
I Made Scientific Magic

Lynn traveled to a magical world similar to the European Middle Ages but possessing magical powers. Here, magic can affect and control elementary particles. So…a scientific theory is a magic formula! Wizards called spellcasters who are actually scientists, under the siege of the Holy See, struggled to explore the truth of the world, until the arrival of Lin En, which set off a renaissance of an alien version…

Mrchampions · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Secretary Society] Are all wizards crazy?

Chapter 116 [Secretary Society] Are all wizards and adults crazy?

   "He wants to be... the Great Wizard?" Barbara said in horror, and a look of longing appeared on her face.

   This is undoubtedly the dream of every three-ring wizard. There are thousands of official wizards in the entire wizarding land, but there are only a few dozen who can really become great wizards.

   But the question is, how to do it? Just rely on the blood of the eye of death?

   "This is just our conjecture." Hank was a little more rational. If promotion was really that easy, they wouldn't have been wasted by the three-ring wizards for so many years.

   "Whether it is a conjecture or not, I have to ask North for clarification..." Barbara said emotionally, North, like them, is a person with ordinary talent, who has no hope of breaking through the great wizard in this life.

  If the other party can be promoted by this method, then I must be able to too!

   "Ask... how?" Lynn said with a sneer.

  Barbara's face suddenly turned livid. According to Hank, North can't find anyone at all now, and he is probably hiding from them on purpose and secretly carrying out some plans.

   What she was even more worried about was that North might have made a breakthrough by the time she found it, and they would be at an absolute disadvantage.

   "Perhaps, we can find some helpers." Hank couldn't help but have a poisonous plan in his heart. There are more than one or two three-ring wizards who want to be promoted to great wizards.

  In a sense, they have many allies!

Since North is hiding in such a way, maybe the method used for promotion is not serious. They can use this to threaten North to give them a share of this method, otherwise let the cronies spread the matter to the whole world. Land of wizards.

  For a possible promotion method, Hank and Barbara have frequently resorted to vicious schemes, even with a touch of madness.

  Hearing that Lin En broke out in cold sweat, there was a hint of pity in his eyes looking at the two of them.

  Although Hank and Barbara are expensive three-ring wizards, at this moment, they are almost no different from those apprentices who work hard to be promoted to official wizards...

  But this is the cruelty of the wizarding world, and the division of each level marks power and rights.

   After discussing various ways to interrogate North and setting up a temporary alliance, Hank and Barbara couldn't wait to leave.

  They were all eager to go back and study the bottle of blood they got in the sea of mist, so as to find out what was so special about it.

   After the two left, Lynn thought about it and took out a bottle of reagents filled with dark green liquid.

In the past few days, he has naturally done some research on the blood of the eye of death, but the results of the experiment are very bad. The power contained in this blood is very strange and has a strong rejection. Cannot be used to brew shaping potions.

  Those rodents that directly swallowed the blood died inexplicably in just a few seconds, and even the corpses were dissected without any reason.

  Lin En suddenly thought that North once said that this blood was used in some kind of alchemy circle...

   Maybe you can start from this convenience.


  While studying secretly, Lynn did not forget that he was still a professor. In fact, the one-week vacation he asked for had already ended.

   Facing the reopening of the Mathematical Olympiad class, all the wizard apprentices were looking forward to and having a headache.

  During the period when the Mathematics Olympiad class was suspended, they were all studying the homework left by Lynn, which contained all kinds of weird questions.

  For example, a wizard raises many chickens and rabbits in a cage. There are thirty-five heads and ninety-four feet. How many chickens and rabbits are in the cage?

Another example is that another wizard bought a camel for ten silver coins, sold it for twelve silver coins, bought it back for fifteen silver coins, and sold it to another person for twenty silver coins. How much?

In addition, there are snails who run and rest in the trees for a while, frogs who want to jump out of the well but always slide down, carpenters who don't know how to match keys and locks, and find the intersection of two squares the shaded area of and so on...

  Ai Luoke really can't understand how Professor Lynn's brain grows, and why there are so many strange questions.

   And those [Secret Society] wizards are all crazy? Why do chickens and rabbits have to be kept in the same cage? It is still necessary to count the heads and feet to determine the quantity. This kind of carelessness has long separated the chickens from the rabbits.

   "Very good, it seems that you all mastered it very well." Lin En roughly read the collected homework.

  Although there are a lot of questions, they are all the most basic knowledge of solving equations and geometry. It is just that there are more tricks in the questions, and they are all found by searching in his brain, some classic test questions.

It has to be said that the minds of these wizard apprentices are much easier to use than ordinary people. Ailoke, Johnny and others are worthy of being the students of the elite class. In just two months, they have already mastered some basic knowledge. almost.

   After hearing Lin En's words of appreciation, all the apprentices couldn't help showing joy on their faces, especially Pierce.

As one of the longest-serving apprentices in the Iyeta Academy, the magic power in his body is already overflowing, but he has no talent in elements, alchemy, potions, and shaping, so he is forced to stay in the academy inside.

  But Olympiad is different. Although his talent is not as good as Eloke and Johnny, he is also much better than others. This can be said to be his only hope for graduation!

   "Professor Lynn, have we finished this Olympiad course?" Peirce asked excitedly.

   "There is still a long way to go. Now you are learning the basics of the basics." Lynn shook his head and said dumbfounded.

   Is this still the base?

  Ai Luoke, Pierce and others couldn't believe it. They thought they had learned everything they could learn.

After all, they now have mastered various calculation methods such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponent, square root, etc., and can also accurately calculate the length, width, height, and surface area of various complex objects. Even that lazy snail needs a few days to calculate Climbing to the wall, the frog needs to jump a few times to pick out the deep well clearly, and the strange chicken and rabbit in the same cage can also be counted clearly.

  What else can I learn from this?

   "There are also trigonometric functions, probability, linear algebra, plane vectors, inequalities, infinite series, etc... Have you mastered all of these?" Lynn asked with a smile.

  Lin En's iconic smile made the apprentices present shiver involuntarily, and these words made them even more confused.

  The only thing they know is the... triangle in trigonometry!

  (end of this chapter)