
gods vs lucifer

'You're pathetic!"

'It's your fault!'

'All these people died because you are weak!'

'If you hadn't been born, none of this would have happened!'



'Anti Christ!'


'She died because of you!'


Thomas woke up from a nightmare screaming.

"Hey? Are you okay? Thomas!"

Breathing hard, Thomas realized he had returned to reality and looked at the voice calling him, it was Annabelle...

"Thomas? Are you okay?"

Annabelle would sit on the bed and hold Thomas's hand, trying to give him some comfort.

Thomas looked at her and suddenly tears fell from his eyes. It was a dream for him that she was still alive, Annabele's dead scene was still on his mind, so seeing her well and healthy was something that moved him.

Without realizing it, Annabelle was already hugging him while saying in a calm tone:

"I know Thomas... But it's going to be okay now, you can relax now to get it all out."

Thomas shed it all in tears. He's a kind boy, he always tried to do what he could to help people, but having those images in his head of Charles killing all those people and Annabelle dead in front of him, created a deep trauma in his soul, something he had always had. remembered.

Despite everyone saying it wasn't his fault, he knew deep down that he was totally to blame.

So they held each other for a few hours, just getting each other's warmth, they didn't say anything the whole time, until Annabelle said:

"It's already dawn..."

Thomas returned to reality and looked out the window, the sun was already rising.

He calmed down and stopped hugging Annabelle and said:

"I'm sorry I made you stay here with me."

Annabelle made a confused expression and replied:

"Isn't that what friends do?"

"That's it..."

She would get up and sit in the chair beside the bed and say in a worried tone:

"What nightmare did you have?"

Thomas smiled awkwardly and said:

"I dreamed of the day my mother abandoned me haha..."

Thomas lied to Annabelle to keep her from worrying about him anymore.

"Do you still have nightmares about it?! Didn't I already tell you to get over it? She lost!"

"Sorry haha."

"Sigh, you should rest now Thomas, your state isn't good, you still can't circulate mana through your right arm?"

"No, it looks like this technique has given me some side effects... But don't worry, the doctors said that maybe in two weeks my arm will be back to normal."

Annabelle gave a happy smile and said in a cheerful tone:

"Really?! Then you can go back to the gym before classes start again!"

"Did class stop?"

"You didn't know, right? The school took a month off out of respect for the dead students."

"I see... But how are you Annabelle?"

She became thoughtful and replied:

"I'm fine, by the way, it's not the first time I've died."

Annabelle noticed a bit of guilt on Thomas's face and spoke in a serious tone.

"It's not your fault what happened to me! Got it?!"

Thomas spoke while looking at the window:

"I know..."

"Sigh, you never change anyway..."

She gave Thomas a slight smile and spoke as she left the room:

"I'm going to sleep a little, it's for you to sleep too!"

Thomas nodded and watched Annabelle leave as the bedroom door closed. He decided to try to rest a little longer.




In a luxury hotel, several gods gathered in a room, with the aim of discussing the future of the earth. There was a giant table with 10 chairs, on each one sat the most powerful gods on earth and behind them there was a multitude of other gods, waiting for the end of the discussion.

"We need to kill the boy! Darkness was free for less than an hour and has already managed to kill over 750,000 people!"

Thor said as he slammed his hammer down on the table.

"I agree with Thor, after we found out who the being inside him was, the boy became a danger to our existence, he can no longer be ignored!"

"Yes, I agree with Thor too, but how about we make a vote between the 10 of us, to decide if the boy lives or dies?"

It was Hades who suggested this vow. Those present were in doubt until mors said:

"Let's do the voting then, between the 10 of us."

Most of those present in the room were happy, as they already knew the result of the vote.

Mors spoke in a calm tone:

"Whoever is in favor of destroying the boy's body, raise your hand!"

Immediately 7 gods raised their hands, minus Mors, Gaia and Aphrodite.

Thor spoke in a confident and cheerful voice as he smiled:

"We won! So let's kill the boy soon, before the darkness can break free again!"

All those present began to celebrate, as if it were a party, some gave shouts of glory, others clapped their hands.

Aphrodite sighed and said in a sad tone:

"I wanted to have sex with him just once..."

"Seriously, Aphrodite? We're discussing the future of the earth and humanity, and you're thinking of doing this to our enemy?"

Kali said to Aphrodite with a shocked expression.

"It's not my fault he's so charming, powerful, cool and..."

"Okay, I don't want to know anymore!"

Kali stops Aphrodite before she starts to get carried away.

Gaia noticed the joy of the other gods and spoke in a calm tone:

"What if they can't kill the boy? I doubt the darkness will be quiet..."

All those present stopped celebrating, a silence descended over the room, until Hades spoke:

"Mors can destroy the boy's body, making the darkness no longer able to manifest itself, it would be imprisoned again and the land would be safe!"

All those present went back to celebrating again, mors was just thoughtful with his eyes closed.




At the reception of the luxury hotel, a goddess was seen organizing the paperwork:

"Damn it, why is it so hard to buy a hotel?!"

She then started to sign some papers, until someone rang the bell that was on top of the counter where she was, "blem-blem".

She looked up from her papers and looked at whoever had rung the bell, and suddenly the air in the atmosphere changed, a cruel atmosphere compared to Charles, hung over the room.

The goddess could not move, she looked at a man who had the appearance of a handsome man in his 25s, his hair was black and with hellish red eyes.

The goddess rebuked fear as much as she could and with her pride in being a goddess, she spoke:

"Good evening sir... What can I do for you sir?"

The man looked at her and said:

"Hmmm, I never understand you pagans, always so arrogant... You all are worse than humans, more opportunistic than demons, more hypocrites than angels and you think you are true gods."

The goddess began to tremble all over, that Man exhaled a cruel aura.

The man noticed the fear of the goddess and said while laughing:

"Look at this pfffff, and to think that today the synonym for gods is rubbish."

Upon being called trash, a huge anger surged inside the goddess and she spoke as she prepared for the fight:

"I am the great Goddess of fear!"

Before she could finish the sentence, she was being torn apart, the man was drenched in blood and spoke:

"Great goddess you were..."

The man sighed and started walking towards the room, where the other gods were...

Next chapter