
Chapter 2593: Before the Encirclement_1

Everyone heard these words, yet their expressions remained unchanged...

Because they had already anticipated this situation on their way here—to join forces and besiege the Holy Spirit Cult!

Tang Wulin propped up his chin and reminded, "I have no objection to this proposal, but Chairman, you should also be aware that our Shrek Academy has only recently completed reconstruction and may find it difficult to provide effective assistance!"

Seeing this, the Chairman promptly responded, "Hall Master Tang, I am naturally aware of this, but it shouldn't be a problem for a few Elders from the Sea God Pavilion to come and assist, right?"

"By the way, I remember that your academy is in great need of teachers right now. Our federation happens to have an ample supply! Perhaps we could…"

Tang Wulin couldn't help but narrow his eyes...

The former's meaning was clear—Shrek Academy would send Elders from the Sea God Pavilion to participate in the siege, and in return, the federation would provide a certain number of teachers for assistance...

At first glance, this seemed like a very reasonable condition!

After all, even if the federation did not help, Shrek Academy could not just stand by and watch. Otherwise, it would be a betrayal of its founding principles!

Sect Master Zang chuckled lightly from the side, "Hall Master Tang, what's there to think about? This should be a good thing for Shrek Academy, shouldn't it?"

He had initially planned to send some teachers to Shrek Academy, but unfortunately, Tang Sect itself was also short of teaching staff!

Tang Wulin immediately came back to his senses and then addressed the Chairman, "Chairman, then I'll have to trouble you for this!"

The Chairman also revealed a slight smile, "No trouble at all, no trouble. The federation and Shrek Academy are allies, after all. This little matter is not worth mentioning!"

He then looked towards the representatives of the other forces, asking, "Representatives of the other forces, do you have any questions?"

"No... no questions, we will naturally cooperate fully!"

"Exactly, eradicating the Holy Spirit Cult is everyone's responsibility. We can't let them continue to grow rampantly on the Soul Land!"

"As soon as we leave, I will immediately have the Sect Master mobilize Soul Masters!!"

However, there was still one discordant voice that rose up...

"Chairman, I'm a bit curious. Why wasn't the Spirit Pagoda notified about this operation to eradicate the Holy Spirit Cult Headquarters?"

"As one of the top forces on Soul Land in November, the Spirit Pagoda surely cannot remain indifferent, right?"

When the Spirit Pagoda was mentioned, the Chairman's complexion underwent a subtle change...

Under the rule of that Gu Yuena, it was already good enough that the Spirit Pagoda didn't collude with the Holy Spirit Cult. To expect it to participate in this operation was a complete pipe dream!

But with strength in numbers, he couldn't just say that...

Immediately, he coughed and explained, "The Spirit Pagoda is dealing with some internal issues, so they will not be participating in this operation temporarily!"

No sooner had he spoken these words than the representatives of the various forces showed signs of indignation...

"What? Our smaller sects are all participating, so why is the Spirit Pagoda exempt?"

"Exactly, despite being one of the leading forces, it's truly disappointing to see this!"

"I think the Spirit Pagoda has simply recruited too many Soul Masters recently, to the point where they've become so arrogant that they don't want to deal with other forces!"

"This is utterly outrageous. How can the Spirit Pagoda be so dismissive? I really don't understand why so many Soul Masters have joined them! They haven't brought about any positive influence all this time!"

Tang Wulin also had to pluck up the courage to soothe them, "Everybody, please calm down. I believe the Spirit Pagoda has encountered an unavoidable situation. After all, in the previous campaigns against the Holy Spirit Cult, it did not refuse to participate!"

Zang Xin concurred, "That's right, esteemed representatives. You should trust the Spirit Pagoda. A force that has developed to its current stature surely understands the havoc wrought by the Holy Spirit Cult!"

Despite what they were saying, they were well aware in their hearts...

Why the federation had not notified the Spirit Pagoda about the operation to eradicate the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Cult!

Upon hearing their remarks, the representatives cooled down slightly...

"Since Hall Master Tang and Sect Master Zang have both spoken thus, let us then trust the Spirit Pagoda this once!"

The words of the Sea God Pavilion Master and the Tang Sect Master indeed carried a lot of persuasive power!

The Chairman took a deep breath and said gravely, "In that case, it's up to all of you now. The operation to eradicate the Holy Spirit Cult must be completed before tomorrow!"


After leaving the Council Hall...

Tang Wulin looked toward Zang Xin beside him and asked curiously, "Sect Master Zang, why did you have me agree to the Chairman's conditions earlier?"

The latter glanced at him and replied unflappably, "It's quite simple. Shrek Academy is indeed in need of teachers at the moment, and the Tang Sect is too preoccupied with its own issues to offer help."

"Moreover, whether agreed upon or not, Shrek Academy would certainly have sent out the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion."

After all, within Shrek Academy, apart from the students who were still too weak, there was no formidable combat power!

Tang Wulin suddenly had an epiphany, "So that's the reason..."

However, he spoke seriously again, "But Sect Master Zang, the Tang Sect has already done so much for Shrek Academy. On behalf of the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion, I thank you."

Zang Xin smiled, clapped him on the shoulder, and said, "Wulin, you're being too formal with me. Don't forget, you're also the Young Sect Master of the Tang Sect!"

"In the future, both Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect will be under your control!"

Before Tang Wulin could reply, Zang Xin spoke again, "Alright, I must leave now. The operation against the Holy Spirit Cult must be taken seriously."

Watching the other's figure disappear from sight, Tang Wulin couldn't help but sigh...

He thought to himself, "If Lord Yun Ming were here, he wouldn't be so indecisive."

Shaking his head, he cast aside these thoughts and then used the communicator to call Cai Yue'er...

A female voice quickly responded from the other end, "Wulin, you're calling now; has the meeting ended already?"

Tang Wulin affirmed, "Yes, Elder Cai."

He paused for a moment, then continued, "The federation has requested that we from Shrek Academy dispatch several Elders of the Sea God Pavilion to assist in the encirclement and after that, they will send a certain number of teachers to the academy."

Cai Yue'er's tone was visibly surprised, "Oh, there's such a matter?"

"But well... the federation's teaching standards are also very high, which could indeed alleviate the situation!"

"Once the inner court students get accustomed, we can just send them back to the federation."

Tang Wulin breathed a sigh of relief, "Elder Cai, you think just like me!"

Without dwelling on the topic further, Cai Yue'er inquired, "So, Wulin, which Elders of the Sea God Pavilion have you decided to send for the encirclement?"

As the Pavilion Master, he naturally had that authority!

After pondering for a while, Tang Wulin immediately made a decision...

"Let's have Zheng Yu, Ye Hui, and Elder Lan Muzi come."

These three were the most skilled at combat among the Sea God Pavilion Elders!

Elder Cai did not say much else. After uttering a single sentence, she hung up the call...

"Alright, I'll notify them to head over and meet up with you immediately!"


