing. Could you stay back please? Lucas will prepare you some beverages. Thank you." She pointed at the other side of the courtyard where nobody sat so they knew they had been chosen. The four nodded and bowed down before doing as told.

Once sat on the floor, as there was no furniture, Obehd groaned and rubbed on his shoulder.

"Does it hurt?" Nicolo worriedly asked, fussing over the man. He had wanted to it before, but one look from Obehd made him stay put. Right, work first. With their performance over, there was nothing to stop him.

Obehd wryly chuckled. "Of course it hurts." He sighed as Nicolo's fingers expertly massaged his shoulder to ease the pain. He knew he was not going to run away from Nicolo's hand when he got like that. 

He glanced at Martel and Cipe for help, but found the first looking away while the latter just gave him a thumbs up with a knowing smile. 

Yes, there was no way he would run away. He fondly smiled and let Nicolo do whatever he wanted.


Procrastination hit me hard, sorry.

Thanks for the power stones, Maria, nalaDenniss and Megan!

FLouGBcreators' thoughts