
Chapter 14

Southern Mesopotamia

BC 2805, Agade city

Jehovah has looked at the akkadians who have developed in the last five months. Akkadians who assimilated the Technologies they received from the Sumerians for 5 months developed as soldiers. At the same time, they regained the strength lost in Atun's time.

No matter how successful it seemed, it actually wasn't. The Sumerians improved every day. The Sumerians left a huge gap between them and the Akkadians Especially Uruk. There used to be no big difference between Uruk and Agade, but now Lugalbanda is loved by the Gods, which has brought great improvements to Uruk.

Jehovah did not want the Sumerians to open a difference with the Akkadians, so he used his powers in the best way for the Akkadians. He made the agricultural lands fertile. It even made him come late in the winter.

Again, no matter what he did, he could not close the gap between the Akkadians and the Sumerians. Finally, Jehovah decided to talk to Ningul about New military expeditions.

"But what Strategy should I suggest?" He thought about the Strategy of great leaders such as Jehovah, Baldwin, Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan. Since the strategies of Caesar and Alexander were incompatible for the current Akkadian army, he removed them. Baldwin's strategies, on the other hand, would be too much for the Akkadians. Since Genghis khan was conducting more of a psychological war, it would have been meaningless for the Akkadian army. Thinking for a while longer, a man came to Jehovah's mind.(From the Real World)

" The greatest advantage that the Hun Empire, which once struck fear into the Roman Empire, had was its mounted archers. The mounted archers consisted of experienced and brave people who had been trained as children. They were very talented with horses. At the same time, they were incredible at archery. When they were riding at full speed on a horse, it was said that every arrow they shot at the enemy was accurate." Jehovah, who counted the information he had in mind while he was mortal, then turned his eyes to Ningul, who was doing his business in the Throne room.

"Ningul, I hope you won't disappoint me. Otherwise, I might have to give up on you too. "Jehovah focused on the material world and began to draw Ningul into the dream realm.

Ningul, who was at the beginning of his work, felt unbearably tired. He dropped the clay tablet in his hand and fell forward.

Ningul, who wanted to get up, could not find the strength to stand up somehow. Ningul, who had been holding on for a while, finally gave up.

closing his eyes, Ningul found himself in a place he did not know. Ningul, who did not understand where he was, looked around. "I wonder if this is the work of the Great God?"

Ningul's attention was disturbed by the sounds of walking coming this way. Turning his head, Ningul saw an army that was equipped and had a lot of numbers.

Ningul was very impressed by the army. But his amazement ended with the mounted archers coming from the other side. Ningul immediately realized that this was a battlefield. Ningul thought that the army, equipped and outnumbered a lot, would win.

After a while, the two armies began to attack each other. The army of mounted archers advanced straight towards their enemies. In an instant the Mounted archers began to spread out to the right and left and surrounded the Roman Army. With a spread of mounted archers, the mounted spearmen advanced towards roman army. Mounted archers fired their arrows at the equipped army. Roman army, began to suffer great losses. spearmen from the front and Mounted archers who were constantly walking around them had fallen on them like a nightmare.

"Unbelievable!" Ningul was surprised that the army, which he thought he was going to lose, turned out to be so strong. It was the first time Ningul had been so excited about the war. The fact that the Roman army, which was very numerous, was defeated in such a short time, taught Ningul that the number was not important.

"Does he want me to expand our territory?" You are puzzled as to what the Great God wants, Ningul. He was awakened by a sound coming from behind him. "Yes, Ningul. You must make them understand my divine order. If you do this task successfully. I will give you a glorious life, Ningul."

Ningul, who immediately turned around, saw an elegant young man with black hair and red eyes looking at him. Ningul could feel the power coming from the youth in front of him. Before Ningul can ask the boy in front of him who, young Ningul's cut off and raised his hand. "There is no question, Ningul. Now wake up."

Ningul, who fell to the ground in an instant, woke up and found himself in his bed. Seeing that Ningul had woken up, the maid shouted excitedly. "My king has finally woken up...!!"

In an instant the door opened and Elish came quickly into the room. Ningul got out of bed when he saw Elish enter. Elish in a worried voice. "Are you well?!"

"I'm fine, thank you. "Looking at Ningul, who was smiling at her, Elish blushed and lowered her eyes to the ground. Looking at the fried Elish, Ningul began to laugh as if he had heard a funny joke. Elish, who could not understand Ningul's laughter, asked in a confused way. "Why are you laughing!?"

Ningul, who had stopped laughing, looked at Elish. "You're so cute when you're blushing."

Elish, who heard what Ningul said, got even redder. Unable to take it any longer, Elish shot a hard look at Ningul. "Fool...!!!"

Looking at Elish, who turned around and left, Ningul smiled. After Elish left, she went towards the Throne room.

When Ningul arrived, he saw that people like Galun and Lamir were there. He sat on his throne. "Nashal, stop all construction work from now on."

Obeying Ningul's order, Nashal went to inform. After Nashal left, Ningul, who looked at Gulan, told about the Strategy used by the Huns in the war he saw in his dream. Gulan, listening to what the king said, got excited. "My King, as expected from you, this is a great Strategy!"

After telling Gulan about methods such as mounted archers, Ningul returned to his work. He turned his eyes towards Nashal, who came after a while. "Nashal, from now on we will use all our resources for the Army. I want the Akkadian Army to be a strong force in the region within 1 year."

"It is as you say, my King. "After Nashal went to make plans for the next year, Ningul thought about the future. "No matter how much war is not a solution, war is needed for the future of the Akkadians now."


The battle scene that Jehovah showed to Ningul. It was a scene from Total war Attila. Jehovah, who had never seen a war in his mortal life, did not know what to show. At the end, he showed a scene from Total War Attila.

Jehovah decided to take action now and impose his own faith on the Eastern Egyptian and Southern Anatolian sides as far as his territory. "Now I just have to wait 1 year. Then there will be war again."

Jehovah closed his eyes and withdrew to rest.

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