1 White Beard Ability Experience Card

"Ding Dong"

"Check the host status, the system is activating..."

"Activation is successful, automatically bind the host!"

 "Bind successfully!"


Louis opened his eyes, and a mechanized voice came from his forehead.

 He patted his head blankly.

 Auditory hallucinations?



The earth was shaking, like an earthquake.

Suddenly, Louis suddenly became more energetic, and his eyes widened to look at the area around him. Under this earthquake-like tremor, his entire position shifted slightly.

Looked up.

Those high-rise buildings were attacked by bright and magnificent rays of light.

boom! boom! boom!

A deafening sound lingered in Louis's ear.

The broken pieces of glass fell vertically at a height of hundreds of meters in the sky.

 High-rise buildings were destroyed and collapsed directly.

"This, this is..."

Louis looked at the sky blankly.

What shocked him most was not these collapsed buildings!

But...in the sky, the black spots that look like dragonflies are overwhelming the sky, covering the sky and the sun!

That's not a dragonfly!

 It is a group of deformed creatures that look exactly the same!

 This directly subverted Louis' nine-year compulsory education!


 "Have you crossed?"

"These monsters look like they are!"

 Louis was shocked.

 Countless speculations surfaced in his head.

  At this time.

  A harsh voice sounded in his ears.

 "Help, help..."

  "Mom, I want mom, wow woo woo woo~"

  A huge rock fell from a height of hundreds of meters.

   Directly below.

    A dressed girl cried bitterly and kept wiping tears, without even noticing the boulders falling from the sky.

    "Damn it!"

Louis gritted his teeth, although he was frightened.

    But watching the little girl about to be crushed into meat sauce, he still took steps and rushed forward without hesitation.

 It's near!

 The rocks on the horizon cover the sun.

 A huge black shadow shrouded below, covering Louis.

    Including the crying little girl, all are about to face the fate of being crushed to pieces.

    "Take my hand!"

    Louis blurted out, his face becoming dull.


    English? !

    When did I actually speak good English?

    Can't control so much!

    He directly grabbed the little girl's little arm and rushed forward desperately, his face flushed, and the little girl dragging her seemed to be frightened, her pretty face pale and extremely nervous.

   In the sky.

    A robot dressed in red iron was floating in the air, standing in the air with bursts of flames at its feet.

    After repelling an enemy.

    He looked down, his face changed slightly after seeing the huge rock falling.

    An anxious voice came from my ears.

    "Tony, destroy that stone!"

    "There are two people below who are going to be hit!"


    Tony, who was in the iron armor of the red machine, was helpless: "I'm sorry, it's too late!" The words fell.


    There was a loud noise.

    The entire street, under the fall of this huge stone, was smashed into a depression, and spread out a series of cracks like spider webs, spreading around.

    Smoke billowed.

    The war here has not yet subsided.

    The dazzling rays are dazzling.


    Louis looked at him with lingering fears, the terrifying destruction caused by the boulder falling.

    He exhaled heavily, looked at the sluggish little girl around him, wiped the dust off the other's small face, and smiled: "Go!"

    "Thank you, big brother..."

The little girl recovered and hurriedly thanked.

    A woman walked to the side, holding the little girl anxiously: "Xia Li, why are you running around? You scared mom to death!"


    In the pain of the two mothers and daughters.

    Louis looked up and looked at the sky.

    The mood is indescribable.

    Who can explain to him!

    What kind of world did he travel to!

    Take a closer look.

    A red robot waved in the sky, hovering among countless building groups.

    Immediately afterwards.

    A humanoid giant covered in green, jumping between the tall buildings, frantically dancing with his powerful fists, smashing the remains of countless deformed monsters from the horizon.

    "This, this is..."

    "Iron Man? The Hulk?"

    "I crossed into Marvel's world?"

    "Then where I am, is..."

    "The central location of the New York War in the First World War?"

    Louis's eyes gradually enlarged, and his heart vibrated.

    Immediately afterwards.

A voice rang out from Louis' forehead.

  The favorability degree from'Xia Li' is +5.

    The favorability degree from'Adele' is +5.

    Good impression?


    Traveler welfare gold finger?

    Louis dumbfounded.

    Immediately looked at the two mother and daughter beside him blankly.

    No surprises!

    Favorability should come from these two mothers and daughters.

    The issue is!

    What are the main functions and functions of this favorability degree?

    The puzzled mood in Louis has not yet cooled down.

    Another voice came.

    "The system automatically extracts the ability experience card..."

    "Since the host uses this feature for the first time, this feature is free!"

    "Successful extraction!"

    "Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the Edward Newgate ability experience card from One Piece World!"

    "May I ask the host whether to activate the experience card? ?"

The  system voice fell.

 Louis watched the aliens flying across the sky, and then listened to the sound of his head system, his mood could not help but a strange mood arose.

    "I choose..."


    "The White Beard Ability Experience Card was successfully activated!"

    "The remaining time of the experience card : 1:59:59. "

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