
I have only the way of the sword

Arising from the shadows, the new organization of assassins and renowned cultivators came together under the banner of the shadow legion, created by a sword cultivating genius named, Lu Jin. Having the goal of replacing the heavenly dao with his organization, the shadow legion, he set off to different cities and dynasties, establishing his organization and leaving it to cultivators he brought under his control. With seven leaders behind masks backing this organization, the world of Gu Gongy experiences the terror brought by the immense success and non-existent of this organization. The true terror of a secret organization is that it remains secret. Never forget that Jesus loves you and seeks what's best for you.

Akugbo_Larry · Eastern
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219 Chs

Chapter 218 Your Brother Sends His Regard

"Who's the target of the mission?" Shan Buhan asked.

"Is there information on the location of the target?" Biju asked inquired.

"How much is the contract fee?" Gui Be requested.

"Let's head to my subconscious," Lu Jin's projections said as they walked out of the subconscious world of Shan Buhan, Biju and Gui Be.

Ariving in front of a red door, the projections fused back into one before entering Lu Jin's subconscious world.

"The two[2] of you are here too?" Shan Buhan said as he saw Biju and Gui Be.

"Seems like Lu Jin called us for the same mission," Gui Be said as he walked into the red door in front of him.

"Seems like it," Shan Buhan said as he walked behind Biju.