
I Have Evolution Points [Hiatus]

Bite, mirrors the evolution of your point +1, evolved into the mirror; bite, +1 point your quill evolution, evolutionary fate of the pen; bite, +1 point your watch evolution, evolution is a bell of the time ...... all God is revived, and the kingdom of God is reappearing. Anton, who has come to the world of guns and steel, has embarked on an extraordinary road relying on his infinite evolutionary ability!

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 24 The Last Descendant

Anton courtyard in Quikeluodun is a dark blue three-story building. It is no surprise that there are more than a dozen rooms but in the half-acre garden the fragrance of flowers is permeated, and the beauty of the flowers is filled. The courtyard adds a bit of fun.

The purchaser of this property was Little Anton's grandfather and he spent a total of 500 Golden Nars

However Little Anton lives in the manor most of the time, so that this three-story building has been idle.

Two servants who were in charge of watching the courtyard respectfully welcomed Anton into the villa. Sitting on a chair in the hall and admiring the elegant living room is a very comfortable thing.

But Anton wasn't in this mood at the moment he was a little impatient!

After arriving at the residence Pulis asked the two servants who were in the courtyard and the result was that the helper sent by Justin did not come here at all.

These weird things suffice to show that those who come to ask for help are not lucky.

The Thunder Temple of Quik's Rotun in charge of the extraordinary power of Quik's Rotun and Earl Quinn represents the worldly power of Quik's Rotun.

Nowadays whether it is the Thunder Temple which represents extraordinary power or Earl Quinn who represents worldly power all treat Little Anton with a ignorant attitude which has already explained the problem.

But Anton felt that it was difficult for him to find someone to discuss.

Although Pulis is also a figure in the manor he is no longer able to participate in this kind of thing.

After killing the necromancer Philip Anton thought he had broken the game but he did not expect that there would be a stronger necromancer behind Philip

When I came to Quikluodun I thought I could get help from the Thunder Temple but judging from the performance of the Thunder Temple the necromancer who is close to the demigod is probably not alone.

"I'll go back to the study, don't bother me if there's nothing wrong." Anton said to Pulis and walked into the study on the second floor of the villa.

The study is not big, and the furnishings inside are not much different from Anton furnishings in the manor except that the black stone is missing here.

With a light wave of his palm Anton took the magic mirror out of his dimensional space. He looked at the magic mirror that was indistinguishable from the ordinary gilt silver mirror and said in a deep voice, "Tell me about the Thunder Temple. What has always been your attitude towards necromancers?"

"Great master you are so kind to me for such things as you used to test me. I am grateful to you..."

Lines of colorful words appeared on the magic mirror again. Looking at these words Anton shook his head helplessly. He silently waited for the words on the screen to change three or four times before reading them carefully.

It was written above that: The Thunder Temple has always been targeting the necromancers. In the classics of the Thunder Church almost every book mentions the content of punishing the necromancers.

In the entire Holy Sun Empire almost everyone knows that the Thunder Temple is the deadly enemy of the Necromancer.

Looking at these contents Anton suddenly had an idea in his mind. This idea was crazy but Anton felt that at this time it seemed that there was only this way to save him!

Although doing so there is a certain risk for him but compared with his own life taking a risk is nothing.

Anton who had made up his mind swiped his palm towards the void and he took out the quill. Although the use of the quill would cause sequelae Anton felt that he could bear the sequelae of mischief.

Anton holding a quill pen wrote on the paper: At 4:30 in the morning, the drunk printing shop owner slowly opened the door...

The thunder temple in the dark night with chants lingering majestic and solemn!

In a quiet room deep in the temple, a middle-aged man with a majestic face and blue eyes and silver hair was praying with his eyes closed and he was wearing a black robe. At the corners of the robe there are signs of thunder. .

I don't know how long it took the middle-aged man opened his eyes, he snorted softly, and a white bone figure one foot high appeared in front of him silently.

The white bone figure glanced at the middle-aged man with a fearful look and then gently offered a letter in his hand.

The middle-aged man who received the letter opened the letter and quickly glanced at it. Then he said: "Tell Ferro that he has run out of time."

"The Lord of the Harden Sauron family has already arrived at Quaker Rotun. I don't want his affairs to attract too many people's attention."

The bone figure agreed, and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye. Looking at the departing messenger the middle-aged man frowned.

Although he is an ally, he still dislikes such messengers.

After a full quarter of an hour, the tall white bone figure reappeared in the void and a delicate sheepskin scroll appeared in the hand of the white bone figure.

The style of this sheepskin scroll is simple and it seems that it has been a few years old. When it was presented in front of the middle-aged man there was no handwriting on the sheepskin scroll but the moment the middle-aged man's eyes fell on the sheepskin scroll lines of text were fast. Appeared on the sheepskin roll.

"Your news is inaccurate. There are extraordinary people in the Harden Sauron family."

Looking at this questioning handwriting, the majestic middle-aged man said coldly: "You didn't do the errands well by yourself. This has caused the current situation. Don't look for reasons with me."

As soon as his words were spoken a line of the same words appeared on the parchment scroll.

The majestic man knew that his words would soon reach the eyes of the necromancer holding the same parchment in the distance.

"Okay Your Excellency, I don't think I need to argue on this matter. A little lord, it's easy to kill him."

"He died yesterday and tomorrow there is no difference."

After this line appeared, the anger on the middle-aged man's face disappeared a lot. He looked at the parchment scroll, and the line of words appeared again: "As far as I know, this is the last descendant of that family. "

"After he dies, everything on the Lord will become extremely smooth."

"It's all for the Lord!" A line of words was reflected on the sheepskin scroll again. With the reflection of this writing the quaint sheepskin scroll was ignited silently that is in an instant it was turned into ashes.

And the bone messenger disappeared into the void silently.

Everything seems to have never happened but in fact everything that should have happened here has already happened.

Pushing open the window and door, the majestic middle-aged man's expression suddenly softened a lot. He gently nodded toward the priests and thunder apprentices who saluted him respectfully in the distance, his expression full of affinity.

No one knows what he is thinking in this amiable nod