
Chapter 2817: A Matter of Life and Death_1

At this moment, Xie Xie, who was lazily lying in bed, suddenly sensed a powerful fluctuation of Divine Power...

He woke up in an instant...

His complexion turned unsightly as he said, "This aura... it's the Ghost Emperor; there's no mistake!"

Having spoken, he unleashed all his spiritual power...

Soon, he clearly captured the trajectory of the Ghost Emperor's movement...

And his destination was astonishingly the Douling Empire Imperial Palace!!

Considering this, Xie Xie's pupils contracted, "Not good, the Ghost Emperor's target is Xue Yuntian!!"

Although he did not know why the other party would take action at this time, Xue Yuntian must not fall!!

Otherwise, the entire Douling Empire would fall into chaos!!

He released the Space-Time Dragon and, like lightning, burst through the window and disappeared into the horizon...


Douling Empire Imperial Palace!

A soldier kneeled on one knee and reported respectfully with a fist salute, "Reporting to Your Majesty, your subordinate has announced the news throughout the Douling Empire according to your commands!"

"From what we can see now, a significant number of Soul Masters have stopped cultivating!"

Xue Yuntian on the throne revealed a delighted expression, "Good, very good, it seems that the method proposed by the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion wasn't entirely useless after all!"

He knew from the last time he ordered all Soul Masters to stop practicing; no one was willing to obey!

But this time, the effect was much better!!

The elderly figure beside him also spoke, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for resolving a significant hidden danger!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Yuntian shook his head, "No, the matter is not completely resolved yet; even though the majority of Soul Masters have ceased their cultivation, there are still many rebellious individuals!"

To completely resolve this hidden danger, they needed to bring the Soul Masters' cultivation speed back to normal!!

The elder then reminded, "Your Majesty, I believe that the impact of that small number of Soul Masters should not affect the overall situation!"

"From what we can see now, it's impossible to make all Soul Masters stop cultivating!"


Suddenly, without any hesitation, the elder released his Martial Soul and nine soul rings floated up beneath him...

He shouted coldly, "Who?? Show yourself!!"

Realizing something was wrong, Xue Yuntian also stood up abruptly, his gaze fixed intently ahead...

Indeed, a hoarse voice spread throughout the hall...

"Not bad for a Limit Douluo-level powerhouse, actually able to detect my presence!"

What followed was the Ghost Emperor, shrouded in blood-red aura...

Having undergone a transformation, it took Xue Yuntian several seconds to recognize him, "You... you are the Ghost Emperor!!"

Upon hearing the words "Ghost Emperor," the elder immediately moved to the forefront, taking on a defensive stance...

The Ghost Emperor merely grinned, showing his teeth, "There's no need to be so tense; after all, this is not our first encounter, right, Your Majesty the Emperor?"

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Xue Yuntian braced himself, "Ghost Emperor, what is your purpose for coming here today!!"

It seems the rumors are true; the Ghost Emperor has broken through to the God Rank!

His appearance and aura had undergone earth-shattering changes!

Possibly, the Sky Phoenix Douluo had perished at his hands!!

The Ghost Emperor glanced around and said in a gloomy tone, "I have no particular purpose; I just suddenly took an interest in you, Your Majesty!"

Xue Yuntian couldn't help but shudder, stepping back instinctively, "Ghost Emperor, what... what do you mean by that? Are you planning to harm me?"

The Ghost Emperor, neither confirming nor denying, licked his lips, "Relax, I'm not going to kill you. I want to make you my puppet!!"

Seeing this, the elder shouted coldly, "Don't even think about it; as long as I'm alive, I will not let you touch a single hair on His Majesty the Emperor!!"

The Ghost Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, "You? What are you, to prevent me!"

The next second, he instantly appeared in front of the other person, slapping him with a forceful palm strike...

With a loud "BANG!", the elder, completely unable to react in time, was sent flying, blood spurting from his mouth...

Xue Yuntian stared in disbelief, "How... how is this possible? You've actually inflicted heavy damage on an Ultimate Douluo with one hit!"

The Ghost Emperor seemed to quite enjoy the thrill of instilling fear in others, "Nothing is impossible. I am now a God, not something you ants can even compare yourselves to!"

"Alright, just obediently become my puppet, and you can suffer a bit less!"

Without a second thought, Xue Yuntian immediately turned to flee the hall...

But facing an opponent who had broken through to God Rank, there was simply no possibility of escape!

The Ghost Emperor merely raised his arm and grasped towards the retreating figure...

His terrifying Divine Power swept through, forcibly dragging Xue Yuntian back...

And firmly grabbing his neck...

With murderous intent he said, "Since you're unwilling, then you'll have to die a painful death!"

Such a person, even if turned into a puppet, would probably be of no use!

Better to just kill him and be done with it!

"Eighth soul skill..."

The elder who had just been heavily injured, seeing Xue Yuntian's life hanging by a thread, desperately unleashed his eighth soul ring, charging forward...

However, the Ghost Emperor, who had anticipated this moment, lifted the corner of his mouth into a cold smile...

Suddenly, the blood-soaked ground violently surged...

Countless sharp thorn spears emerged without warning from the earth, blocking all paths of escape...

The elder, unable to dodge, attempted to block with his body...

However, he overestimated himself!!

His flesh was forcibly pierced from all directions by the thorn spears!!

His heart was no exception!!

As his head slowly drooped, his life also came to an end...

Witnessing this scene, Xue Yuntian swallowed hard and became completely stunned...

Even the strongest Ultimate Douluo within the Douling Empire had fallen at the hands of the Ghost Emperor, not to mention himself; his chances of survival were probably nonexistent!

The Ghost Emperor refocused his gaze on the former, sneering, "Don't be sad, I will be sending you off to meet him soon!"

The force on Xue Yuntian's neck suddenly intensified, his bones buzzing, about to shatter...

A phantom flashed quietly by...

"Light Dragon Storm!"

A golden storm blossomed, and the powerful gale it whipped up caused the Ghost Emperor to unconsciously turn his head...

Seizing this moment, Xie Xie's true form appeared, swiftly snatching away Xue Yuntian and quickly retreating...

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Snapping out of his daze, Xue Yuntian exclaimed in shock, "Elder... Elder Xie? How did you get here? Hurry... Run, the Ghost Emperor has reached God Rank, you're no match for him!"

Having already resigned himself to the belief that he could not survive, it was rare for him to worry about someone else!

But Xie Xie earnestly replied, "Your Majesty, rest assured, I won't let you die!"

As the storm dissipated, the Ghost Emperor finally got a clear look at Xie Xie's face...

However, he was not irritated that Xue Yuntian had been taken from him, but instead expressed surprise, "I didn't expect you to be here too. It seems the Sea God's Pavilion has already discovered my existence!"

He still had a vivid impression of Xie Xie!


