
I Like

Hi, I'm Rin, you can call me Rin anyways I am known to Like a lot of things let me tell you about the things I like

FaKie_KitSuKo · Realistic
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I Like: Going to School part 1

I know, surprising right? It's rare to find someone that actually likes going to school, but I am one of those rare people.

As to why I like going to school, it is because.. it's way better than being home XD

It's not like I have troubles at home or anything, I just think it's boring to be home all day doing nothing, but in some cases, I sometimes prefer staying home, rather than going to school, or outside even.

You can also meet tons of new friends in school, and who knows, you just might get yourself a partner hahaha.

Let me tell you about my school days from the very beginning.

*Story time*

"Rin~ wake up! You don't want to be late for your first day of school don't you?"

"Don't worry mom, I'm already awake, just give me a sec to get ready."

Today is my very first day in high school, like every other student, I am very excited. After I'm all set, I ate breakfast, I said goodbye to my mom, and left for school immediately.

The school I'm attending is not too popular, it's just like your everyday high school, but that's alright, as long as I get to have fun.

When I arrived at school, there are already a few students present, they all looked very tidy, and friendly (Of course, it's the first day after all).

I was too nervous to start a conversation with anyone, until suddenly one of the male students came over to me from behind, and pats my shoulder.

"Yo, nervous on your first day, huh? I get how you feel, I'm quite nervous too, I don't even know anyone here" the guy said with a friendly attitude.

"Yeah, I can't gather the courage to talk to anyone" I replied.

"Say, what's your name?" he asked.

"It's Rin, you can call me Rin" I replied.

"What's yours?" I asked back.

"You can call me Tomohiro, or Tomo for short. From now on we are friends, alright?" he said with a big smile, and pulls out his hand towards me, signaling for a handshake.

I reach out, and shake his hand with a smile.

"Sure, it's a big pleasure to meet you" I said.

"To you as well" he replied.

"Off to a great start, that's one more friend than what I used to have" I thought to myself.

Bing bong bing bong

"All students, please gather at the hall to attend the ceremony" the announcer said through the school speakers.

If there is anything that I dislike about school, it would be that the ceremony can go on forever. After the ceremony, the students gather at the school board to see which class they are assign to.

As I browse through the list, I finally found my name, "1B huh, alright.... hmm?" as I continued to browse, I saw Tomo's name at the bottom of the list.

"Yooo.. we are both in the same class, eh? Sounds a lot like fate to me, hahaha" Tomo came, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders again with a big smile.

"Let's get along from now on, 'kay?" he said while giving his fist.

"Uhuh" I smiled, and gave him a fist pump.

Our class consists of 28 students, 13 males and 15 females. Whilst waiting for our homeroom teacher to arrive, the other students have already made a group amongst themselves.

There are your typical gals, otakus, along with other friend groups, and then there's me, at the far left corner near the window alone.

Well of course, until Tomo came in, and sat next to me. "Say, wonder who our homeroom teacher will be, I hope it's a beautiful woman with glasses" he said, fantasizing.

"That's oddly specific with the glasses, a fan I assume?"

"Of course, didn't you know glasses are very versatile...." he responded, rambling nonstop about glasses.

In the middle of that, our homeroom teacher finally arrived, and everyone returned to their seats. Everyone have their partners while I sat beside an empty chair, surely enough, it's a tall, and beautiful woman, with glasses, combined with a shoulder length hair.

"Please to meet all of you, class. Allow me to introduce myself, I will be your homeroom teacher from now on, please call me Ms.Mei" she said while bowing.

"Before we continue any further, this may be sudden, but you guys are going to have an extra student, Shiro you may enter now" as she said that, a girl with white hair, and sparkly blue eyes entered the classroom.

I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her, the whole class started whispering, and talking about her beauty.

"It's a pleasure to meet everyone, I am Shiro. I'm a transfer from Hokkaido, hope we get along from now on" she bowed.

"Now you may sit beside Rin, please treat each other well, you two" she said with a soft smile.

Shiro then went, and sat next to me, "Nice to meet you Rin, I'll be in your care from now on" she said with a smile that can melt every heart that sees it.

"L-likewise" I replied, can't help but stutter.

She laughed softly, and that marks the start of my school life.

The class then proceeded to begin with the lessons for the day, and during break time, Shiro, Tomo, and I unexpectedly got along very well.

Other people are a bit nervous to get close to Shiro, even though she's pretty easygoing. We ended up hanging out together a lot.

Skip to the end class

"Alright class we are done for the day, don't forget to turn in your homework tomorrow. Oh, and next week the clubs will open their recruitment. It should have been tomorrow, but we ran into some issues, so please join the club that you are interested in, or maybe start your own club… alright, that's all I have to say, see you all tomorrow" Ms. Mei said with a soft smile while waving goodbye to the students as we leave the classroom.

I went home together with the other two, because our homes conveniently are in the same direction.

And that's the end of my first day of school.

*End of story*

As you can tell, I like school, because you can meet lots of new friends with the same wavelength as you, it's super fun.

Well of course, there are other people that can't find friends as easily, either it's from insecurities, or perhaps trauma.

Of course, I understand how you feel. I too used to be like that, I was bullied a lot to the point that I was afraid of socializing for years, but I believe that it's never too late to start anew, and get out of your comfort zone.

Not everyone will treat you the same, so there is nothing to be afraid of, just because one person bullied you, does not mean everyone will. Sure, it is easier said than done to people that have a scar in their hearts, but the results will make you feel better, I'm sure of it.

Of course, this is not the only reason I like school, I still have a lot more, so keep reading