
I reincarnated, but where?

I had a good life, I was an artist in my 20 years of life, I didn't lack anything, I read a lot of novels and books, the last one was the hero of decency, a hero with a lot of lovers, when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in the body of Tom Breach, an unfortunate side character who fell prey to the hero's lover, he died and I Now I had to prevent the second death of myself and Tom Breach, this is my story in the hero of decency

Daoistna3RhA · Action
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24 Chs

Part 15 of the last day

Part 15 of the last day



Why doesn't it end?

Oh God, I am dying.

I was very tired and put my head on the table and looked at the amount of books that were left.

Actually, after I did the four basic pillars of magic and stabilization of mana in the flow of the body, now it was the stage of doing different magics.

That's why I was reading books about spells, types of magic, how to create magic, etc.

I didn't understand anything from these things, and the misfortune was that there were only 2 days left until the end of the 3-month training. In fact, I had learned to read magic with Word, but not without Word, so I was very stressed because the three-month deadline was coming to an end. became .

What if I wouldn't be reincarnated and I wouldn't be suffering so much now, right?

But now that I have reincarnated, I must try to prevent my second death!

I quickly returned and leaned on the chair to continue reading the books.

.....Evening ....

Again, I didn't understand anything and I continued to not understand. In fact, now I'm talking nonsense and I don't understand what I'm talking about.

I decided to go out of the church library and get some fresh air to change my mood....

I was walking and thinking in the garden of the church when I saw a pilgrim meditating.

I decided to pass by Zyar very quietly, silently and motionless, so that he would not feel my presence and would not catch me again...

Ziyar: Do you understand anything about books?


How did you know?

Me: Well, yes, yes, but not the same!

Ziyar: What does that mean?

Me: I mean, teacher, well, no, I couldn't!

Pilgrim (.....)

Ziyar: What can I tell you, there are only 2 days left until the end of training and you are just walking around, nothing is expected of you because you are nothing more than a fool.


Ziyar: Anyway, be aware that you only have 2 more days and after that you already know that....

Yes, yes, teacher, I am aware, now I am going to practice, with permission...

....The next day ....

There was only one day left until the end of the set deadline. From that I...

I can't think about it at all because I know that if Ziyar goes to the church and stops supporting me, I will go back to my old life and I have to wait for the death of Harry the hero because of his girlfriend!

Once again I have to try myself...

I imagined the magic of the wind in my mind and raised my hand and pointed towards the tree.


I opened my eyes again nothing happened.

God, why can't you curse this life?

I tried many times, but it didn't work, what should I do?

I'm completely depressed, I can't give up anymore.

I knelt on the ground and surrendered to this fate, surrendered to this life and surrendered to this failure.

ho ho chi chi

ho ho chi chi

I raised my head and looked at the two boys who were playing.

It was like a train game because the second boy (behind the first boy) was wearing the first boy's clothes and the first boy was running and making the sound of the train.

How happy they are to achieve their dreams, how much they enjoy their childish world. Well, I was a child, but my life was completely different from them.

What else was left to do?

I realized that when the children heard the sound of the train, I remembered the train of my world, I remembered the train tracks that are connected to each other, maybe if...

If I can connect the words that I need to get to my mind, which means that magic can be created without the need for words, and my mind can be connected to mana and veins like successive rails.

I quickly meditated and decided to do what I thought.

Peace of mind and let's go.

I felt something special inside my body, the veins of my body and my head.

I connected the words that I knew in one way, like train tracks and after that.

Oh, my head hurts.

and finally .....

.... ...

When I opened my eyes, I saw Eva's sister with the old man above me, who were clearly worried.

Eva's sister: The master's father has come to his senses. Tom has come to his senses.

After Ziyar, I saw my father coming towards me.

Eva's sister: You were completely unconscious for 2 days.

I was unconscious!

Old man: Yes, and when we came to you after you screamed, we saw that you were completely unconscious.

Ziyar: Regardless of all these discussions, your deadline has passed and you missed even 1 day of the set deadline, and now, as you know and promised, you accepted if you could complete the one-year training in three months, I will complete the three-year training after that. I will start and if you can't, I will finish your training and after that I will go back to the second wall to the archbishop and do the rest of the missions.

Well, you couldn't, and I will act according to the promise you made. I hope that the goddess will take care of you and that you will be successful in life....

and went

Pilgrim Master Pilgrim Master

It was the father's voice that followed the pilgrim to talk to him and after Eva's sister, they went with the old man to leave me alone in this sadness.

damn this life

I punched the wall to get rid of my anger that...


The wall burst, meaning a big hole was created by my fist.

What does it mean...

I decided to imagine the magic round the wind facing the wall that...

Oh God, the wall in front of me was completely destroyed.

Patulina's sister and the old man came and saw what happened to the wall next to me and the wall in front of me because there was no wall or door to be seen and only I was on the bed and the three of us were looking at each other with surprise.

Me: Ziz Ziyar, I have to see Ziyar and I was about to get up when I hit the ground hard.

Patulina's sister came to me quickly and lifted me up.

Me: I need to see Ziyar quickly to tell him that I was able to create the magic.

Sister Petulina: Oh, how come Master Ziyar must have left the church. Me: I don't understand these things. I have to see Ziyar and I got up again.

Old man: You sit down, I'll go get the pilgrim...

Me: What happened to you, where did you go! ?

Me: Sister, help me go out....

We went outside and to my surprise I saw the old man and the pilgrim coming.

Me :(....) Oh, how is it possible for him to go there at this age and at such a speed that....

Ziyar: What did you want to say, Tom?

Me: Oh well.

I was able to do magic without words:

Ziyar: Well, I can't believe it, you have to do it for me to believe it.

Me: If you leave my sister and leave me alone here, I can handle it.

My sister let go of me when I wanted to fall, and she asked me to pick me up again.

I concentrated and imagined the magic of the wind and...

The tree canopy was destroyed.

In full happiness, I felt a feeling of misery and fear from behind me. It was definitely an old man who was now obviously very angry about the destruction of the tree and I was definitely a miserable person.

Patulina's sister came to me and hugged me, and then her father.

Ziyar: Well, you could learn to create magic without words, but these were basic things, and from now on, your three-year training will be very difficult, and you must learn how to fight, how to strategize in the face of the enemy, and calm yourself in times of war. To create magic, keep in mind that eventually all of this and training will be summed up in the elite academy.

are you ready

Me: yes...

And after that rigorous training, my three-year training began.

End of part 15