
How fast one falls


Arriving at the Main Door Greg could see that multiple People were waiting for something in Front of the open Gate.

Feeling the Wind rush forward to the left of him he saw that the Young Master was rushing towards one of the People, the one he was rushing to was a pretty tall Man maybe 1.84 meters (6.4 ft) he had short Grey hair and a Stern Face, Black Eyes which were White-Grey on the bottom of the Iris, with a Pale complexion. The Man wore a Black Suit with a white Shirt and white Fabric gloves.

"BELEMIR" Rulges cried out as he further rushed to the the Man now revealed as Belemir.

As Belemir saw the Young Master a smile formed on his Face as he stretched out his arms ready to give Rulges a tight hug.

When they finally hugged "Young Master Rulges how are you so Dirty... and wet" He said realizing that his Outfit would be full with mud now too.

As Belemir shifted his gaze he looked at Greg coldly. "And who may this be?" he asked while still hugging Rulges, "Ah this is Greg he is from the Torgin Family, he told me Story's about Andron Ashguard, and teached me things about the Adventurers." Rulges answered with enthusiasm.

"Hmn, Mister Greg? Torgin is it. how come the Young Master is so Dirty and Wet" Belemir asked emphazising the words 'Greg' as he had not heard of such a Torgin.And 'Wet' as they should have at least make him change his clothes.

"Ahm, so... I-I don't know w-why he Is wet, as he came like that into the Inn, b-but If you're Confused about my Name, It is Gregorous Torgin, the Y-Young Master just calls me Greg for Conveniences sake." Greg answered nervously as he felt the Cold stare from Belemir give him Goosebumps, as sweat started to appear on his back.

"Hmn, If he came like that to you wouldn't it be logical for you to give him some proper clothing or tell the Guards of his location?

You know we've been looking for him everywhere?" Belemir asked again concerned for Rulges's health.

"W-Well..." Greg started to stutter but in the end was Interrupted "Let him be Belemir, he told me AWESOME Story's we simply didn't have time to change some ,stupid clothing'" Rulges Chimmed in as he was annoyed of this chat and just wanted to go to Sleep.

Belemir smiled again looking at Rulges " Okay, then we'll let this one slip okay, Mister Gregorous Torgin?" he asked Intimidating, but still with a smile.

"Y-Ye-Yeah, w-We'll do that Mister B-Belemir" he said still feeling slightly Pressured, from the Conversation they just had.

"GUARDS YOU CAN GO BACK TO YOUR ROUTINE PLAN NOW" Belemir gave the order, before carrying Rulges inside the Castle and walking up the stairs to his Quarters.

As he Lays him into his Big double Bed. "Make sure to possibly not pull such a Stunt again, okay Young Master?" Belemir asked worried about Rulges and that he'll have to order half the Remaining Knights to look for him again.

"Urgh, but it was so much fun,

anyways did my Parents send anything?" Rulges asked tired from the eventful day.

"hmn, No we haven't received any News regarding the current Situation with the Demon Subjugation, however, I'm sure that they are just fine Young Master Rulges?" He said softly as he knew that Rulges was about to fall asleep.

"B-But in their last Letter they wrote that they'll send a Letter by now." Rulges said worried,before falling asleep. 'I truly hope they are okay, I truly hope so?' Belemir thought as he walked away and silently closed the Door.


*#Sshhhzz#* *#BOOOM#*

Rulges woke up tiredly as he heard an Ear piercing sound from his left Side.

Stones fell from the Walls and Ceiling as Dust was everywhere, obscuring the sight to everything more than a meter away.

As Rilges jumps out of his Bed, In shock of the Sudden Explosion and as the Dust slowly settled he saw a Huge Hole in the Wall of his Room, walking to the Edge he could See down to the City, but it was Different.

A huge Army Stood in Front of the City Gates and even on the other Exits of the City. as Fireballs, Lightning-strikes and Giant Boulders came flying towards the City from the Giant Army.

If one looked closely there were many Banners having the Symbol of two Sabers in an ,,X" Sign, the Sabers were Black with a Dark Mist surrounding them as a Sun Rose from the Horizon in the Background.

This was the Banner of the Duskblade Family, the Rival of the Rosenfield Family.

'I know that half of our Forces are on the Demon Extermination but for them to Attack. The Kingdom wouldn't forgive them easily, so why?' Rulges questioned but was Interrupted by the Army ramming down the Main City Gate.

'Oh Frack, I got to go find Garn' He thought as he rushed out of his room and into the Commanders Quarters where Garn the Main Commander of the Rosenfield Family always relaxed.

But he was nowhere to be found, 'Schmack, gotta already know about the Situation'.

Deciding It's best to find just anyone who can fight as he hasn't seen anyone on the way to the Quarters he went to the weaponry, running Down the Stairs he tripped and fell onto the Floor, still in his pyjama which Belemir probably put him on, they ripped and he got a graze on his Elbow.

