
I refuse to be NTRED

In a dimly lit, cramped room, filled with the soft hum of multiple computer fans, Astor was slumped over his desk. Mountains of manga, figurines of his waifu collection, and half-eaten bags of chips surrounded him. His life, if you could call it that, was a continuous cycle of anime, video games, and junk food. But even in this state of aimlessness, Astor often daydreamed of a different life. "Damn, if only I could get a do-over," he'd think to himself after a particularly bad game round or upon seeing the protagonist in one of his favorite isekai series living their best life. One fateful night, after binging on a new series till 3 AM and surrounded by empty energy drink cans, Astor's wish was unexpectedly granted. With blurry vision, he clicked on a suspicious-looking pop-up ad that said, "Wanna start over? Click here for a new life." It sounded like the start of a visual novel he once played, but before he could even process it, his world went black. Sunlight pierced through unfamiliar curtains. Astor... or was he still Astor? Groaning, he slowly sat up. His room was vastly different—spacious, clean, adorned with what appeared to be... medieval decorations? Feeling strangely more athletic and less sluggish, he found his way to a mirror. Staring back at him was a younger, more handsome face with sharp features, although the eyes—those were still unmistakably Astor's. "Dude... did I just get isekai'd?" He whispered, wide-eyed. Suddenly, the door burst open, and a tall, formidable-looking man stepped in. "Ah, young master Kai, you're finally awake. Your training begins today!" "Kai? Training? Bro, I just wanted to level up in my MMO, not in real life," Astor thought.

latheef_shaik · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Harsh accusation

The dining hall, with its vaulted ceilings and opulent chandeliers, felt even more imposing as Ryoko waited. But the atmosphere took a distinct shift as the entrance doors banged open with a deliberate force.

In sauntered Kai, exuding an air of nonchalant confidence. Gone was his previously unkempt hair, now replaced with a sleek, side-swept style that complemented his sharp features. His eyes scanned the room, settling on Ryoko with a fleeting smirk before he gave a casual two-fingered salute in greeting.

"Yo, sis!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with swagger. "Been a while, huh?"

Lady Yumiko's lips pursed with clear disapproval. "Language, Kai," she reprimanded, her voice a blend of authority and exasperation.

Without missing a beat, Kai retorted, "My apologies, dear mother. The old habits are hard to shake." The sarcasm in his voice was barely concealed.

Lady Yumiko's eyes hardened, and with a swift wave of her hand, she commanded, "All servants, leave us." The flurry of bowed heads and scurrying feet left the hall in a matter of moments, leaving behind an echoing silence.

Taking a deep breath, she gestured to the empty seat next to Ryoko. "Kai, sit. We have matters to discuss."

Kai, undeterred by his mother's stern demeanor, strutted to the chair, spinning it around to sit with the backrest in front. "Sure thing," he replied with a smirk, leaning forward, "Let's chat."

Lady Yumiko studied her son for a moment, seemingly gathering her thoughts. "Kai," she began, her tone direct and unyielding, "Are you... alright? Do you need anything? How is your mental state?"

Kai leaned back, meeting his mother's intense gaze. There was a pause, the weight of the question hanging between them. Finally, he replied simply, "I'm happy."

The response was unexpected. Lady Yumiko blinked, taken aback. Always prepared for his usual rebellious retorts, this simple admission disarmed her. "You're... happy?" she echoed, her voice betraying a hint of surprise mixed with relief.

Across the table, Ryoko's eyes were fixed on her brother. She had braced herself for a fiery exchange, as was often the case between Kai and their mother. This subdued, almost vulnerable side of Kai was unfamiliar to her, and she found herself lost in her thoughts, trying to decipher the enigma that was her brother.

Understood. Let's frame the scene, emphasizing the 'show' aspect while weaving in some understated moe behaviors.

Golden light gently nudged Ryoko awake, casting ethereal patterns around her room. The ancient carvings of the furniture stood in stark contrast to the plush pastel cushions, creating an atmosphere of temporal dissonance.

The door eased open, revealing a man of quiet stature, his suit sharply tailored. He extended a gleaming device, its unfamiliar design reflecting in Ryoko's wide eyes.

A second presence entered, her steps soft as a whisper. The maid's gentle gaze invited Ryoko to rise, and as she did, her feet tangled momentarily in the lavish drapery of her bed.

Ryoko's fingers instinctively sought her hair, weaving and unwinding a raven strand, her actions echoing a comforting ritual from a time she couldn't quite recall.

A brief moment of imbalance followed, with the world blurring as Ryoko wavered. The maid's steadying grip was subtle yet firm, anchoring her back to the moment.

Their journey down the ornate corridor seemed like a ballet of hesitant steps and anticipatory pauses. Every so often, Ryoko's gaze would drift, lingering on the intricate details of the mansion, each observation accompanied by a soft head tilt, as if trying to reconcile the familiar with the unknown.

