

A young man with sallow complexion groaned in pain, attracting the attention of the slaves inside a large wooden cage.

"What?! He is still alive after that round of beating from Lord Karlan? What a tough kid! But it looks like he will still die tomorrow." A man in his thirties glanced at the sickly young man with pity, but he can do nothing to help as he himself was currently shackled with thick metal chains.

The other slaves inside the huge wooden cage were already numbed. They had seen a lot of slaves die, either from extreme hunger or from the continuous beating from their lord.

Even if they had the guts, they will never dare revolt against their lord, because a few months ago, they had seen a strong slave who had attempted to escape from their lord. And the said slave was tortured for a whole month until his body could no longer be called as human. His flesh was torn in many parts, and his ears, nose, tongue and eyes were no longer attached to his body.

From then on, the slaves lived a life full of fear and trepidation. That even if they were being whipped by their lord, they still had to thank him with a forced smile for being 'lenient'.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

The sickly young man's eyelashes fluttered slowly and when his eyes fully opened, a deep and unfathomable light flashed in a millisecond from those ocean blue eyes.

"I have heard your unending thirst for freedom after experiencing almost three decades of living or perhaps a living death. I planted an immortal seed in your heart with my blood as its core. Live, no one deserved a life such as yours and you don't have to worry since I had already devoured your previous fate. I shall leave now young man, for if not, then even my godly body would be engulfed by the law of the universe. Farewell."

An archaic voice resounded inside the sickly young man's head, but strangely enough, he did not feel surprised at all.

The wounds on his body was slowly healing, but the bruises were still there.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" The young man coughed significantly louder than before and black blood began to leak out of his mouth creating small puddle of black liquid on the cold ground.

The young man's heart suddenly stopped beating and he showed no signs of movement.

The strong-looking slave sighed with pity and his eyes was full of sadness. "At least you are now free from pain. Goodbye young man."

The other slaves ignored him and continued looking soullesly at the evening sky as if they were constantly praying for freedom.

Two men guarding the wooden cage saw the young man lying in his own pool of blood with apathy. They carried his 'dead' body out of the cage and threw it on the forest outside Baron Karlan's castle.

"His dead body will be eaten by those beasts a few minutes from now. Let's go, or we will become meals for those beasts as well." One of the guards fearfully said as he pulled the other guard back inside the castle.

Inside the 'dead' young man's heart, a small seed about the same size as a grain of rice cracked and golden liquid began to leak out of it.

Archaic patterns began to form on the young man's body and the bruises on him began to heal at a discernable speed. His sickly complexion changed into a healthy shade of red. His short black hair turned silver and it also grew longer and longer.

The young man's appearance changed considerably after that small amount of golden liquid traveled slowly inside heart.

A handsome young man with silver hair, ocean blue eyes and immortal-like face. His thin body also became much more muscular and well proportioned. The slave mark on his face was also gone and his previously dry skin was now replaced by a silky and spotlessly white one. That was how he looked like after the golden liquid merged with his blood. A total transformation from a trash to a prince.

He clutched his slightly aching head while glancing curiously at his surroundings. "Where am I?" The charming voice carried a hint of confusion.

"Wait! Who am I?"