
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · Fantasy
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29 Chs

*In love*

"I'm glad I met you...Jason" Jason opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling for a while.

"What was that? A dream?" He thought. His phone buzzed and he checked it only to see a message from Margaret.

"Purple garden...I'll wait for you beautifully. Mag ♡" the message said.

Jason grins and immediately he leaped from the bed...to the bathroom.


"Wow....young man you look so handsome."

"Was your eyes malfunctioning before? I'm always handsome"

"You look super handsome today...but are you going somewhere?"

"Uh...I'm having a date" he smiles

"Date? What's is a date?" She quizzed.

"A date is..." He beckons on her to move closer which she did.

"I'm not telling you" He whispers to her hearing while she squeezed her face.

"Young man..." She made a pouty lip.

"I may come back late so don't wait up...if you're hungry I've made some food for you to eat in the fridge"

"No...I want to go with you" She linked hands with him.

"I'm sorry but I can't take you..."

"Why...why...why?" She whined.

"Hey how can it be a date if I take you along? Being the two of us alone is a trouble on its own how can I take you along? You'll just be a nuisance...just stay home"

"Young man..."

"Young lady...see you later" He winks at her then leaves. Peninah sighs.

"I want to go on a date too" She pouted.


"Why isn't Young man coming...I miss him" Peninah sighs staring at space.

"Young man...Young man...youn...."

"Ding dong!" The door bell rings and she sprang up instantly rushing to open it.

"Young man!" She grinned but that was short lived.

"It isn't Young man..." She said sadly.

"Holla princess Penny" Josh grinned while she sighs.

"Young man's friends...come in" she said dryly going to take a seat. Josh and Cain followed her.

"Hey princess...why do you look so dispirited? Are you not happy to see us?" Josh quizzed.

"Are you okay?" Cain asked also

"Young man's friends...what is a date? Is it a thing you can't take other people along to?" She asked slowly. Josh and Cain exchanges glances.

"Why can't he just take me along?" She sighs.

"Ohh princess are you sad Jason didn't take you along with him?" Josh asked and she nodded with a pout.

"Don't blame him...it's not a place for you to be" Cain said.


"A date is going out with a person you love to catch fun " Josh said.

"Really? Then it's a fun thing"

"But a date is meant for only two people in love...third wheels like you are not needed" Josh said again.

"In love?"

"You hang out together....have tasty food..catch fun...embrace each other all day. It's such a great feeling" Cain smiles.

"Really...then I want to go on a date with Young man" She said making both Josh and Cain giggle.

"Dear I'd advise you to terminate that idea...Jason is such an upright guy that he'll never look at another lady except the one he's dating." Josh said.

"Even if ladies are dying at his feet...he never..gives them a second look. In a nutshell...he's such a responsible guy" Cain added.

"But instead of Jason...you can always go on a date with me princess...I promise to treat you well" Josh winks.

"Forget it...you can never be Young man...Young man is the only human I wanna go on a date with" Peninah replied.

"Why aren't you coming Young man...?" She sighs lying on the couch.


"How could you...LET HER ESCAPE!!!" A young man yelled at the middle aged woman who was already fidgeting in fear.

"I...I don't know either...I think she ran away in the middle of the night" The woman trembles.

"I told you right? I said I'd take care of her...LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE! where do you know she is right now!"

"That isn't actually important right now...first we should look for her. We'd be doomed if she rat us out"

"That's why I said from the beginning...I'll deal with her" The young man seethed.

"Whatever...who cares now...She's gone anyway"

"You seriously"

"Agh! She was money...how did she escaped?"

The young man sighs.

"Don't you dare utter this to anyone"

"Am I crazy? Why would I do that?"

"I'll look for her myself...you stay out of it...and when I do...I'll know how to deal with her"

"You must catch her...I've to get enough money I want from her before she became completely useless" The middle aged woman said.

"Agh it's so hard to come across a mermaid like that...why did this have to happen?"

"You got any other alternative?"

"Hmm...I think I've got one actually" The middle aged woman smirked.


Aviva was busy cleaning the table when Mrs Seth the owner of the restaurant stomp in rather annoyed.

"Hey come here" She beckons to Aviva who rushed to her immediately.

"I...can't trust anyone any longer. Recently I've just been stabbed in the back by those I feed. Tell me how should I deal with them?" Mrs Seth asked Aviva who kept her head bowed.

"Say something! I hate it when you keep shut like that!"

"I'm...I'm sorry" She apologized.

"Oh no! Not again" Mrs Seth face palmed.

"Hey...why are you sorry? Did you betray me? Wait...you can't even do that even if you want to...remember...i hold the key to your life" she whispers the last part and watch Aviva eyes dilate in fear.

Enjoying the expression on her face, she burst into laughter.

"Look at her face...look at her face" She pointed laughing.

Aviva clenched her fist on the rag she's holding.

