
i have super powers

Legend has it that if you stare at the sun for half an hour, you will see something different. Jiang Fan tried it and saw something strange.

DaoistO29hyb · Urban
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38 Chs

Unorganized and undisciplined

As he had said, Jiang Fan left right after work. If there was any actual business taking place at the weekend meeting, that would be another thing. But having a meeting for no particular reason, their heads must be filled with water. Old Li would never have done something like that. Moreover, he had not lied to Secretary Liu. In the afternoon, he had indeed arranged meetings.

Pei Shishi still did not dare to leave. She hadn't made her decision about changing jobs yet, and she wasn't bold enough to go against the leader's will.

Jiang Fan didn't wait for her and left alone. He didn't go to Mingya Garden but directly went to a startup park in Zhangjiang to have lunch with a startup team. After a face-to-face discussion, they had some ideas, but the team was quite small. The small company contained fewer than ten people, which was too pitiful.

The team was a good one, shining with high academic qualifications and decent resumes. They all had work experience in big companies for three to five years. They could be considered for recruitment in the future.

After having lunch, he then rushed to meet another team. This was a larger team, with more than forty people. The head of the team, Cao Guang, was from Baidu's leadership, and saw the potential in the short video market. They developed a short video sharing application with cool new MV themes, fresh and refined filters, personalized watermark functions, and unique intelligent voice changing features. Although it looked good, it was apparent they had not found their direction yet.

He had been unable to meet them last week. This week, however, they had made the time. Clearly, they were near their breaking point, otherwise they wouldn't have come. Just like with Xu Feng's team, they needed to consider the two plans Jiang Fan suggested: full purchase or investment for absolute control.

By the time Jiang Fan arrived in Mingya Garden, it was already half past five. Pei Wenwen was preparing dinner. Feeling somewhat guilty as she had only completed one task assigned by the boss - contacting and negotiating with startup companies, she was completely lost and had made no progress or achievement. Her 10,000 RMB monthly salary felt unjustified. Jiang Fan was surprised to find Pei Shishi had also come. "When did you get here?" "Just arrived." Jiang Fan asked, "What did they say at the meeting?" Pei Shishi replied, "They just asked us to do our jobs well and also asked us to talk about our own work." "What a waste of time!" Jiang didn't curb his criticism, then asked, "Did they mention me?" "Yes." Pei Shishi said, "They accused you of being disorganized and undisciplined." Jiang Fan laughed, "I'll resign on Monday."

Pei Shishi was still in indecision, if he quit, she would be the only one left. The thought alone was daunting. After dinner, the sisters didn't want to go out but just stay home and play on their phones. However, Jiang Fan would not allow it. He insisted they go to the Century Park for a stroll. Living in a bustling city like Mo Du for a long time, people tend to run for the park. The glitz of the steel city couldn't block people's longing for nature. Only by wandering in the park can one feel the closeness to nature.

Therefore, the housing prices and rents near the Century Park are quite high. Those who rent here are mainly high-income white-collar workers or gold-collar workers. Renting a two-bedroom apartment for 8,000 yuan a month is not affordable for ordinary people.

In the evening, there were many people in the park, most of whom had come out for a walk after dinner. For most ordinary people, the city of Mo Du is only suitable for striving, not for living, because the cost of living is just too high. However, if one has enough money, this city is quite friendly. Standing at the forefront of the times, one can enjoy a different kind of life experience.

Not to mention anything else, just the beautiful women strolling in the park are enough to make people dazzled. You just can't see so many beauties in small places. Coming out for a walk after dinner and taking a look at the pretty ladies in the park is quite a pleasant experience.

The two sisters were walking and playing with their phones at the same time. After seeing something, Pei Wenwen grumbled, "Men nowadays are getting more and more shameless, openly saying they want to live off women, seeking sugar mommies to support them. What kind of people are they?"

Pei Shishi also concurred, "Indeed!" Jiang Fan commented, "Young men pursuing older women and young girls liking older men, isn't this a common phenomenon?" Pei Wenwen contemplated for a moment, "Your summary is quite apt!" Jiang Fan retorted, "You girls are making a fuss about nothing."

The two sisters covertly rolled their eyes at him. He always liked to pretend to know something.

Jiang Fan looked around and said, "Let's go, we'll go boating, and head home when it gets dark." The park's lake was large, and there were many boats available, including hand-rowed boats, electric boats, and pedal boats.

Jiang Fan requested a two-person pedal boat, letting the Pei sisters be responsible for pedaling the boat while he sat at the prow, gleefully admiring the beautiful girls on other boats. He then compared them with the Pei sisters, feeling that each had their distinctive charm.

