
Dream That Change Everything (1)

"Hibiki, wake up son its almost 8 a.m " shout my mother from kitchen

"Umm.... okay Mom i wake up already ! damn so sleepy i just playing game 34 hour it seem my sleep resistant worked before i planning 28 hour before i fall a sleep" murmur myself when i check the clock

"Okay lets do this Status"

Name : Hibiki Nanaya

Level : 3

Race : Human / ???

Occupation : Student

Title : Mr.2

Status : Normal

Str : 15 End : 15

Vit : 16 Int : 15

Wis : 17 Luck : 20

Description : a Student that always want become number 1 but always fail every year

"Damn this thing is always amazing how many time i look" i say while preparing myself for school

-------------Dining Table------------

"What are you doing yesterday you locking yourself ?" ask my Mom

"I helping my friend to defeat last Boss in game D***** N***" i say with proud

*Pak* sound knife stabbing on wall near me

*Gulp* i gulp my saliva "Mom that was knife you know its dangerous if you throw" I say while trembling

"Ara dont worry i never miss even once in my life so dont worry but if you do again i will change the target from chair to your body you know" say my Mom while smiling it was smile that was make many men fallen in love but for me it was smile of devil

"O..oka..y Mom i will never do it again" i say while trembling i my thought in different place that was in my mom top


Arisu Nanaya

Hmm.... why i cant look Mom Title and Level ? is my mom that strong this thing will happen when something level exceed too many comparing to myself if in the game i thought

"I am done i will go to Ren place first before go to school bye Mom" i say while stand up

"Okay" answer my Mom

Hmm... you all must be curious why i can check my status right ? well i can see thing like game thing when i woke up 3 days ago after see weird dream


"Hmm...... what this place why so dark ? i remember i playing game after what ? why i cant remember after that ? dont tell me this is after life ? but it is not like hell or heaven that i know ? dont tell me i was to many sin that even hell did not accept me ? Nah that was impossible i always behave even i secretly cursing, prank my friend, and just shift blame to other i dont think i have sin so what is this place" i thing while trying figure what this place was

but before even i was figured what was this place i heard mysterious sound that not Male nor Female

"Check the Requirements beep.. beep.. beep.. the Requirements is fulfilled check ability that match the soul of user... loading" The mysterious sound

"What.. what happened requirements ? who are you and what are you doing ? can you explain thing what the hell here is ?" i yell to the mysterious sound

"Beep.. beep.. beep.. Ding found match the ability to the User soul. now start countdown for integrating the ability and soul 3 " say the mysterious sound

"Hey what are saying ?" i yell


"Hey i say to you ?" i yell again


"argghhhh....." i scream because my body fell like being burned

after 5 minute

"ahh haaa haaa wh..what.. are.. do..doii..doing... to my body... ?" i say with weak voice

"Ding my job is fulfilled right now i will send the user back to Reality" say to the mysterious sound

in my bed i wake up my full sweats

"fuahhh haa haa haa so it was just a dream ?" murmur myself

"but it was so real even the pain it was basically imposible to feel pain id fream but why i feeling it ? haaa i dont know anymore let back to sleep" i say to myself before sleep again


When i look at mirror i cant believe my eyes because there is something above my head


Hibiki Nanaya

"dont tell me that dream was true ? no no no think rational myself basically it was imposible thing but.." i say to my self when look at myself that on mirror