The room was thick with a newfound understanding, and for a few moments, they conversed about benign topics. Lady Yumiko talked about the state of their lands, recent harvests, and the coming winter.

Kai listened attentively, responding with uncharacteristic patience. They laughed at shared anecdotes and even reminisced about happier times.

But as the conversation continued, there was a tangible shift in the room. Lady Yumiko's posture stiffened, her fingers drumming a rhythmic pattern on the table.

"Kai," she began, her voice softer but carrying a weight, "There have been... rumors. Whispers about you and Ryoko. Unsettling talk. I need you to be honest with me. Have you... overstepped boundaries with her?"

The implication was clear, even if she hadn't spoken the words directly.

Kai's jovial demeanor shifted, his smile fading. His gaze dropped to his plate, a heavy silence enveloping the room..

After what felt like an eternity, Kai finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, "Why would you ask something like that?"

Lady Yumiko's eyes shimmered with a mix of pain and determination. "Because I need to know the truth. For our family. For Ryoko."

"Mom..." Ryoko's voice was soft, the light tinkling of a bell, her eyes wide and sincere. She took a tiny bite of her curry rice, pausing as if to gather her thoughts. , "He didn't do anything to me. Euphy... she just doesn't like onii-chan, you know?"

Lady Yumiko exhaled, a slow deliberate action, before slowly pacing around the dining table, every step echoing the gravity of the moment. "Kai," she began softly, "I've known you from your very first breath. I can read you better than any book."

She gestured towards him, highlighting his body's reactions. "Your stance right now, it's not the defensive curl of someone with something to hide. It's the upright shock of someone blindsided by an unimaginable allegation."

Pausing in her steps, she pointed towards his eyes, "Your eyes haven't shifted once, haven't darted away in guilt. They're wide, holding the genuine disbelief of someone accused of a crime they couldn't fathom."

She moved closer, taking his clenched hands into her own, "These hands," she whispered, "they're not clenched from the tension of being found out but from the sheer terror of such an allegation."

Drawing back, she concluded, her voice firm with conviction, "Every ounce of your body language screams innocence, Kai. I've watched you lie about stolen cookies and late-night escapades. But this? This is not a lie."

Kai's gaze settled firmly on his mother and sister, his voice unwavering, "I would never harm you or Ryoko. I care about this family too much."

Lady Yumiko and Ryoko exchanged glances, both taken aback by Kai's uncharacteristic vulnerability. Ryoko's eyes widened slightly, "Onii-chan, are you... running a fever or something?" she asked, her tone tinged with playful concern, yet genuine surprise.

Lady Yumiko leaned forward, her hand moving to feel Kai's forehead. "Indeed, do you need me to feed you today?" she teased, yet her eyes held a softness, touched by her son's sincerity.

Kai's cheeks reddened, a blend of embarrassment and determination. "Mom! I can eat on my own," he protested, trying to muster some semblance of his usual feisty spirit. With a tad more effort than usual, he navigated the meal, sharing in the familial warmth. The food tasted exceptionally good, perhaps flavored by the renewed bonds at the table.

Once done, he pushed back his chair, managing a small smirk, "See? Managed just fine." And with a slight nod, he made his way out, leaving behind a room warmed by unexpected revelations and strengthened ties.

Lady Yumiko paused as Kai made his move to exit, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of understanding and gratitude. "Kai," she began, her voice gentle yet firm, "thank you for being considerate, for trying to bridge this gap."

Kai turned, locking eyes with his mother, waiting for her to continue.

Lady Yumiko's expression shifted, an edge of protectiveness appearing. "But remember," she emphasized, "I may endure a lot, maybe even tolerate it if you harbored any resentment towards me. But Ryoko is just a pre-teen, still learning about the world and forming her views"

Kai, typically resistant to lectures,  nodding slowly in understanding. This wasn't just about a mere accusation; it was a mother's heartfelt plea to ensure her children's bond remained unbroken.

Kai pushed away his plate, the remnants of the meal a testament to the warmth of familial bonds. Rising from the table, he offered a brief nod to his mother and Ryoko, his face a tad more open, a hint of vulnerability peeking through.

He made his way down the hallway, the soft glow of the lanterns lighting his path. The sound of water splashing and the cool feel of the basin greeted him as he reached the washing area. Kai turned the ornate brass tap, letting the cool water flow over his hands. He scrubbed them thoroughly, the rhythmic action allowing him a moment of introspection amidst the day's emotional whirlwind.

The droplets fell from his fingertips, each one echoing the myriad thoughts racing through his mind. With a final shake of his hands, he dried them on a nearby towel, taking a deep breath, ready to face whatever came next.