

"How did i end up here? with the school's cold prince or whatsoever?"...

Stop, before we continue, lets first get to how it started...

The morning starts with the clear blue sky meeting the beaming sun, shining over everything, from the the tiny insects, the flowers swaying by and to the passersby.

There are birds chirping among the heavy hush and rush, with the opening of the school gate, the school's busy schedule continues. People of all kind meets, the gossipers, the bully, the crybabies, the fashion novas, the cool kids, the groupies, the popular ones, different peoples with different minds and among them spoke, Mikasa, the school reporter, basically the gossiper, " I can't wait to see our cold prince, ahh.."

"Cold prince? who is he?" asked a confused Kaito, the newly transferred student who also happens to be Mika's cousin

"You'll know in a moment, she's gonna be here" said Haru, the class president

"She?" before Kaito could get his answer, he saw an overwhelming crowd rushing towards the school's main exit and to his surprise, he saw a girl drifting on her skatesboard, she was quite tall, had such pretty face with a splendid figure, a bright smile that goes with her gazing pearl eyes, those long black hair that reached her waist, she was like those female leads in movies or dramas but something bout her striked charming and dominance, Kaito continued, "Her?"

"Yes" claimed Mika who was watching Akira entering

"But why the cold prince?" asked a curious Kaito

"long story short, she rejected every guy that asked her out, all her male admirers are goin crazy but i guess her female admirers are happy" came Haru's reply

"Yeah and we female admirers also thinks she has a thing only for females also the way she treats us makes our heart race, her soft head pats, helping us around and for your knowledge she's dating our class president" said Mika who was blushing

"Him?", pointing towards Haru, Kaito then blankly stared in surprise

"NO" shouted Mika, "Our other class president, Rei" as she squealed, " They look so cute together-" before she completed, Akira greeted "Good morning Haru kun, Mika chan and this is?" as she looked at Kaito

"I'm Kaito, the transferred student" came Kaito's reply as he hold out his hand for a hand shake

"No- Kaito" Mika slammed her book on Kaito's hand, "She's our senior

Kaito rubbed his hand, "I- I'm sorry senpai' as he paid respect

"No need" softly chuckling, Akira continued, "don't be harsh on him Mika chan" as she pats Mika's head and continued, "I'll see ya guys around"

Akira left but Mika here is still in shocked, she had a dream come true moment and is almost losing her mind, "Did she really just pat my head-did she really just pat my head? ahhhh..."

'Calm down Mika" as Kaito dragged her, with Haru following them

Everyone had a chaotic moment but everything settled down with the start of the classes, no noises could be heard except for the teacher's ruler rapping on the desk, lessons being read aloud or the flipping of pages. Everything was as silent as before the storm until recess hit and the storm striked.

Most of the people were in the cafeteria, some inside the campus, some outside, some in the library, couples meeting up, groupies hanging, gossipers gossiping, everybody was just minding their own business and so was Akira.

Akira was in the nursing room, waiting for her girlfriend who walked in, Rei was looking pretty as always, neatly dressed, with a neat high pony tail, her glistened brown eyes and her cheeks matched her rosy lips with which she spoke, "I hope I'm not late"

"No you aren't" replied Akira who was seated on the bed as she grabbed Rei who was standing in front of her, by the waist and pulled her closer, "I need to charge myself" as she continued to pull her closer and hug her.

"Are you alright senpai?" asked a worried Rei who softly put her hand on Akira's head, "Did something happened?"

"No, its just the school" replied Akira who was hugging her still

"For the magazine?" as Rei holds Akira's face up

"Yeah" came Akira's reply while they lock their gaze, Rei softly kissed Akira's forehead, then her lips, she sat on her lap while continuing the kiss, Akira's arms tightened around Rei's waist, as Rei softly moaned to Akira kissing her neck, Akira's hand reached inside Rei's shirt that made Rei moan more, her hand was doing a great job in making Rei feel good, arousing her in every way, they spent their good time together and was now out in the cafeteria.

Akira was eating her bento brought by Rei, alongside her with the surrounding eyes watching them, they had the whole school's attention until a female student whose entry caught all the attention, she looked hella pretty to be real, her short hair that complimented her face so well, her petite figure that synced perfectly with her slender arms, she was around the same height as Akira, everything bout her was striking perfect except for those crazy cold eyes whose gaze cut off everyone.

She sat across the farthest corner, cutting off every human contact which caught Akira's eyes, she grew curios of the girl sitting, minding her own business, in her own world not caring bout the world in front of her. Akira gave a faint smile and continued eating.

Everyone was talking this and that bout this new character, the males going crazy bout her looks but scared to approach her, the females afraid to befriend her, rumors has it that she carries knifes, and the fact that her desk and locker is filled with books and journals on psychopaths, Akira who was there in the moment gave a slight laugh hearing everything, her curiosity reached the peak.

With recess getting over, everyone hit their class, another round of silence but the silence start to slowly break with everyone checking the time non-stop, watching the clock tick, watching out the window, watching out the door, everyone grew impatient for the class to end while on the other hand, Akira was walking up the rooftop, texting Rei on her way, telling her she can't walk her home today.

Closing the door she took out the vape from her pocket and was tryna take a puff when she smelled cigarettes, she went over the back of the roof, following the smell to see the girl from the cafeteria smoking, who didn't even flinch on the thought that somebody caught her smoking but instead just continued. Akira smiled and sat next to her, she broke the silence, "Do you smoke here everyday?"

"Yes" came a cold reply from her

"May I know your name?" asked Akira, but there was no reply except for silence, after a while a reply finally came, " Ukiyo"

"Ukiyo" Akira said to herself, she continued, "Won't you ask me why I'm here?" to which Ukiyo replied, "That's your business to mind, I have no interest"

Her blunt answer made Akira laughed, she vaped next to her and silently enjoyed the peace she felt from Ukiyo's company, a peaceful time, the sky watching them in complete silence till Ukiyo rose up to leave that made Akira spoke out, "You're leaving?"

"You can see that" came another cold reply from Ukiyo, she continued, "You aren't?" to which Akira replied, "I'm staying for a lil while"

"Suit yourself" as Ukiyo walked up to the door, tryna open the door but it won't, she tried to break the knob, pressing hard, turning hard, kicking the door and doing everything that made a ruckus, hearing it Akira came over, "Did we get locked?"

"Yes" answered Ukiyo who kicked the door one more time, Akira laughed and said, "That won't make it any better"

"I'll break it" saying so Ukiyo started searching for some heavy things to help her break it, Akira stopped her, "This is school's property, calm down and think, if we break it we'll be questioned tomorrow, lets find another way"

They both sat by the door, watching the sun set, the birds flying way back home, the sky changing its color, the calm breeze hitting their face, Akira once again broke the silence, "Can't believe its our first day meeting and we're stuck together"

"I can't believe such an unfortunate thing happened to me too" said Ukiyo, who started thinking in her mind , "How did i end up here? with the school's cold prince or whatsoever..."