Pei Wenwen asked while pedaling, "Are your eyes dizzy from all the staring?" Jiang Fan answered honestly, "A bit dizzy indeed." Pei Wenwen said, "Given that you have two beautiful girls sitting behind you, isn't that enough for you?" Jiang Fan turned his head and glanced, "I see you two every day, I'm almost experiencing aesthetic fatigue."

"No man is good person." The sisters pouted and rolled their eyes with anger.


In the morning, Jiang Fan met with two people, one was in human resources and the other in finance. In the afternoon, he had nothing to do, so he invited the Pei sisters to look at some houses. The house prices in Mo Du were increasing every day, with a different price each day. The houses near Century Park were not cheap. At the beginning of the year, the price of Mingya Garden was just over 50,000 per square meter, now it had risen to more than 60,000. A house cost hundreds of millions, which was quite disheartening.

Pei Wenwen was curious, "Brother Jiang, you don't have property purchase qualifications, right?" Jiang Fan replied indifferently, "Can't I just look around even if I'm not buying?" Pei Wenwen was speechless, "What's the point of looking if you're not buying?" Jiang Fan thought for a moment, "Getting married is a solution. I heard that there are people who specialize in this business. They can pay a fee, find a woman who specializes in this business to marry, then buy the house and divorce!" The sisters' eyes went wide as if they had heard something unbelievable.

Pei Wenwen was surprised, "There is such a magical operation?" Jiang Fan laughed, "Where there is a need, there will be a market. What's so strange?" Pei Shishi wondered, "But, to marry for a house, wouldn't that mean the second marriage?"

Jiang Fan stroked his chin, "That is a problem and can quite affect finding a wife." The sisters were speechless, was he crazy?

Jiang fan looked from left to right, "Or, you two could help me out, get a marriage certificate, buy a house, then divorce?"

"What are you dreaming about!"

Both sisters were so furious that smoke was about to come out of their nostrils, and they both spit out in unison.

It's simply too disgraceful.

Jiang Fan was embarrassed. Is it that hard to do him a favor?

He had made a round, and there were many good houses, but they just wouldn't let him buy.

He still had to keep living in a rental house.

With a fortune of over 100 million, he couldn't even buy a house.

That was indeed a bit frustrating.

In the end, he gave Pei Wenwen another task: "Rent me a villa nearby, don't consider the rent, it must be a single building with a garden, don't want too old, the best are those built in the last two or three years. Take photos of the ones you think are good and send them to me."

Pei Wenwen was quite surprised, "We've just rented this house a month ago, right?"

"Don't ask questions, just do as I say."

Jiang Fan didn't want to explain, and he couldn't explain either.

When he rented a house before, he only had hundreds of millions, and he hadn't made money in the stock market yet, so he didn't dare to rent a villa. Now, he makes tens of millions of dollars a day. The rent for a villa is just a drop in the bucket for him, so of course, he wants to live better.

The two sisters looked at each other, both baffled and at a loss for words.

Growing more and more mysterious.

A real tycoon!


As soon as Pei Shishi got out of the car at the factory gate, she didn't take a ride anymore.

She didn't want to be seen by others anymore.

After having Pei Shishi's Xiao Long Bao bought at the door, Jiang Fan began to write his resignation letter.

The most classic one is the ten characters: "The world is so big, I want to go and see."

He searched on Baidu, it was already published in April.

He could only express regret that he couldn't plagiarize it even if he wanted to.

After thinking for a long time, he took a piece of letter paper and wrote a handwritten copy.


I won't do it anymore, the reasons are as follows:

First, poetry and dreams are far away;

Second, change a junction to see the scenery;

Third, achieve financial freedom.

Then he ended with "This is to pay my deepest respects", it was simple and clear, not more than fifty words in total.

After writing, he looked at it and felt it was quite satisfying, and his writing was quite good too.

Jiang Fan put the cap on the pen, picked up the paper and shook it: "Little Pei, come and see how I wrote my resignation letter."

Pei Shishi was surprised: "Are you really going to resign today?"

As she said this, she came over, took the letter paper and looked at it, and immediately started to laugh.

"Jiang Bro, you're quite talented!"

"Really? I think so too."

Jiang Fan was smug: "How is it, not bad, right?"

Pei Shishi, the beautiful young lady, said, "Why didn't you write 'The world is so big, I want to go and see'?"

Jiang Fan said: "Eating other people's leftovers is not fragrant, we should always emphasize originality."

Pei Shishi said: "The leader may not approve you!"

Jiang Fan didn't care: "His approval is not important. Today I came to the company, it's a principle of doing things, otherwise, I would just leave directly, and there wouldn't be any need for any resignation procedures, it's just two months salary. "

Pei Shishi was speechless for a moment, and finally couldn't help saying: "You really have money."

Jiang Fan turned his head and looked at her, asking, "Little Pei, do you think Brother Jiang is handsome?"


Pei Shishi burst into laughter, struggling to hold it back, "Well, it's alright!"

