
A Turf Battle

I drew the cross level circle in chalk which will help me move from Faeton to Jurg on a large leather skien, then I drew protection spells on my chest with blood from one of the bat bird's I had for lunch. It was time for me to go-mom packed me a survival bag-I didn't open it, knowing her it would contain potions since I wouldn't need anything else. Dad just looked at me with his red eyes and watched me leave.

I sometimes wonder what he's thinking when he looks at me.

I would seriously run bat shit fast if he ever looked at me as food-dude defines hangry!

I grab the leather bag, not sure what animal it's made from, and sling it over my shoulder. I am in my humanoid form and my horns keep leaking poisons onto my face. I got this trait from my dad, but my horns are still short, and when I get too excited (like now), the poison flows faster, I don't know which deity I need to thank, but luckily it doesn't burn my eyes!

Coming from the human dimension you would think that I would be embarrassed standing nude with a leather bag over my shoulder, but seriously it's kind of tope.

I'm walking out into the field when it begins to rain, the acid burns some, but it's worse in the lower levels. If it wouldn't melt the fabric I would invent the umbrella here. Shoot, if it didn't melt the bat birds, I would even think of leather umbrellas. Shits seriously crazy.

I set the skien down and stand in the middle as I cut my palm and have the blood activate the spell. Within a blink I am in Jurg, luckily it's not raining here. I'm trying not to be too salty as I look around at where I'm at.

How in the unlucky hell did I manage to land in the middle of a turf battle? I have both sides looking at me with hunger. I smell like an upper echelon demon, cause I am, but I don't have the skills yet.

I see glowing red, green, yellow, and even orange eyes staring at me. I would step back and try to form a plan, but when I tell you I landed in a turf battle, I mean a battle. I think there may be around 10,000 demons.

Good thing I had a small lunch.

I stay in my humanoid form and begin to charge. I grab some, kick others, bite a few, use my horns-full on rager-and not the sexual kind...well I say that, but I guess some of the blood lust rushed down there. Again, I would be embarrassed, but my focus is on decimating as many of the demons as I can, regardless of my boner.

I feel their skulls and bones breaking in my hands, and hear them shattering with each kick. I'm in some kind of zone and I feel fangs protruding from my mouth and from some hidden corner of my mind I think, "that's new" and begin to chomp on more demons-their blood nourishing me but also upping my rage.

I feel a pressure on my back and realize some imp has climbed up trying to take me down. I feel the smile on my lips as the blood I've consumed leaks from my mouth. I grab his head and flip him over my shoulder and bite down on his skull. I feel his brains on my tongue and continue to eat him. This imp was smart-his skills transfer into me.

This battle is a great opportunity for growth! With each demon I chomp on or suck blood from, I gain their skills, but more importantly, their memories. As a new cambien, I don't have hundreds or thousands of years of existence like they do.

The two sides continue to fight each other and me. The smell of copper increases my blood lust. Instead of getting tired, I'm crunk on this shit. I feel my muscles expanding and the poison is getting thicker, needless to say, my boner is still standing proud.

I don't even need the bag of potions my mom gave me, my physical strength is enough at this point. My hands have turned into claws, and gutting the demons around me is as easy as cutting butter.

The turf war between the demons appears to have been settled. I'm not sure how long we've been fighting but the sky has opened up to a torrent of rain, and the dead demon's bodies are melting. The smell of rotting demons stimulates me more. I feel my body changing further, I'm taller and my claws are dripping poison like my horns. I feel like a badass as everything around me slows down, I'm cutting necks and ripping heads off like a chicken hunter. I am getting an upsurge of adrenaline,

Whatever, the battle may be over, but the war is just getting started. I feel the urge to roar, so I do. Damn demons take off running. My smile gets bigger, yep I'm just getting started. I take off after them. Fast food or eating in, doesn't matter to me.

I felt my legs pumping faster than ever. I could see the smallest detail and smells were bombarding my senses. The poison leaking from my horns was no longer leaking down my face, but down my back-they grew. The realization of how much my body is changing makes me feel like a boss.

