
A New client

Ah? A ring?

"Sister Saya, how do you..."

"Hinata, you didn't think I didn't know, did you? You always take it out secretly and look at it non-stop. I've discovered it a long time ago."

After saying that, the two sisters looked at each other and looked away at the same time.

Only Mu Xiaoxiao remained confused.

He looked at Sakuramiya Hinata, who was silent, and Sakuramiya Saya, who was still holding on to him, and his mouth opened wide.

Suddenly, a feeling of déjà vu emerged...

'I seemed to have seen this scene somewhere.'

Just like I have heard those previous lines..

It feels like there was also a pair of sisters who liked each other, but after something happened, they started to treat me...fuck!

Wait, it seems that they were not sisters, but siblings?

Siblings no? Cousins?

Dead memories, the memories he desperately wanted to delete, suddenly attacked him..

I remember...

The lines Hinata spoke before...weren't these the same lines Haruno Ayato said that night?

And this scene...


And now this again?! A second round?!

But luckier than last time, at least they're both girls and not like...Thinking of something, he shuddered.

By the way, am I toxic or something?

It was a brother and sister before, but now it was between two sisters?

"Okay, I get it... To be honest, a few minutes ago, I thought you sisters and I were just friends."

He covered your face and looked at the two girls.

To be honest, he really didn't want any lesbians in his harem.

After all, Yuri is NTR...maybe as a keyboard warrior in his previous life, he wouldn't mind commenting on someone's bad cultural taste or narrow-minded thinking, but now that he was the one involved, he minded a lot.

So until he could figure out that they were 100℅ straight, he would be in denial.

"I know, Xiaoxiao; you said you were not interested in our sisters," Hinata hummed.

"Actually, I'm just not interested in Yuri," he said, but felt something was wrong and quickly changed the subject, "Also, what's going on with the ring? I never gave her a ring?"

"Didn't you give that ring to Hinata, Mu-kun?"

"When did I...uh," seeing the girl hesitantly take out a ring, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, "That ring was for treating your foot, Hinata... you kept it for yourself?"

Hearing this, the latter pursed her lips and turned her head away.

"It was actually for me?"

So that's how it was?

Saya Sakuramiya's mood suddenly brightened up, and her depression and heaviness disappeared.

She originally thought that she was too far behind her sister, but now it seems that this was not necessarily the case.

'Having said this, what should we do now? three people....'

Sakuramiya Hinata slowly walked to the other side of Mu Xiaoxiao and sat down next to him.

This piece of grass under the big tree once belonged only to the Sakuramiya sisters, but now there was an additional boy.

Sandwiched between the two sisters, Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the girl's hand, pulling his clothes, so he gave her a sheepish smile and said, "Hinata-san, what are you..."

In response, she handed over a lunch box.

"This is...the food I made.

Although it might not taste as good as Sister Saya's," the girl said with great solemnity, "But I put all my heart and effort into making it for you."

"Are you going to eat mine or Sister Saya's?"


Seeing the two girls staring at him eagerly, the boy was silent for a few seconds and then smiled,

"It seems you don't know.

Actually, I have a big appetite, so I can eat these two bentos together."

After saying that, he opened the lid and combined the contents of the two boxes, piling them up like a mountain.

What a joke!

He is a person who has even eaten five bentos together, can't he eat two of them?

Having said that, it seems these two sisters are straight, so could it be just as this girl said that day?

That their relationship just became like this due to family relationship..and they were never into Yuri?

A question worth pondering over..

Well, let's eat first.

Hinata: "..."

Saya: "..."

Seeing him starting to eat in a serious manner, the two sisters looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

"You passed the test this time, but," the black-haired girl said in a leisurely tone, "Hinata, that ring was given to me by Mu Kun.

Shouldn't you return it to me?"

"Sister Saya, it was for treating your foot, and your foot is already healed, so you don't need it anymore."

Hinata was not to be outdone.

Their eyes collided, and sparks flew.

Mu Xiaoxiao, in the middle, had a numb scalp.

Can you guys calm down a little bit?

The Lily party is going to cry in the bathroom!!!


"Ding Ling Ling——"

The sudden phone call allowed the boy to escape from the fight for the ring, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at his phone, he found out that it was Rikka Sumeragi calling, "Principal Sumeragi, that's strange. Why did you call me suddenly? Is there something wrong?"

"What else could it be," the voice on the other end was as calm as ever, "Of course, it's your duty as our school's 'boy.'

There's a new student who wants to join, so I'm just calling to let you know."

"Oh? After such a long time, a new student finally joined?" Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised, "But you could have just texted me, why did you bother to call?"

If it weren't for Katou Mio's almost daily sessions and the money transfers in his account, he would've forgotten that he had a job.

Anyway, he was getting lots of money, as for whether anyone joined or not, he didn't care.

"Maybe I miss you a little. It's been so long... You're such a heartless person. You didn't even make a single call. When are you coming to Seika College to see me?"

Principal Sumeragi's tone was full of temptation and resentment.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help trembling.

A little cold.

"Principal Sumeragi, you still haven't given up, have you," this woman is still after me, going to Seika Girl's College to see her?

I might be swallowed whole by you.

"Who is Mu Kun? You will never be forgotten. Remember not to keep me waiting for too long..."


She hung up.

Mu Xiaoxiao covered his eyes.

"Xiaoxiao, who was that?" The Sakuramiya sisters were curious about his strange reaction.

"Just a friend from outside school, Mu Xiaoxiao explained casually, smiling dryly, forcing a laugh, then saw Principal Rikka's message come through.

So quickly, he clicked on the file and saw the photos and information.

It was a very beautiful lady with long blonde hair.

After thinking for a while, he slid his fingers on the screen and typed.

"Kamishiro Kotone?"

It took about two minutes before the reply came back.

"Hello, are you Mu-kun? I'm Kamishiro Kotone."

"Please arrange the time and place for our meeting."

"Okay... Can we meet now?"

"Now? Don't you have classes this afternoon?"

"I've taken a leave..."

Could it be that she was worried about being hindered by Louisa, so she decided to set it at this time?

Of course, Mu Xiaoxiao had no objection to this.

After making an appointment at the meeting place, he put away her phone and said, "Saya-senpai, Hinata-senpai, I have something to do, so I have to leave..."



Two hands stretched out, one to the left and the other to the right, grabbing his clothes at the same time.

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