
Chapter 9

[A/N:I write this for fun and fighting scenes are going to suck since it is my first time writing so sorry in advance also the next update will be next week.]

Thor POV

I got outside the church only to see a very injured Knut I smirked and thought, "The guy will die of blood loss before we even reach Kattegat. Ragnar and everyone who was coming outside the church with loot. I grinned and said, "Knut, I knew you were stupid but really going against Lagertha, who one of our best swordswomen."

Val snorted and muttered, "I doubt the idiot has any brain cells to think about that."

Erik who was obviously disgusted at the fact Knut tried to do to one of their own people questioned, "What do we do with him."Knut who heard this laughed and replied, "You people cannot do anything if my brother finds out he will kill the bitch for attacking me nor can you get me on trial since my brother will clear me and you can't kill me."

I narrowed my eyes at Knut as I questioned him, "So you have done similar things before and your brother saved you by hiding it, is that what you are saying."Knut knew he was busted since he spoke too much his reaction was not missed by Lagertha, Val, Sig, Ragnar, or Erik.

I grabbed his collars lifted him up looking straight into his eyes Knut was scared as he saw lighting dance in Thors's eyes.I glared at him as I said coldly, "So you have done this, tell the truth and I will make your death quick."

Knut, scared to death replied: "No you can't do that my brother will not let you go."I smirked and said, "It is as if I care now spill."Knut who was scared literally spilled every secret some of the Vikings recognized the names they were neighbors, relatives who went missing, or even kids.

I pushed Knut and whispered, "Run knut let's see how far you can get."Knut thought he can get away and run back to the ship. Then moment he reached outside the town bolt of lighting came straight from the sky hitting him and killing him instantly only leaving a charred body behind.

We were soon returning back to our ship but nobody spoke off what happened to Knut since all thought he deserved it. About the lighting, it solidified their belief in me being the descendant and carrying thor's blessing. Still, for Lagertha, who saw this as we reached the beach all of us, soldiers, all in attack formation the people Ragnar left behind to guard the ships were killed but both died fighting like a true Viking.

I muttered, "So they did bring reinforcements to fight us."Sig who heard this, replied with disappointment, "I only wish they had brought more."

Lagertha snorted and said, "Sig you are a god so of course, you would think that now stop whining."Sig who looked at a Lagertha with raised eyebrows replied: "Yes mam."Val who heard this snickered since she knew even when she is Midargdian, the famed Sigurd was slightly okay greatly afraid of Lagertha for unknown reasons.

I grinned and muttered, "Let the Massacre begin."

Both mine and Ragnar's war band got ready for battle as I shouted, "Ready the Shields." as saw the enemy soldiers getting ready to fire their arrows the shield wall was quickly set up as the arrows bounced off the shields, I heard the enemy commander was known Lord Wigea ordered the troops to charge.

Ragnar and I both shouted in unison, "Stand and brace."The enemy slammed into the shield wall as yelled "Be ready Lagertha, Val, and Sig were are going around and thin the crowd the archers will make sure to have our back."

I mentally thought "Can't these idiot soldiers attack from both sides after all this not an endless shield wall as they could easily have taken out Vikings who were at the sides who were trying to keep the shield wall from breaking. This could have at least reduced the numbers. "

We started to converge from both left and right. The idiots were too focused on the shield wall both Sig and I attacked from the left with a few of Asgardian soldiers while Lagertha and Val, with their group attacked from the right Wigea who noticed this yelled but it was far too late.

Sig had a huge smile on his face as he was cutting down enemies left and right while I was dealing fast strikes to the enemies while effectively dodging or parrying incoming attacks, so both of us were going through the enemy soldiers like a knife through butter.

The same can be said for Val, who with her dual-wielded swords was easily dodging incoming sword strikes quickly dealing with killing soldiers with a quick succession of sword strikes.

While Lagertha, who was dual Wielding a shield and sword She often parried or dodged enemy's attack, which creates a small window of opportunity for her to counter-attack them with the sword if that didn't work, she will simply block an enemy's attack with her shield then either bash them with the shield and quickly take them out while they are stunned. The Asgardian archers made sure to takeout any surprise attack on Lagertha.

Their formation broke because of the quick surprise attack that soon all of them were except for Wigea were killed. I saw Wigea staring at me with Shock as I decided to play with him a little as I channeled lighting into my sword seeing lighting dancing on my sword he was scared as he quickly retreated while shouting "What in the god's name."I wanted to laugh seeing his reaction but held it in.

Everyone was drenched in blood only Ragnnar's Warband suffered casualties that only being the two people who guarded the ship.I went and sat next to Ragnar, who was sitting and looking over the dead bodies of the Saxon soldiers, and asked, "You so know that this is not the end right those that escaped will definitely alert their king about this."

Ragnar nodded and replied, "Then we will be ready for them."I smiled hearing that as Ragnar turned to me and questioned, "I never truly believed the rumors about you being Thor's reincarnation or his descendant."I looked at him curiously as he continued, "But seeing how you killed Knut, it is just something I still cannot wrap my mind around."

I patted his shoulder and replied, "You will get used to it."Lagertha just sighed in resignation.

We returning back Kattegat I knew for a fact the Jarl even if he calls for trial with the number of witnesses and Knut's own confession will make the trial all of nothing.I am don't intend to be the Jarl since it is nothing in front of my eyes.

I groaned and thought, "After Ragnar becomes the Jarl, I obviously need to move away from Kattegat since Asluag will soon be here I did not want to be anywhere near her that women will aim for me once she founds about so-called linage and stuff."

I am already building a huge keep in Kaupang, which was already one of the largest trading centers during the Viking Age along with Ribe, Hedeby, and Birka in the Baltic region. But my town has grown a lot with the help of my mother and my own reputation until then I stayed at our home next to Lagertha.

This is just written to pass time and for pure enjoyment purposes.

Anonymous2000creators' thoughts
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