I could taste the blood pumping through these demons as they ran in terror. It brought out the sadist in me, all I wanted was to tear their throats open. Bodies began to disintegrate before I could reach them-a chain reaction that made my blood boil and mouth water. Any semblance of my past life was gone-in its place was bloodlust and a desire to kill.

My hands finally grasped a demon about to level up to Shoakland, the fourth level of hell. I bit into his head, his brain matter pumping my own evolution, before his body began to flake off into ash.

My devotion to this meal consumed me until I realized the noises were gone. I turned in a circle, still chowing down on the burning demon in my hands, and saw that the battling demons had escaped. Neat fact about demons, within our own levels we can translocate to our home without any spells or circles because we mark our territory.

I found myself on a bloody field with acidic rain pouring down on me...and I lost my damn skein that had my transport spell on it (doesn't matter, it has already melted from this rain anyways). I finished my meal and began to back track. My body was cooling down-which was a good thing. I was scorching the ground with every step, and that could only lead these lower level demons to me for an expected ambush.

Demons are crafty and since we live for hundreds of years, we like to stay alive. Me, I'm still young (the youngest demon), but I understood their desire to stay alive since it was bred into the fibers of my being.

My brain went from kill kill kill eat eat eat to the rational normal state I knew. I finished my meal and threw the femur out into the field. If this were a video game, I guess I leveled up like five levels in my frenzy. Turf battles are awesome.

Since it's not a game, I just maxed out my potential at this time. Now that my physical strength is at its optimum, I need to work on my spells and potions. In order to rule the seven levels, I need to be the best at everything. I know my role, I knew the prophecy of my birth, and I was looking forward to it.

Paradise City from Guns N Roses began playing in my head, I needed to get back to my 'rents so I could see where the grass was green and the girls were pretty.."Captain America's been torn apart Now he's a court jester with a broken heart He said "turn me around and take me back to the start" I must be losing my mind "are you blind?" I've seen it all a million times..." I began to rock out loud, my singing voice wasn't that great, but I felt on fire!

I finally found the puddle of my skein, more from the smell than the actual leather. My mom's leather bag was still slung around my shoulder (how crazy is that shit?and seriously, what the hell is it made of???) so I looked inside to see if another skein and any chalk was there. Not only were they both there, but she also had a potion for healing tucked inside.

I looked over my body but didn't see any injuries. "I am a badass" I muttered aloud. I looked to see what other gifts she gave and saw a rejuvenation potion. I drank the entire bottle in one gulp, finally feeling that my teeth were back to normal. Without a mirror I could only assess my body with my hands, so I groped myself. I finally realized that was pointless, not only did my body get bigger, but so did my hands. So, I couldn't really feel any difference per se, just that my muscles felt harder.

I would need to wait until I saw my parents and then hear what they said. I changed into my goat form to relieve myself, it's weird, but so much easier to cope with.

In this form my brain evaluates all the changes. My head feels heavier so my horns are bigger. I am more sturdy on my feet, so my body has grown.

I couldn't resist, I looked between my legs to check out my junk, then instinct took over as I pissed in my own face. WTH.

On a positive note, my junk was huge. Like massively larger.

But I pissed in my own face.

In the demon world there are seven levels of hell. Since I was born on the seventh level I can go to any of the other six levels with a spell. The lower demons can level up and move up echelons. My point is, there are different breeds of demons. My breed pisses in their face to call for a demoness or gello. Lower level female demons are called gellos, while those on the sixth and seventh level are called demonesses.

I wanted to beat myself up. I had been waiting to see all the beautiful demonesses in the city, but my biology just called for a gello.

Or in my case, a lot of gellos. I counted six females who answered my call.I probably killed their mates in my frenzy earlier. They are willingly coming to me. My body was still running on high from the battle and blood lust. I transformed back into my humanoid form as they began to touch me everywhere.

Back on Earth, my girlfriend and I had sex a total of three times. I thought those three instances were the best thing ever. Here I am now with twelve hands and six very experienced mouths. In this dimension I am back to being a virgin, as I watch my penis enter into a lamb hybrid demon's cavernous mouth, I realize that what I experienced on Earth is nothing like her very, very capable self.

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