
Chapter 3035 One-Sided Crushing_1

Translator: 549690339


However, reality was a far cry from their expectations!

All these chaotic attacks bombarded the golden web ceaselessly, producing shrill explosions...

Even as it ended, the web remained intact, merely dimmed slightly...

Witnessing this, the Tang Sect disciples on the platform couldn't help but widen their eyes in shock...

"What... What? Our combined attacks didn't leave a scratch on it!"

"No... it's not unscathed, it's just that the defense of this golden web is too strong, and our attacks could only deplete some of its energy!"

"Damn it, it's only the Second Soul Skill, yet it's so powerful. Is this the strength of a Titled Douluo??"

"No... it's impossible. How could her strength be so formidable!!"

Ye Xinglan gave them a glance and interrupted, "I already told you, you can't defeat me with just this few people."

With that said, she infused her surging Soul Power into the Star God Sword and waved it in all directions...

In an instant, an extremely terrifying Sword Qi coalesced and swept forward...

This overwhelming pressure left the Tang Sect disciples pale-faced...

They tried to unleash their soul skills to block it but found they were too late, forced to harden their will and circulate their Soul Power in defense...


Without any doubt, everyone touched by this Sword Qi was blasted off the stage, crashing heavily onto the ground...

Guo Xiaoxu, who witnessed this scene, grew even more serious, "Sect Leader, from that strike, can you ascertain Xinglan's level of strength?"

Even herself, she wouldn't be able to easily block that Sword Qi!

Not to mention the Tang Sect disciples, who hadn't even reached the Titled Douluo level!

Zang Xin stroked his grizzled beard, "I'm afraid Xinglan has already broken through to the Ultimate Douluo level. Her strength is no less than mine!"

If that was the case, then not just all of Battle Soul Hall's disciples, but even if all Tang Sect's disciples joined forces, they wouldn't be Ye Xinglan's match!

Her confidence had a solid basis!

Upon hearing this, Guo Xiaoxu pondered with her chin propped, "Is that so? If even you say so, Sect Leader, then it must be true!"

How old is Ye Xinglan to have become an Ultimate Douluo-level powerhouse!

Accordingly, the other members of the Shrek Seven Monsters must also have no low Soul Power ranks!!

Compared to them, the Tang Sect disciples below were even more shocked...

Among those who had just mounted the stage, there were Soul Douluo-level fighters...

Yet, none could withstand a single move from Ye Xinglan!

Just how terrifying must her strength be?

Do the Douluo Hall disciples really have a chance if they go up together??

Ye Xinglan didn't plan to wait for them to recover their senses, and coldly challenged, "Does anyone else dare to challenge me? Come on up!!"

Hearing these words, the Tang Sect disciples looked at one another, seeing fear and hesitation in each other's eyes...

For a moment, the thought of retreating actually crossed their minds...

However, one of the Battle Soul Hall disciples summoned the courage and encouraged, "Don't be afraid, everyone. Just now, there were only a dozen or so who went up, but there are thousands of us Battle Soul Hall disciples. If we go together, we can definitely drive her back!"

"That's right, don't let fear get to you. If we join hands, we can succeed!"

"Everyone, don't just stand there. Even for Hall Master Guo's sake, we can't give up!!"

Soon, these Tang Sect disciples stepped onto the stage one after another...

In the blink of an eye, they had taken up all the space...

Ye Xinglan's expression became slightly more serious. "That's more like it!!"

As long as they can be crushed decisively with thunderous measures, surely no one would object to her succeeding as the Battle Soul Hall Master!

Immediately, her grip on the Star God Sword tightened a few notches...


Shrek Academy!

Xu Lizhi looked at the delicious food arranged in front of him and spoke feebly, "Eh, I was originally thinking of going to the Tang Sect with Sister Xinglan, but I didn't expect to be rejected!"

"I don't even know how she's doing now!"

Yue Zhengyu curled his lips. "What? Lizhi, are you worried that Xinglan will be targeted by the Douluo Hall disciples?"

The former didn't deny it and nodded, "Yeah, Sister Xinglan is so gentle, she must be having a hard time..."

Xie Xie burst out laughing as soon as he heard it and almost spit out his food...

Laughing loudly he said, "Lizhi, I think you're overthinking it. Although Xinglan seems gentle now, have you forgotten what she was like before??"

Xu Xiaoyan nodded in agreement. "Xie Xie has a point. Xinglan is definitely not as gentle as she seems when it comes to fighting!"

"So, Lizhi, you don't need to worry about Xinglan," she asserted. "She can definitely handle everything!"

Tang Wulin also patted Xu Lizhi on the shoulder, "Yeah, after all, Xinglan is at the Limit Douluo level. How many people on the great road could actually give her trouble?"

Xu Lizhi's mood also eased, "You all are right; I was overthinking it. Sister Xinglan is so strong, how could she be bothered by those Douluo Hall disciples!"

After saying this, he began to enjoy his meal immensely, completely succumbing to the temptation of the delicious food...

Yue Zhengyu looked both amused and helpless as he turned his gaze back to Tang Wulin...

"Wulin, that method you mentioned last time when you convened representatives from the major forces, can it really work against the Ghost Emperor?"

Xu Xiaoyan echoed, "Yeah, yeah, I've had that doubt in my mind too!!"

Yuanen Yehui, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke up, "I'd really like to know, too."

Tang Wulin shook his head helplessly, "To be honest, I'm not sure!"

"After all, the Ghost Emperor has broken through to the God Rank, and who knows how many more abilities he has yet to show!"

Hearing this response, everyone's faces showed disappointment...

If there is no confidence, then that means failure is very likely!

Stretching out her hand to prop up her chin, Xu Xiaoyan sighed, "If only Teacher Xu were here, he could surely have easily slain the Ghost Emperor!!"

Xie Xie also pouted, "Yeah, even the Sea God and the Abyssal Emperor were no match for Teacher Xu, so the Ghost Emperor is really nothing special!"

"It's just a pity that there's been no news of Teacher Xu until now!"

Thinking of something, Tang Wulin couldn't help but ask, "Xie Xie, I remember you visit the place where Teacher Xu and the Abyssal Emperor had their battle every so often, right? Haven't you found anything?"

Xie Xie shook his head, "Nothing, it's the same as always!"

"I even wonder if Teacher Xu might have..."

Yue Zhengyu immediately dismissed the possibility...

"That's impossible. If Teacher Xu had died at the hands of the Abyssal Emperor, the latter would likely continue to wreak havoc in the Human Plane, not stay as quiet as it is now!"

The thought was unbearable, that if even Teacher Xu couldn't slay the Abyssal Emperor...

Then who else would save the Lower Realm?

The Sea God? Or perhaps other Divine Kings from the Divine Realm?

