


HEY, my name is Arhaan Ali. I like writing short stories and this I write couple of days days hope you like it

The reborn of the pine tree

It was the starting of the summer, and in UP ( UTTAR PRADESH) the temperature in summer easily crosses 40 to 45 degree Celsius. Abid was filling water in cooler which was placed near his faviorite pine tree.

the air of the cooler came inside with the help of the window. He got bored of standing in front of the cooler and getting no cool air. So he left the place by putting the water pipe and thought he will close it in some time and goes inside his house suddenly a call from his friend summing comes and then he takes him to play cricket. Abid goes with him and he plays cricket for around 1 to 2 hours but he forgot to close the water pipe.

The thought of the cooler came to his mind when he was returning to his home he dashes towards his home and found that the pine tree is below the air cooler . The weight of the water was so much that the cooler could not bear it fall on the pine tree. Abid calls his father and he saw that abid is trying to remove the cooler from the pine tree. He helps abid from removing the cooler from above the tree. The tree was in bad shape it was tilted to 45 degrees. His father tries to make the tree straight with help of some sticks and and tying clothes on the tree. It took more 1 month for the tree to stand straight again but the tree was dying from inside. There was no new leaves coming to the tree

One day abid saw that two birds have made their nest on the tree. There was three little birds on the nest. From that day abid started taking care of both the tree and the birds he put small pieces of roti and pulses there and regularly giving water and adding fertilizer to the tree. The tree started getting better and better within no time . After 4 four weeks the birds become big enough to fly. The birds started to take their first fly by stretching their wings they all fly and the tree was alone but Happy. Everyone left the hope that the tree will become healthy again but the birds give the tree a new life. Now abid has planted many trees and every tree has its own nest.