
Adam's Vengeful Struggle

Frustrated by the hit-and-run tactic Gaston adopted all of a sudden, Adam thought about how monstrous Gaston truly was. 

He had learned from Lucius that mages needed to do something specific related to forming rings to advance from one tier to another. However, he refused to explain things further, assuring Julius he would learn everything during his magic academy days.

This world's magical knowledge was exclusively controlled by the academies. Sharing anything above tier one outside one of them was a heavy crime.

Considering Gaston's melee combat skills and the fact that he hadn't used magic until now, Adam theorised that the man didn't attend any of the academies. Continuing that reasoning, Gaston was most likely a late-stage tier one novice.

In the meantime, Gaston kept shooting him with deadly mana bullets while laughing provokingly.

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