1 I have a system?

I have died but what I expected to see wasn't what I thought it would be. Well In the FanFiction that I have read you're supposed to meet god or someone like that but what I was greeted to was a screen.

Well maybe it had to do with the way I died, well it could also be that I didn't get killed by the great truck-kun. Well you might be wondering how I died well that's the problem I can't remember, maybe that's what happens when you die you start to lose your memories.

[Do you want to live once more?]

[Yes] [No]

I don't know, what would happen if I choose no?

[If you decide to refuse you enter the cycle of reincarnation as you will disappear and be cleansed and be a new soul with no memories and a new life.]

What would happen if I accept what would happen to me?

[Then you will be able to keep your memories going to different worlds and gain power while regaining some of your memories you're losing at this very moment.]

What! Why didn't you start with that, yes so give my memories back.

[Thank you for choosing the system now to get memories back to host.]

So that's how I died well, at least I know how I died. System don't I get some wishes to use?

[There is but the host won't get them since he already has me.]

Well I guess that's fine so we're am I going to be send to?

[That my host you be sent to My Hero Academia with a twist, you lose your memories of the anime while you're there until you either become the strongest or change the storyline.]

Then can I choose a quirk then or abilities to start with to have an advantage?

[Everything would be at random but don't worry host you will still be able to buy whatever you want from the store it could be from different animes that you know and more.]

[Now host get ready for your journey will never end even if you die in that world you will come back to life.]

While I finished hearing the system, I started to feel wussy and closed my eyelids as the warmth started to take over.



In a dark lit room you could see a man with a woman doing some indecent stuff while the sound of something wet could be heard.

Shin, could you stop playing around with your wet rain boots called the woman to her four year old son while the man started to release a chuckle.

(Author notes: Did you think something was happening well this story won't have that kind of Stuff I think.)

"But mom, I can't stop thinking about my little brother. When would he be born?" "Don't worry you will see him soon but please try and behave when you're with grandma okay?"

"Hm, okay mom I use my time with grandma to train my quirk and be a hero!"

"I hope you remember us while you're fighting villains and come visit your parents."

While they were giving each other a hug while the father took shin to the airport, where they met a butler in the entrance. While he saw his son go he couldn't, help but release some tears while he drove back to the home to take his wife to the hospital.



[How do you feel?]

Where am i? Ah, right so I'm alive again.

[Host is in the womb calculating time for birth.]

[Three days left for the host to be born.]

Well at least, I have time to check my stats.


[Name: None]

[Lvl: 0 (0/5)]

[Age: 0]

[Titles: None]

[Race: Half-Ghoul]

[RC- 100]


[Hp- 100/100]

[STR- 1]

[END- 1]

[AGI- 1]

[INT- 15]

[WIS- 10]

[LUCK- 5]

[Shop points: 0]

"What the fuck?!" Why am I a half-ghoul from Tokyo ghoul?" Wait won't my mother die or both of us die?"

[Host doesn't have to worry about eating his mother. As the system will help you with that until you're four years old.]

"Few, at least I won't have to worry about that for a while." "So what can I do while I'm in the womb?"

[Host can only wait till his born to use the other features of the system.]

"Well, time to go to sleep, then wait till I'm born."

[Putting host to sleep]
