
What's wrong with him?

He started to kiss my neck and ear lobe....

I was motionless...I don't know what to do for a minute...after realizing something is wrong,I tried to shook him off from me....but what ever I do to loosen his girp,his grip on hands becomes tighter and he push me hard on the wooden door...

He loosen his grip on my hand for a second

...I thought he gonna let me go...but suddenly he turned me facing him...and pinned my arms above my head by holding my wrists...now we both are in the position where we can see each other's face...

he was taller than me ...so, he bend to catch me to my eye level...he was looking deep in my eyes and leaned closer to my face...both of our lips are probably just 2 to 3 centimeter apart...

"W-What's wrong w-with you M-Mr.Robert?,l-let me g-go",I mumbled.... though I don't want to be apart from him.... however he is not listening to me...

I was starring at his crystal blue eyes... suddenly,he moved his head forward and started to kiss my lips...this time he was aggressive....he held my wrists with his one hand and using other hand he pushed my body on him...

Without any warning he started to unbutton my shirt... after sometimes I lost my self control and started to respond to this kiss..his lips...It was like I'm in heaven....slowly his grip loosen from my wrists...so, I slided my hand and circled my arms around his shoulders from downwards..some voice is shouting in my head like,"hey what are doing?!,no you should not do this"...but I ignored it...when I started to kiss him back,he suddenly pulled himself away from me...I was shocked and I was looking at him..

"I-I'm sorry... really sorry...'',he said looking at eyes...

without knowing my tears started to roll down from my eyes...it was so embarrassing...

"hey....zara,please don't cry...I'm really sorry...it's my fault",he said in worried tone....

I can't my tears anymore so I turned and opened door and left...I could hear him calling my name loud ,but I can't look back.. it's embarrassing..I ran so fast,suddenly bumping something harder I fallen down...I looked up with my teary eyes...there stood a man that what I could see...

"ma'am are you ok.... please don't cry...I'm sorry for bumping you...",he said while helping me to stand proper...after wiping my tears with my hands, I could see his face...

whoa...he was tall with a blonde hair but little bit long hair with emerald eyes and pale white skin...he was wearing a white shirt and checked blue pant and wearing a long over coat protect himself from coldness...he was so handsome...but not as him...

I started to cry again thinking about him...

"hey hey please don't cry...I'm really sorry..are you hurt anywhere?",he asked in a worried yet in concern tone...

I wiped my tears,"no no...I'm not crying for falling down...and actually I have to apologize... because I was the one who bumped you... fault is mine...I'm really sorry",I said in weak but in sincere voice....

"oh it's ok...and please don't cry I can't stand seeing a cute girl like you to cry",he said bending him self to meet me in eye level...

I felt embarrassed,"oh...ha ha... please don't tease me...."I said while laughing... don't know why but he made me feel better...I continued,"I'm not cute... there are lots of cute girls in this campus ",I said and laughed again

"I'm not lying you are damn cute and by the way shall I know your sweet name please?",he said first phrase in sincere and following phrase in dramatic way...

I chuckled and said,"l'm Zara...Zara Lopez...but you can call me Zara...and your name please?",and asked him..

he suddenly leaned forward near my left cheek and whispered in my ears,"Remember.... I'm... Daniel Lynn...u can call me whatever you like to.."saying this he walked past me..my cheeks were burning...

I turned to see him...he didn't turned but waved his hand as 'bye' and kept walking...

My classes got over Lisa told me that she would be late today too...and asked me to be in room itself actually it's an unofficial order... because she was worried that something bad will happen to me...but however there he was to help me last time...but I don't know whether he would help me in future or not.. actually there is no future for him and me...

"You stupid girl,forget him already....thanks to Mr.Daniel....he unintentionally made me feel good...",thinking this I started to walk, it's empty road...

I felt so lonely...I never felt like this...the last time I felt like this when my parents died...but why I'm feeling the same for him...

without knowing myself I started to cry...I wiped but tears kept coming...when I crossed the parking lot I felt someone looking at me...I guessed right...it him Robert...he was looking at me with a worried expression in his face...

I ignore him and ran fast and reached my dorm...I banged opened my room door and locked it and I went to bathroom and closed the door...I opened the shower knob...water splashed on me....I was drenched in water... that water from shower wiped my tears....

I just sat under the shower...what's wrong with him?why did I fallen for him like this?....I hate you robert...I just hate you...but I can't help...I admit I love you more than anything...I shouted under the shower...and cried in loud voice which I'm holding for a long time...

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