
Chapter one

{Rachel's POV}

"Hey sister," I say when I walk to her open door "Wazzup?" She replies "Nothing really. Just knitting." I walk in and playfully punch her on the shoulder "you act like a grandma,you are only 26."

She responds "Wellll, you aren't the one HAVING A CHILD!!" I roll my eyes and sit down on her bed. "Even if I were,I wouldn't be all extra like this." I hug her."C'mon sis,the child is lucky to have you as a mum. And me as a aunt!" I wink. "Ok sis" She hugs me back and continues knitting.

I walk over to the edge of her room and I see a crib. "How cute!" There is some baby toys and hand knitted clothes. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to be a aunt!" I say "All them cute little outings to Disney land and other places!"

*my phone vibrates*

I open my phone and see a text from one of my friends on Insta.

Insta_demon (BFF) at 8:00am

"hey Rachel! 👋

Lazy_kid (me) at 8:01

'hey Valerie!'