1 He's scarred past

one early morning

Yue - Caden, honey wake up it's time to get going - she said sweetly while opening the curtains

Caden - ..... mom - he said still half asleep

Yue - honey, its time to wake and wash up

Caden - Mom, what time is it? - he asked her

Yue - It's 8:30 Am, honey

Caden - It's so early - he said while rubbing his eyes

Yue - It is but we're going to see grandma

Caden - We're going to see grandma!! - he said while getting up

Yue - Yep, so go wash up - she said while smiling

Caden stood up and was heading straight for the bathroom when his mother said

Yue - Caden.....

Caden - Yes...

Yue - What do you want for breakfast? - she asked

Caden - Can I get Bacon and some scrambled eggs, please - he said while smiling

Yue - Sure, honey and make sure to hurry your father already ready downstairs

Caden - Okay and thank you, mom - he said while running the bathroom

Yue - You're welcome, honey

Caden is really going to see his grandmother before her back surgery

10 minutes later.....

Caden - Good morning, dad - he said while coming down the stairs

Chang - Good morning, son - he said as he was about to eat

Yue - Here you go Caden, bacon, and scrambled eggs

Caden - Thank you for the food - he said while smiling

Yue - You're welcome honey - she said

7 minutes later...

Yue - Come on Caden, let's go see grandma

Caden - Okay - he said happily

Yue - Right before we go did we get everything, honey?

Chang - I believe so.... - he said while thinking

Chang - How about Caden's chair

Caden - Dad, I don't need that anymore - he said

Chang - why don't you need it anymore Caden? - he asked

Caden - Because am a big boy now - he said while pouting

Yue - Honey, you're only 12-year-old - she said while smiling

Caden - But.... am a big boy - he said with tears in his eyes

Yue - Okay then you a big by for today, okay

Caden - Okay... - he said while wiping away his tears

Yue - Now were ready to go to see grandma

While driving...

Caden - Dad why are we going this way, grandma's house is that way - he said while pointing

Chang - It s honey but grandma's back has been hurting her lot, so she went to the hospital - he said

Caden - Will she be alright, dad?

Chang - she'll be fine - he said while looking at him in the mirror

As they are talking Chang does not have his eyes on the road and is heading straight for a truck but then .....

Yue - Honey, watch out

Chang manages to turn the car away from the truck but only to loses control and hit another car

