
1086 Chapter The Flaw in the Virtual Reality (Subscription Request)_1

Thinking of this, Duanmu Lian voiced her doubt, "Xu Sheng, how come you are here too?"

By all logic, it was possible for her to encounter Zhou Qingruo, as they had entered together!

But as for Xu Sheng, he should have entered after them and should not have been able to meet them!

Upon hearing this, Xu Sheng shook his head and said, "I'm not sure myself. When I regained consciousness, I just found myself here! But luckily, I ran into you."

After pausing for a moment, he inquired, "Miss Lian, and Qingruo, what were you just discussing?"

Zhou Qingruo cast a cold glance at Duanmu Lian and said coldly, "Nothing much, she just didn't recognize even me."

This mix of truth and falsehood plunged Duanmu Lian into confusion; she was completely unable to discern whether they were their true selves or mere reflections!

Xu Sheng looked at Duanmu Lian with an odd expression and pondered aloud, "I see, Miss Lian, that was indeed your mistake, considering you and Qingruo have been friends for so many years!"

Turning slightly red, she murmured with her head down, "Xu Sheng, I... I only grew suspicious when I heard Qingruo was willing to return to the Duanmu Clan..."

Her voice was filled with deep grievances...

Zhou Qingruo said coldly, "Enough, I didn't expect anything useful from you anyway. Let's go, there might be a way to break out of this virtual realm ahead!"

As she spoke, both her amber eyes and Xu Sheng's ink-black pupils flickered with a hint of red light...

Unaware of this, Duanmu Lian nodded and said, "Yes! Let's go then."

Little did she know that danger was stealthily approaching her!

Almost the instant she turned around, the mirror images of Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo transformed into Strange Beasts...

Then, only a roar was heard as two Strange Beasts lunged towards the figure of Duanmu Shuo in front of them…

With her back to them, Duanmu Lian's lips curled into a smile as she said coldly, "Did you really think I'm a fool?"

An outburst of Spirit Force Fluctuation erupted from her, and she vanished from the spot...

The blood-red eyes of the two Strange Beasts filled with a thick sense of bewilderment, utterly unsure how she had detected them!

Before they could recover, Duanmu Lian, who had appeared behind them, shouted, "Heavenly Ranked Superior Martial Technique! Blazing Bird!!"

In front of her, a Blazing Bird materialized, radiating intense flames, and its terrifying presence burst forth...

Immediately thereafter, the Blazing Bird flapped its massive wings swiftly, latching onto the Strange Beasts and easily carrying them skyward...

When they reached the pinnacle of the sky, a proud screech resounded, and the gigantic Blazing Bird erupted, revealing a terrifying power within, which bloomed into dazzling fireworks...

Only when she saw two clumps of Black Mist emerge in the sky did Duanmu Lian breathe a sigh of relief, wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, and asked, "Is it over?"

But the very next moment, her Beautiful Eyes suddenly tightened...

For behind her, an intense sense of danger was emanating!


Elsewhere, the Mo Family Ancestor and others had been making their rounds among the other Clans, leveraging threats and enticements to absorb all the remaining Disciples into the Mo Family!

At this moment! Inside the Mo Family Mansion, thousands of Disciples from different Clans gathered, each of their eyes flickering with displeasure...

Clearly, they had no fondness for joining the Mo Family...

Standing at the very center of the mansion were none other than the Mo Family Ancestor and the Mo Family Patriarch, among others!

Even the elders of the other clans didn't qualify to stand beside them, instead they stepped down to the floor below, expressionlessly staring at the Mo Family Ancestor who controlled their fates…

The murky eyes of the Mo Family Ancestor swept over all the disciples for a moment, and when he sensed the displeasure on their faces, he couldn't help but feel a few degrees colder in his heart…

To have these people join the Mo Family should have been their honor, yet they dared to show such contempt and sorrowful expressions!

Although he was very annoyed inside, he coughed on the surface and announced loudly, "First of all, welcome to all the disciples present for joining our Mo Family! Here, you will all receive the same treatment as Mo Family disciples! There will be no distinction."

Most of the disciples snorted at this statement!

One of the disciples scoffed, "Tch, what big talk. The same treatment? No distinction?"

Another disciple with an unhappy face said, "Had I known, I wouldn't have bothered joining the Mo Family. If it weren't for them forcing us with martial power... Damn it!!!"

"It seems like even the elders have been caught by the Mo Family people, and may well fight to the death for them! Eh!"

"I think joining the Mo Family isn't too bad, after all, the Duanmu Clan has perished! And with the decline of our two major families, one doesn't need to think too hard to know that the Mo Family will become the strongest clan, wielding the resources of four families!"

"It's too late to flee now; instead, why not give the Mo Family a try. Perhaps it will indeed be as the Mo Family Ancestor said, equal treatment,"

As for some other Mo Family disciples, their faces darkened quite a bit…

"Damn it! Why should these people have the same treatment as us, what is the Ancestor thinking!"

"Fools, of course, he would say that, but the resources will naturally still be inclined toward our Mo Family disciples! How do you not understand this?"

"Exactly, when the Ancestor says this, it is only to better use the disciples from the other families, just to keep them temporarily! Once we recover, we will drive them all out and exterminate them!"

"So it is, worthy of the Ancestor! His thoughts are indeed far-reaching!"

In an instant, the minds of the Mo Family disciples eased a lot…

The Mo Family Head standing nearby looked at the Mo Family Ancestor with a complex expression, secretly praising, "Worthy of the Ancestor, with just a few words he has drawn back those disciples who wanted to leave the Mo Family. Afterwards, by offering them a small inducement, they will mostly choose to submit to the Mo Family!"

However, with the presence of this Mo Family Ancestor, he, the current Clan Leader, simply couldn't intervene in anything…

As for the rest of the Mo Family Elders, they silently bowed their heads…

Now was not their turn to speak; they only needed to listen quietly…

Seeing that the disciples below had nodded, the Mo Family Ancestor then glanced sideways at the Mo Family Patriarch and said coldly, "The matters that follow will be left to you. Coming out of seclusion early has already caused my cultivation level to become unstable!"

Upon hearing this sentence, a few glimmers of light flickered in the eyes of the Mo Family Patriarch…

He responded respectfully, "Yes, Ancestor!"

Perhaps, this was also an opportunity!

Once again struck, Xu Sheng quietly tasted sweetness in his throat and spit out a mouthful of blood with a "puh!"…

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the darkness before him…

Then, the corners of his mouth curled into an arc, "This virtual realm, it seems, is not without its flaws after all!"