
Chapter 2967: The Appearance of Xue Ye_1

The crowd of soldiers was terrified and immediately stopped in their tracks, bowing their bodies one by one…

Prince Xue Xing's eyes widened in shock as he exclaimed, "Emperor Xue Ye, you... how did you get here??"

Although he had told Xue Ye about this plan, he never expected him to show up at this moment!

With a cold command, Xue Ye rebuked, "If I hadn't come, wouldn't you indeed have made a move on Qing He?"

Even though he had agreed to the former's plan to test Xue Qinghe, he had never given permission to take action!!

Xue Xing clenched his teeth and retorted, "But, it's still impossible to tell if he really is..."

Xue Ye had no interest in listening further, and stopped him, saying, "Enough, do you think I didn't see what happened before?!"

Xue Xing wanted to argue again, but seeing the ferocity in the former's eyes, he forcibly swallowed his words…

In such a circumstance, if he still wanted to do anything to Xue Qinghe, he would likely anger the other party!!

At this moment, Xue Qinghe also came to his senses, speaking in a respectful tone, "Qing He pays respects to Father Emperor!"

The appearance of Xue Ye did surprise him…

He had thought that Prince Xue Xing was just making up lies to put pressure on him; he didn't expect him to really tell the former!!

Xue Ye nodded slightly, his face filled with concern as he asked, "Qing He, you aren't injured, are you?"

Xue Qinghe shook his head, "Qing He is unharmed, thanks to Father Emperor's timely arrival!"

Xue Ye showed a pleased expression, "Is that so, then that's good!"

After a pause, he continued, "However, as you have seen, all that has happened was planned by me and Prince Xue Xing. If you have been wronged in any way, you can speak up, and I will compensate you as much as possible."

Truth be told, he had initially suspected whether Xue Qinghe was really an imposter. However, through this trial, he was now able to draw a final conclusion!

That is, Xue Qinghe is indeed Xue Qinghe, undoubtedly his own child!!

Instantly understanding the implication in his words, Xue Qinghe fist-palmed and said, "Father Emperor is mistaken, such slight grievances are nothing compared to the heavy responsibility of taking over the Tiandou Empire in the future!"

Xue Ye took a deep breath, "Good, worthy of being the child I value the most!!"

Then, he turned his gaze back to Prince Xue Xing and ordered, "Prince Xue Xing, from today onward, I do not wish to see any member of the royal household doubt Qing He, or even lay a finger on him, do you understand?"

At this point, there was nothing left for Xue Xing to say, and he could only nod in agreement, "Yes, Emperor Xue Ye!!"

Receiving the response he wanted, Xue Ye had no intention of lingering...

"Let's go, Qing He, as it happens, I have something to discuss with you today!"

"Yes, Father Emperor!!"

And so, the two of them disappeared from everyone's sight…

Watching them leave, Prince Xue Xing violently kicked the ground, "Damn it, it was just a little bit more, what was Xue Ye doing appearing so suddenly?!"

If it had been a little later, maybe Xue Qinghe would have revealed a flaw!!

The rest of the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but all focused their gaze on the prince…

The man leading them mustered his courage and was the first to speak up, "Prince Xue Xing, what about us??"

Upon hearing this, Prince Xue Xing angrily chided, "Didn't you see the plan has failed?? Everybody get lost!"

These soldiers, not daring to show the slightest displeasure, scurried off…

As for Poison Douluo hiding in the shadows, he too slowly made his way to Prince Xue Xing's side…

It was only then that Prince Xue Xing, managing to suppress his anger, inquired, "Poison Douluo, did you sense the presence of a Soul Master just now?"

Poison Douluo shook his head, denying, "I didn't sense any Soul Master's presence, Prince Xue Xing, could it be that you have misunderstood the Crown Prince??"

"No, it's not possible; I have great confidence in my intuition—this Xue Qinghe must be an impostor!" Xu Sheng declared with absolute certainty.

"Perhaps he guessed my intentions today, so he deliberately did not have his strong protectors stay close to him!"

Du Gu Bo's mouth twitched, "Prince Xue Xing, no matter what, the Crown Prince is still just a child. It's unlikely he could think that far ahead, isn't it?"

He realized that Prince Xue Xing was convinced that Xue Qinghe was an impostor!!

No matter what was said, it could not change his mind!

Hearing this, Xue Xing looked deeply at the former and said solemnly, "Poison Douluo, if you think this way, you've fallen into his trap!"

Du Gu Bo did not deny it, sighing, "Maybe so, but now that Emperor Xue Ye trusts Xue Qinghe so much, it will be very difficult to find another opportunity!"

From the previous tone, one thing could be heard!

Should anyone lay a hand on Xue Qinghe, Xue Ye would show no mercy, including his own brother, Xue Xing!!


Heaven Dou Royal Academy!!

Looking at Dugu Yan in the distance, who was propping her head with elbows on the table, eyes vacant...

Shi Mo said in a very grave tone, "Something's not right; it's truly abnormal. Yan Zi has been sitting there, daydreaming, and not cultivating lately!"

Shi Mo also nodded in agreement, "Yes, I've seen it many times. Could it be that something major happened on her last trip to Martial Soul City, but she doesn't want to tell us?"

Yu Feng's eyes lit up as he suggested, "It's possible. So, who's going to ask her?"

The two Shi Mos immediately pulled a face, "Better not. Yan Zi's not in a good state right now. If we ask rashly, we might just anger her!"

They paused for a moment before adding, "However, it might work if Tian Heng goes!"

Yu Tianheng, who had been silent, came to his senses and asked in confusion, "Why me??"

Everyone immediately rolled their eyes, "Tian Heng, don't play dumb. You know Yan Zi likes you, and even if she is upset, she couldn't possibly take it out on you!"

Yu Tianheng smiled awkwardly, "Is that so... Well, you do have a point!"

Indeed, the fact that Dugu Yan liked him was all too obvious!

Even the most obtuse person could easily notice it!!

Thinking this, he took a deep breath and stepped towards Dugu Yan...

He took the initiative to ask, "Yan Zi, what are you daydreaming about??"

Dugu Yan snapped out of it and gave an awkward laugh, "Tian Heng, it's nothing... I just feel a bit tired from cultivating and wanted to rest a bit!"

Yu Tianheng didn't expect such a bland response, pressing on, "Really?? Do you need me to keep you company??"

Dugu Yan hesitated for a moment before declining the offer...

"No... that won't be necessary. Tian Heng, don't you want to defeat Xu Sheng in the upcoming Continental Elite Soul Master Contest?"

"You should focus on cultivating!"

These words made Yu Tianheng's face turn serious, "Yan Zi, what is really going on with you? These past few days, you've seemed like a completely different person!"

Dugu Yan felt a little guilty and dismissed it casually, "No... not really. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood!!"

It was difficult for her to explain to him what she was thinking...