"I have an assignment for you" Mrs Seth suddenly said.

"What's your order ma'am?" Aviva asked gently.

"You're a special girl...that's why I like you. You're different from other humans...you're extraordinary....that's why I think you're the only one fit to do this. Actually I don't trust that asshole...who knows what he might do behind me.."

"What do you want me to do ma'am?"

"A pretty little thing was stolen away from me recently you see...it's really worth a lot. It's something rare that can't just be anywhere so I want you to retrieve it for me"

"What could that be?"

"If you see it you'll know I'm sure of that. You'll recognised it right away that's why even though I don't want to I have to send you away for a while...make sure to bring it back to me...and I'll let you live a life...free of pain" she smirks.

"It's such a pity you'll have to be gone since you're literally my lucky charm here...I wonder how the sales will be without you here...that's why you have to be fast...I can't wait long..."

"Ye...yes ma'am...I'll carry out your order"


Peninah was already dozing by the time Jason got back.

Immediately she perceive his scent, she sprung up instantly running to him.

"Young man! You're back" She grins holding onto him.

"You came really late...what were you doing? I heard the date is a fun thing...I wanna go on a date too...with you" she said excitedly while Jason just sighs. He removed her hands clinging unto him.

"I'm going to bed first" He said with a moody tone heading to his room without giving her a second look.

"Young man..." She called trying to follow him but he stopped her.

"Please weirdo...not tonight. I'm...weary" He said while peninah backed off.

Jason went up to his room while peninah sighs.

"What's wrong with him...why is he being cold it's unlike him. Agh! I'm hungry..." She held he stomach.

"I didn't eat anything cause I was waiting for him but now...he won't even talk to me..." She pouted.

Jason got to his room and took off his jacket. The date was a total disaster.

"No...don't mind him...he's nobody..." Margaret's words replayed in his head.

"Nobody..." He mutters before hitting the door angrily with his fist. Earlier on their secret date which Margaret had set to make up to him, they had actually ran into a co worker of hers. And as an introduction, Margaret totally disregarded him calling him a nobody.

That actually ruined their date as jason got really pissed off stomping out of there. Margaret didn't try to run after him and that has got him really more rilled up.

After punching the door like four times...he finally moved to the bathroom to take his bath.


Due to the strange sounds which keeps on echoing downstairs, Jason couldn't really sleep. He took a flower vase and snuck out of his room not bothering turning on the light.

The sounds continues as he reaches downstairs. He prayed inwardly before going closer to where it's coming from.

"Freeze!" He said on getting there and the person did.

"I already called the police...don't try to move or you'll get hurt" He threatens only to hear a familiar muffle sounds.

He thought it was strange and carefully moved to the socket turning on the light. He was surprised and gasped to actually see peninah on the floor with her mouth smeared with chocolate.

"What are you doing?" He asked and she blinks.

For a moment, he had thought a thief snuck in.


"You should have had some food if you are hungry why snuck out in the middle of the night and scare the life out of me?!"

"I...I was just...I'm sorry young man. I was gonna wait till tomorrow but then...my stomach wouldn't stop singing"


"Hmm...for food"

"You...you're crazy really"

"I know"

"You know?"

"Uh? You told me that several times. Young man don't worry I know you're crazy too"

"Wow...you crazy..." He sneers.

"You're really crazy...seriously awesomely very crazy" He says while she grins.

"Thank you young man...for making me crazy" She hugs his knees while he scoffs.

"She's crazy..."

Minutes later.

"Ohhh...that looks delicious!" Peninah clasped her hands together as Jason served her some food.

"Ohh...it's shrimps" She beamed jumping happily on her seat.

"I love shrimp....I love shrimps"

Jason couldn't help smiling.

"You...are really strange you know that" He said.

"Young man...isn't it strange? This little thing always run away from me whenever I wanna eat them but now...you're giving them to me... "

"I personally think...you're more strange" Jason said while she grins. She scoops the shrimps in her mouth. Moaning as she munch on it.

"Do you like it that much?"

"Young man...I love it." She gave him a thumb up while he mussed her hair.

"I can see that..."

"You're even making me this in the middle of the night..you're really a psycho young man" She grins while he arch his brows.

"Psycho? Sure...I can't blame you...I force this on myself. Enjoy...go to bed when you're done" he said leaving her.

"Thank you young man!" She shouted after him.

After eating, peninah was hopping to her room when a voice suddenly sounded in her head.

"Don't leave" She stopped immediately she heard that.

"What was that?" She thought.

"Don't leave me..." Another sounded.

"Young man?" She thought and head to his room. There he was lying on the bed with sweats all over his face.

She moves slowly to him.

"Young man..." She called but he grabbed her hand.

"Stay...please" He said holding onto her hand tightly and she sat on the bed beside him.

Penny began patting his hand slowly and he slowly opens his eyes. There he saw...Margaret smiling back at him.