
Chapter 16: Winter Break Plans

Arriving at school and finding out that everyone thought she was a stalker really upset Angie. All she wanted was to finish the school year without any drama though it seems the year is a long way to go with all the rumors and drama going around the school. With everyone thinking she is a stalker this only meant that it will be a long week, no it is going to be a long school year for Angie. The looks she got through out the day really annoyed Angie since everyone now knows her as a stalker not by who she truly is. The day ended and Angie went straight home, not bothering to go and hang out with her friends. As Angie walked home she passed by people whispering about how she was the new girl who stalked her crush. Angie was so upset that as soon as she got home she rushes straight to her room ignoring the fact that both her mother and little brother were in the kitchen table preparing for dinner.

After two hours, Angie's mother calls her informing her that dinner was ready. Angie goes over to the table and takes her seat and she eats dinner with her family. After dinner, Angie washes the dishes and then heads back to her room. While in her room, Angie plays music from her laptop and starts her homework. As time passes by Angie sees that it was already past midnight and it was time for her to sleep but she still had homework to finish. Angie knew she was usually focus and was great with her time management but with the events that occurred recently, Angie was having a hard time to focus.Feeling super tired Angie decided that she will do the rest of her homework in the morning before she heads to school. Sleep eventually catches Angie and she falls asleep with her head on top on her assignments.

The next morning, Angie wakes up and realizes she fell asleep and still has assignments to finish and she only has 30 minutes left to get to school before she is late. Angie rushes to get up and runs out of her room and straight to her bathroom. After she came out she rushes back to her room and grabs all her assignments and placed it inside her backpack. Once everything was inside Angie's backpack, she rushes out the door and rushes to school. Angie runs as fast as she can to make it to school because the school locks up the gates once school hours are in session.With only 5 minutes left,Angie ran and ran.

Wait! Wait!-Angie yelled

The teacher looked up and saw Angie yelling and running towards him.Angie makes it just in time to get inside the gates before it was closed.Angie was late though so she had to go inside the front office to get a late pass.Angie didn't like going to the front office because those students who usually go into the front office are usually in trouble and everyone around the school usually hears about the reason why they went to the office and those reasons become rumors and lies.With Angie's luck someone will say some sort of lie as the reason why she is late and it will probably have to do with her being the new girl who has a crush on the bad boy.With being late Angie knew that it will be a long day for her.

Angie goes to the receptionist to inform her that she needs a pass because she is late.The receptionist asks Angie for her student I.D. number and reason as to why she was late,which Angie gives her I.D. number and reason,after couple minutes Angie gets her pass. Angie tells the receptionist thank you and heads toward her class.Once Angie gets to her class, she hands her pass to Mrs. Bell and takes her seat.Angie finishes all her assignments for class so she decides to pull out her homework that she did not finish for her history class. As Angie works on her homework, Mrs. Bell informs the class that Winter break is coming up and all quarter assignments need to be submitted in two weeks since that is when winter break will be. Mrs. Bell also informs her class that after they return from break they will be moving to a new class room.After being informed of the news the bell rings for first period to be over.Angie packs her homework and heads for her next class.

Angie walks toward her next class, when she hears her name being called out from behind.Angie turns to see Joseph calling and heading towards her.Angie stops walking and waits for Joseph to meet up with her.Once Joseph finally catches up to Angie,Angie hears another person calling her and both her and Joseph turn to see Yari calling and walking towards them.As they wait Joseph asks Angie if she finished the history assignment.As Angie was going to reply Yari catches up to them and all three began to walk together.As the three walked toward there class,Angie hands Joseph her history notebook and tells him to make sure to give it to her before third period ends.The three of them walks inside there next class together and walks toward there assigned seats.Angie sat down and began working on the assignment on the board.Both Yari and Joseph sat down on there assigned seat which is behind Angie's seat and also started working on the assignment on the board.Joseph has Yari tap Angie so she would turn around.Unfortunately Angie didn't really want to turn around since Alec is also behind her but turns around and faces Yari who points toward Joseph who is next to Alec.Angie looks at Joseph,who thanks her for the notebook and informs her that he will hand her history notebook back to her once he is done.Angie just nods her head and turns back around and continues to work on the assignment.

After ten minutes of working on the warm up assignment, Mr. Ramirez calls everyone to have there attention.Everyone in the class looks at Mr.Ramirez signalling that he has there attention.Mr. Ramirez just like Mrs. Bell talks about winter break coming up and assignments need to all be turned in.After the announcements Mr. Ramirez then proceeds to collect homework and teach the class.The warm up assignment was connected to the topic that was being taught today.After explaining the warm up and teaching a new lesson, Mr. Ramirez asks his class to study with a partner and see if they can answer the new questions he wrote on the board.Both Angie and Yari partnered up together and worked on the questions with no issues.Both girls finished fairly quick since the questions seemed real easy for both of them.Both girls then turns in there work to Mr. Ramirez who was in his desk grading their homework.

As both girls waited for there next assignment,they talked among themselves about what there plans are for winter break. Yari talks about her grandparents being in town for the break while Angie thinks about how she will be spending her winter break with her family.Angie also felt relief as winter break approaches as she wont have to worry about the gossip around school about her. After about fifteen minutes ,Mr. Ramirez then come to the front of the class and began teaching class again.Class eventually ends and it was time for PE.PE class went as usual with all the class either playing soccer or basketball.The bell then rings signalling that class is over and it was time for second lunch to begin.

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