"Argh damn that Hurt" He said as he pulled himself up and ran down the Stairs but this time more Careful.

finally reaching the Weaponry after about 11 minutes of running he saw Soldiers and Mages alike grab weapons and run to the Battle.

Rulges being totally exhausted after running 11 minutes at almost full speed. had now multiple grazes on multiple parts of his body some on the arms and hands others on the legs or feet as he was still bear food.

He exhaustively cried out "W-Where is G-Garn" as the Soldiers and Mages saw him they only thought 'Why is the Young Master her shouldn't he be with Belemir evacuating?'

One Soldier with Red Hair and White -almost glowing- Eyes walked to Rulges while asking "shouldn't you be with Belemir and why are you wounded?" he asked curiously and with worry in his Eyes,

"What but I was Asleep till like 16 minutes ago, so no I am not with Belemir and I haven't even seen him today, but where is he" Rulges asked feeling a little forsaken as no one told him about the Situation.

Seeing that he won't get a answer about the Wounds Rulges has, and that he doesn't know that the plan was that Belemir evacuates with him and a few others he sighted "Then I have to Bring you to there, sadly all the Horses are taken so we have to walk on foot to the Docks?" The Red Haired Man said as he took Rulges's hand and lead him to the Main Street as that is the shortest way to the Docks.

As they walked there Rulges was shook to see Hundreds of Men and Women Fighting with Cold weapons in the Rain as they killed eachother

Fire and Lightning was everywhere due to the Magic Spells of both sides, many Houses Burned and screams echoed through the Battlefield, screams where one couldn't even start to Imagine what would have to have happened to them.

Looking at the ,,Firecups Inn" he couldn't help but see the Irony of it being in Fire, but then he heard a scream from within.

Quickly slapping himself out of the Shock he rushed towards the Inn.

Seeing this Zack was quite flustered but knowing his Duty's as a Knight of the Family he followed.

running between a multitude of Enemy's he almost arrived before the Inn, as he saw a Man in Leather Armor wielding a Dagger and a Staff Chanting "#*~ߧ!#" while Fire rushed from four different Magic Circles towards the Inn and the surrounding Buildings.

"EY, STOP THAT!" Rulges screamed at him

Turning his head and stopping to chant, "What is it Brat!" The Man asked Angry at being Interrupted.

"I-I said stop that!" he said this Time a little more quiet as he realized what he had just done.

"And what if not?" The Man questioned clearly amused

Looking back at the Battlefield he saw Zack trying to rush towards him, but being attacked from multiple sides before Counterattacking and going into a Stance.

'If he can do it I can at least try!"

Mustering up the Courage he had he took a Shortsword from a nearby Corpse while looking at it with Pity.

Dashing at the Man he Swung his Sword towards him.

Canceling the Spell he dodged to the Back before holding out his staff towards Rulges, as a Fire-Bolt appeared out of the Staff shooting towards him.

quickly dodging to the Side he resumed his Rush.

"Ho, seems I have to already use this Spell" as he quickly started Chanting.

A Magic Circle appeared above his Head, out of it came a Fireball about a meter in radius.

'Schmack, I'm too close to dodge" he muttered

Swiftly shifting his Legs he looked into the Fire as If looking Into Death's Eyes, feeling his Heart beat Faster and faster he Cut Vertically as he put his whole Bodyweight into it, hoping to Survive.

Cutting the Ball of Fire into two Pieces, the now two Exploded as Rulges rushed inbetween them.

Firing the Fire Ball the Man smirked as he resumed to casting the Spell, but just as the Four Magic Circles were about to Form they suddenly Exploded, and he Felt a sharp Pain in his Chest Area where his Heart is located.

Looking Down he saw a Blade pierce his Chest, as he coughed Blood.

Having just pierced the Mans Chest, Rulges fell to the ground wanting to Cry, but before he could he remembered why he came here and so walked towards the Inns Door.

Opening the Door and going Inside, Tears fell down his Face as he saw Greg lying there, Half burned.

Falling to the Ground he embraced his Body while starting to Cry.

"Greg. . I Swear by my Blood and Name I'm going to avenge you, I'm going to destroy the Duskblade Family"

He Promised amidst the Fire, Cinders, Tears, Blood and Death.


Finally having escaped the Battle he rushed towards the Inn but stopped seeing that the Man who fought against Rulges was sitting on the Ground with a Shortsword stuck in his Chest.

'Oh no' He rushed towards the Burning Inns Open Door only to See Rulges hugging a burned Corpse while crying.

"Young Master, I-I think it is time to leave?" Zack said not really knowing how to react.

"Yeah, we should?" Rulges said with a Broken voice, as they ran towards the Docks.


