
Why is the Country so Dangerous? {2}

Len woke at the crack of dawn and rode through the long green fields with brightening skys in what he hoped was the direction of a big city. Unfortunately he had to ride slow due to his inexperience with riding horses. Three days passed with no food for him, luckily he found a stream which he and Coconut was happy to drink from while she was able to enjoy the bright green grass alone.

On his fifth day was when Len found trouble, absolute giants of men jumping from the bushes! Each man was at least six foot tall and looked quite ugly! one man stood on each side if Len making for a total of four!

Len gasped and tugged coconut's reigns to slow her down, he had never seen people so tall! Coconut slowed to a stop right before one of the men almost bowling him over, she stared at him with one of her big blue eyes. The man let out a fearful breath, why did it look like this horse thought he was trash? He looked up at Len and recovered his stern and angry look "Get your tiny ass down on the ground fag" Len nodded thinking fag must be a compliment around here.

Len walked over to the angry man and beamed a bright smile at him "Are you from the big city sir? I'm from Smalton! you're really tall! And I-" he bombarded the man with words. The tall man only looked more pissed before he leaned down so their faces were on an even level as his bright blonde hair swayed over his forehead "shut your fucking face boy" Len jumped back, he understood now these were mean guys, they treated him quite rudely! This man was so cruel as to shout! He would be sure to show them his might! Slowly he backed up from them while eyeing each individual carefully, they eyed him in turn as he seemed about to do something. With utmost speed he jumped onto Coconut and bravely ran in the opposite direction. He knew that he was not bright, but even a stupid boy could know he was in danger if he was surrounded like this!

Coconut whinnied as she ran swiftly down a dirt path they had found just after being ambushed, the rider on her back was terrible but he let her run so far! She had never run so far before and couldn't contain herself as she saw the rolling hills and long dirt path stretching out before her. Suddenly she saw a large grey rectangle rising in the distance, she realised with dismay it was one of the human's nests that she would have to stay at while her rider did whatever humans do.

Coconut glanced back at her rider, he was doing that weird thing humans do where they stretch the corners of their mouth up to show their teeth. She slowly came to a halt with a heavy sigh in front of the shiny silver colored humans knowing they needed to squeak at her rider before they could keep moving. These silver humans truly sounded like pests! everytime they moved this horrible sound was made, and their squeaks just did not stop..

Len was panicking, he finally found a big city and the guards were refusing him because he looked like a child! It wasn't his fault everyone was so tall, how was he supposed to do villainous deeds if he couldn't even get in? He searched around panicking when one of the guards spoke up "Kid just get your parents, you can't enter without them" Len was fuming as he responded "shall I bring their ashes or their bones?" He turned coconut around and angrily trotted off to set up camp nearby muttering to himself the entire time.

Hello dear readers! Please make sure to leave a review I want to make sure my book is good, please let me know if any grammatical errors, or things that dont make sense!

AlecIsConfusecreators' thoughts
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