
Reincarnated as a Goblin

Zakaria woke up after a seemingly long sleep. He died, he remembered every single detail of what was done to him before death and the pain that was caused by them. He never wants to experience it again and didn't want someone else to experience it but how will he be able to stop this method from spreading, he didn't know, all he knew was he had to get stronger and that after he wakes up he will relax as a farmer.

His parents were farmers but he didn't want to be one so he ran away for his dream. He was supposed to be an ordinary farmer doing what all ordinary farmers do live an ordinary farming life but to his parents dissatisfaction, he got inspired by a TV show of exploration and he wanted to begin exploring and experience the thrill of adventuring. He saved up money by doing whatever he can so he can earn it. He learnt various skills of different professions but he was the best in martial arts. His most gone to job was being a bodyguard as he can earn a lot of money for a single day's work. He could fight of several other people who are trained professionals at the same time.

He finally saved up enough money when he turned 29 so it was 20 years since he began saving. He used some of his money to learn more skills so he can work more jobs. He even gave up his education for his dreams, almost causing his parents to disown him. He promised his parents if by 30 he couldn't become an adventurer then he will have to inherit the farm. He resigned from all his jobs and took it as an early retirement.

He became an aspiring adventurer in modern day Earth but these are some important factors that he didn't consider, where and what is he going to explore? He seeks thrills to get his adrenaline pumping again but his life that he thought was perfect caused him to die a gruesome death that brought pain every second he was alive. His own dream brought him great despair wishing he can just kill himself every single second for the 10 days that he was tortured. Sleep deprivation caused the pain to be greater making the torture to be more painful than it was originally planned to be. They didn't expect him to survive for so long but he didn't survive after the 11th day, he died from his blood turning so toxic to himself that it killed him and the sleep deprivation is also a huge contributer to his death. Let me tell you what happened and what caused his death. This will be extremely gruesome and disturbing so skip the next part if you still want to keep your breakfast / lunch or dinner in but before that let me tell you where he went.

He was exploring the sea on his boat traveling all over the seven seas which no would have expected a primitive tribe to still be alive on an unknown island. The tribe was from Persian descent and stayed on their small island trying to survive till Zakari came disrupting their peaceful lives with alien technology bringing him on their island. Zakari was the first person to discover them and lead other people to their location by the locator on his boat letting humanity discover this long lost tribe of Persians. He endured the scaphism torture technique, you may think that this technique involves a scalpel but you are wrong, so very wrong as this technique is more disgusting and gruesome than any other technique. Any techniques that you can think of is way better than this. Now let's go to the technique


It was an intricate torture methods that were used by Persians. (A/N:Luckily they stopped using it now...) First you were stuffed inside a hollowed out tree trunk between a pair of boats with your head, feet and arms protruding from each end of the log. (A/N: The fish most likely bit his butt and birds used him as a perch...) Then you would be force fed honey and milk till you were bursting. This is only going to get worse as if you haven't guessed it already you would get terrible diarrhea. Next they pour milk and honey all over you, making sure that it gets everywhere so they poured it on your eyes, mouth and inside your private places... What will actually kill you is much worse than you think, so bad you would want to kill yourself to spare yourself the pain and humiliation of going through it but it isn't that easy.

The milk and honey would attract... Insects, if you haven't guessed it then lucky you... The insects turn your body into their breeding ground and home... (A/n: So birds will eat the insects from inside your body... I'm just making this worse.... Give me a minute, I need to quickly empty my stomach...) The larva eat you when they hatch. The insects and larva would bury themselves into your skin and flesh and chances are that you would be awake throughout the whole thing... In the end, the lucky ones die from starvation, dehydration or exhaustion however you can die from septic shock as your blood became highly toxic...

Zakari was one of the unlucky ones and experienced everything with sleep deprivation making it worse as his sense of pain heightened as you may not have known also can cause death. The feeling of being eaten alive bit by bit was causing Zakari great pain but he couldn't do anything. He was bound and couldn't bite off his tongue but even if he could it would cause greater pain as he would die from suffocation.


He was then reincarnated as a goblin. He was inside his mothers womb thinking that it was the after life but he found out that he was reincarnated as a goblin, one of the easiest monsters to kill in every single game.

I even made myself sick with this chapter but it gets better. I promise otherwise I won't be able to make it to the end of the book...

Miggiecreators' thoughts