The Docks, half an Hour later

*#HUFF#* *#Huff#* #Huffff...#

One could see a child and a Young man running, the young Man being Zack who still had enough energy to run to the Ships, and the child being Rulges who was totally exhausted beyond belief, but Zack wouldn't carry him as they were already Ambushed two times, even if they were pretty much just cannon fodder.

With Rulges being too exhausted and tired to run further he just flopped to the ground.

'huh, guess it was too much' Zack thought as he put him on his shoulders and carried him to the Ship were Belemir was supposed to go with the others.

Running about another minute he saw Belemir on the Ship waiting, as Zack cried out "HEY BELEMIR, YOU FORGOT SOMEONE" as he cried out Belemir turned his head and "Oh Zack, what are you doing here aren't you supposed to fight on the Front and why are you carrying a Sack of Potatoes or what is it?" Belemir said with a Smile as Zack was one of the Geniuses with the Sword and he found a liking to him after teaching him some moves.

After looking a little closer Belemir noticed that Zack wasn't carrying a Sack like he thought but rather a Child, and from the ripped pyjama he could tell that it was the pyjama which he put Rulges in yesterday, realising what that meant.

"Oh no that isn't a Sack but rather the Young Master Rulges." Zack chuckled slightly at how Belemir thought that the Young Master was a Sack of Potatoes.

"Anyway he came out of the Castle as I was getting ready to fight, so I helped him here." Zack answered the Question no one asked.

"Hmn. I've actually send Garn to look for him in the Castle but if he's here then that's fine too." Belemir said as they could hear and feel a slight quake.

looking in the Direction from where it came, they just saw a Huge Dust Cloud.

after the Dust settled a little they saw a Bulky Man with Brown bushy Hair, brown eyes, and a frustrated look on his face. He had a Big and Bulky Greatsword about as big as him stripped on his Back, while wearing a Brown suit with a white shirt.

This man was Garn the Main Commander of the Rosenfield Family.

"Sorry Belemir I couldn't find Young Master Rulges anywhere!!" He said frustrated from not finding the Young Master. Standing in the Crater he looked at Belemir and Zack noticing that he has a Sack on his shoulders.

"Oh hi Zack why do you have a Sac...." Realizing that it's the Young Master he chuckled slightly, but sterned up after a moment, "*Ahem* *Ahem* So he was with you Zack,"

"Yeah, he was at least for the last Hour or so." Zack answered not being able to contain his chuckle, as for everyone thinking that Rulges was a Sack of Potatoes.

"Anyways Zack get on board, we have to depart, and fast before any Enemy's come" Belemir said with a serious Expression, because even if they did mistook Rulges for a Sack, they are still in a Battlefield Zone.

"Okay then let's go" Zack said as Garn just walked towards the Front Line, "I'll be going then I simply can't let my Soldiers Die like that!" Garn said with a Stern Face. "Good Luck" Zack only said looking at him with Regret but knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop him.

Stepping onto the Ship they Sailed away, with Rulges only waking up now.


being a few Hundreds of Meters away from the Shore they are now in the Middle of the Sea with 31 Men all in all. 13 being Mages 10 being Aura Users, 7, being Normal Soldiers and one being Rulges.

just as they thought that they were safe a row of Arrows came flying towards them, and the with Group not expecting them they lost just from this one row 5 Mages and 4 Normal Soldiers.


NOW, SOLDIERS I WANT YOU GUYS TO ROW US THE HELL OUT OF THIS?" Belemir Screamed at the top of his Lungs, as the Rain and Waves were Thrashing against the Ship creating Creaking noises to the already Loud Atmosphere.

After a few Moments another Row of Arrows and even Lightning-bolts came Flying as Zack cried out "YOUNG MASTER RULGES, GO INTO THE CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS AND WAIT THERE, IN SAFETY" as he rowed along with the other Soldiers, while Belemir nodded and jumped upwards, slashing towards the Arrows and Lightning-Bolts creating a Aura Blade, when only looking at it one would feel as if being cut.

As the Aura Blade Destroyed a Majority of the Arrows and Lightning-Bolts, It didn't hit all of them, and so a few flew towards them a Lightning-Bolt hit the Mages casting the Magic Water-Shield Shocking them and breaking the Spellformation, while a few flew towards Belemir as he parried three and blocked one yet he still got pierced by two, as Blood splattered to his Surroundings Rulges who has been looking through the Window of the Captains Quarters Cried out " NOOOO, BELEMIR"

Right there the other Mages were finished with casting a Big Ice Spell which Froze a Big Chunk of the Enemy Ship as they couldn't Sail anymore, but a Gigantic Wave hit their Ship sending Everyone besides Rulges off Deck.

But Rulges wasn't unharmed either as the Ship Quaked, and rotated sending a Chest towards him jumping over it he thought he was safe but then a Vase flew towards his head, knocking him unconscious "Argh". . .



Word Count = 2.822

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