

After Stella finished the food that her uncle prepared for her, she headed to the only apothecary shop in the village. 

"Gentle Leaves, huh…" Reiji read the name of the shop.

He remembered that there was a similar shop in Farahn Village called Gentle Pixie.

Stella saw that the door has an "Open" sign so she didn't hesitate to enter the store while carrying the two vials of potion in different colors. 

Cling! Cling!

The opening of the door was accompanied by chimes of bells as the apothecarist that was dozing off quickly looked at the customer…

"Good afternoon! How may I help you?"

A lady in her late twenties asked Stella.

Reiji observed the woman curiously, there was a cloth on her head like a bandana that covers her hair. Aside from that, just by seeing her eyebags, it would tell everyone that she had lacks of sleep…

However, as soon as she saw the vials on her hands, the light in her eyes fired up…

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