Jiang Fan wasn't too satisfied: "What do you mean by 'alright', if I'm handsome then I'm handsome, if I'm not handsome, then I'm not."

Pei Shishi's face was full of reluctance, looking like she didn't want to lie.

Jiang Fan persisted: "Am I handsome or not?"

Pei Shishi reluctantly said: "Quite handsome."

Jiang Fan's mood immediately lifted: "Right? I think so too."

Pei Shishi's mouth twitched, this guy's face was invincible.

She had seen a lot of narcissists.

But this was the first time she had seen someone narcissistic to this degree.

At this time, the noise in the corridor started to rise.

The morning meeting was over.

Sure enough, in just a few minutes, a call from a company secretary came.

He answered the phone, Jiang Fan clipped his resignation letter in his notebook, and went upstairs with Pei Shishi.

There was a meeting on Saturday, and there was another meeting today.

Damn, they're having meetings every day and don't need to do anything else.

When they got to the third floor, Old Liu was sitting in the seat where Old Li had sat, and across from him was secretary Liu.

Both had the surname Liu.

After greeting, Jiang Fan and Pei Shishi sat down on the sofa by the door.

Old Liu asked, "Why didn't you have a meeting over the weekend?"

Jiang Fan said, "I had something."

Old Liu was not happy: "Do we still need organizational discipline?"

Jiang Fan was indifferent, "Resting on the weekend is my right, don't put a big hat on me."

Secretary Liu's face twitched, and he quickly signaled with his eyes, "Say less."

Jiang Fan didn't say anything more, he was very calm.

Old Liu's face didn't look very good, and he didn't say anything else.

Pei Shishi was quite nervous, it was the first time she had experienced this tense atmosphere, she was very anxious.

Not until the two of them stopped talking, did she finally let out a sigh of relief.

She glanced at Jiang Fan secretly, this guy was really bold!

Daring to confront the leader.

In just a few minutes, the team leader, Old Han, and the security team leader, Old Zheng, both hurriedly arrived.

They didn't notify in advance, suddenly called to have a meeting.

The car team and the security team are not in the office building, both of them can only jog all the way.

The new official took office, they all had to be a little cautious.

The short meeting lasted for about ten minutes, communicating some content of the morning meeting and then it was over.

Old Liu didn't provoke Jiang Fan anymore, probably realizing that he was preparing to resign, and didn't want to offend him.

Otherwise, he would be the one who would be in trouble.

Old Han and Old Zheng left first.

Jiang Fan didn't hurry to leave, he took the handwritten resignation letter from his notebook, put it on Old Liu's desk, and said, "Leader, please approve."

Old Liu glanced at it, "Come back next month!"

Jiang Fan didn't say anything, he took his resignation letter and left.

When they got to the second floor, Pei Shishi still had a lingering fear, "Jiang Bro, you're really brave, you dare to confront the director."

Jiang Fan said, "The director is also a person, what can't be confronted, I'm not happy, who can blame it on."

Pei Shishi said, "But he is, after all, a leader!"

Jiang Fan laughed, "What's so great about a leader, I think he's a leader, he's still a leader, I don't think he's a leader, he's nothing. When he leaves this factory, what's the difference between him and those people on the street, who knows he's a leader."

Pei Shishi just started her career, and some things haven't had time to experience yet.

And the time was too short, she did lack confidence.

She just felt that it was quite risky to confront the leader like this.

She waited in the office for a while, and the stock market also started work.

Today was a bit depressed, on Friday when he built the position, he couldn't see today's market trends, as a result, five of them opened low and crashed, spitting out all the profits from last Friday, two opened high and then started to decline, only preserving less than 7% of the profits, only three of them were limit up.

The profit from the 5 million 5 shares was earned in vain.

It took a lot of effort to clear the shares of the five large decline stocks.

First, pay back the 20 million from the securities company, then start to build up the position.

Today's market is not as good as Friday, but it's stronger than Wednesday and Thursday last week, there are more than 300 stocks limit up, and tomorrow there will also be more than 300 stocks limit up, the money-making effect is still good, there are several stocks that didn't rise much in the morning session.

The noon session will pull up the limit, and there will be another plate tomorrow.

Today will be able to earn about 7% profit, plus tomorrow's limit board, the profit is quite considerable.

It took an hour to finish building all the positions.

Still ten stocks, the most can earn 8% profit today, the least can also earn 5% profit.

"I'll make a fortune tomorrow by getting ten limit-up stocks, about the price of a house. Sadly, despite having money, I can't buy due to the ridiculous purchase restrictions. After taking care of business, Jiang Fan called Liu Dami: "Brother Liu, I've resigned and I'll be leaving in the afternoon." Liu Dami was surprised: "Wait for me, I'll come down to talk with you." Jiang Fan reluctantly shrugged, wondering what else there was to talk about.