
Everything Will End Now

*weee* *wooo* *weee* *wooo*

Sirens blared as police officers chased a thief through the dark streets.

The thief ran with a bag of stolen goods in hand, trying to escape, "damn it! When will they go away!" Leon shouted through gritted teeth.

His legs pushed to move faster, even though his lungs were starting to give up.

"Hey, here!" Leon's friend whispered from the corner.

"Finally!" Leon ran towards his friend with all the goods in his hands.

"Hurry up, come on!" He waved his hand.

Leon and his friend ran up to the roof through a fire escape where a woman was waiting.

Her tone was sharp and quite commanding, "Took you long enough, you two bastards." She stated.

Watching both of them, "give me everything," she ordered Leon and he listened.

She then in return handed Leon a small white bag.

His sunken eyes looked at the bag like a plant looks at the morning sun. His shaking hands took it, slowly and carefully, making sure nothing would be dropped on the ground.

"Ewww, you really need to take a shower," the woman commented on his appearance.

Leon was drenched in sweat, surrounded by the scent of stale smoke.

"I-I will," he replied with a trembling head.

"Anyway, since you did all the work alone, I don't need witnesses." She looked at his friend and smiled.

"Don't worry, I have another job for you," she whispered and took a pistol out from her leather jacket.


She shot the man in front of Leon without any hesitation.

"Wh-what did you do? Why…?!" Leon's eyes widened and voice stuttered.

The man jerked back from the impact of the gunshot and fell to the ground. The bright red blood started oozing from his head.

"Why…?" Leon repeated.

"Don't question the hands that feed you. Matter of fact, look at yourself? A time with friends would do you some good."

The woman, without waiting for anything else, grabbed all the stolen goods, and hopped onto a helicopter.

Before leaving, she dropped the gun next to Leon, "it's the one that I asked you to get me last week, remember, your fingerprints are on it. If I were you, I would start running."

Leon's hand let go of the small white bag as he stumbled toward his fallen friend, his heart pounded against his chest so hard that it felt like it was going to come out.

The blood pooling around his friend's head was dark and spreading, just like the blood he remembered from that awful day.

The day the light in his wife's eyes faded out like a dying candle, and with it, the tiny life inside her they had both been so excited to meet.

*weee* *wooo* *weee* *wooo*

The sirens seemed to echo from the past, mixing with the memories of ambulance lights and the desperate sounds of doctors trying to save her.

But they couldn't…

Everything Leon loved was taken away in a rush and white hospital sheets.

After she was gone, Leon's world turned gray. Work became a place he couldn't bear to face, to him it was like a reminder of plans and dreams that now would never come true.

Bills piled up, the bank took his home, and soon the cold, hard street was his bed.

To relieve the pain that lived with him day and night, he turned to whatever could blur the memories – drugs, alcohol, anything to make him forget.

But one day, in the middle of the foggy night, he saw a face he'd never forget – the face of the person who had changed his life forever.

The face of his wife's killer. Anger cut through his veins and his blood continued to boil, and Leon did what he had to do, grabbing onto the hope for revenge like a lifeline.

That's when she came into his life, the woman with the commanding tone and cold eyes.

She promised him revenge, she promised closure – all he had to do was what she asked.

And so he did, each hard and weird task was pulling him deeper into a world he never wanted to be a part of.

Now, another friend was lifeless before him, another trust shattered by her betrayal.

Leon's knees hit the rooftop with a thud as he looked at the still body of his friend, the man who had helped him, now gone because of him.

The woman's words repeated in his head, 'Don't question the hands that feed you,' but those hands had fed him nothing but lies.

The helicopter's blades cut through the air as she left him there, with a dead friend and a gun that bore his fingerprints.

Leon's eyes were wide, his breath shallow. There was nothing left but to run, "ah… where to…? Where will I run?" He asked out loud.

There was nothing left for him, nowhere to go, nowhere to run, and soon the police would capture him with a gun that killed his friend.

"It's all over for me…I will not escape this…" He spoke to himself.

"Aaah, I see how it is…" suddenly realisation went through his thoughts…

He got up and walked to the edge of the roof and glanced down.

The building was tall.

He knew that if he fell, everything would be over. "I will meet you again, Monica," he thought.

Leon bent his knees and pushed himself into the darkness, "Everything will end now." He shut his eyes and welcomed the darkness.

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