
Party Quest

"W-Why are you laughing?"

"Sorry. You just looked funny. Please, introduce me to the party already."

"Yes... Hey... You guys too? Why are you laughing? "

The party as well seemed to have joined Kaian's laughter, which was about Mikael's facial expression.

"Ah... Never mind. Kaian, this is the party consisting of four members. You are now the fifth one. This is Eman, our archer."

A man with an average body physique shook Kaian's right hand, just like other adventurers. He just reached it without his consent. That surprised Kaian as well.

"I am the accurate and precise king of bow and arrow, coming from the Northern villages of Heavenwood Kingdom, the Best Eman!"

All of the words coming out of his mouth were pushed from deep within his lungs. However, Kaian just stared at him. He was weird.

'Does a person really need to do that when they introduce themselves? That is slightly awkward and embarrassing.' Kaian sighed.

"Eman, you are embarrassing yourself. Stop with that."

Now, a female swordsman spoke and pushed Eman aside. She stood in front of Kaian with a coy smile and then looked at him from top to bottom. She then stopped looking at Kaian's lips and bit hers.

"I am the most beautiful lady swordsman in the whole city. The name is Allyssa! Be grateful that you saw me today, Kaian. By the way, you are cute."

Allyssa had a lady's slim body and slightly large breasts, which Kaian could see from her. Her appearance is what most people consider beautiful, but Kaian could not be drawn to her because her previous actions were inappropriate and strange for a fine lady.

"I am the tanking warrior, Bruno. Ignore the gibberish they said."

They talked for a short time and then finally tackled the things they needed for tomorrow, as they planned to meet again tomorrow for the actual dive into their quest.

At a party, one thing that is important is knowledge and familiarity with the quest they are on. They discussed it for a while, as they wanted to dive into only E-class quests. And since Kaian had no knowledge of anything about it, he just listened to them attentively and noted the important things in his head.

After a while, Kaian returned to his inn room and prepared. The next day, he met with the party members again.

"Kaian... are you ready for me? Just kidding. Are you ready for the quest?"

Allyssa likes teasing Kaian from time to time. They had already set out on a journey to the west, a kilometer away from the city in which the location of their quest is. And as Allyssa likes teasing Kaian, the reason behind it was kind of weird for Kaian.

'She is just like Kela, but she is somewhat different. She likes teasing me by flirting. Heh... there's no way that bullcrap will work on me.' Kaian scoffed and rolled his eyes secretly every time Allyssa would joke with him.

"You are too close, Allyssa. Please, give me a little of space, or else our faces would swap."

"Hehehe... You are quite a joker, Kaian. Don't be like that. I might fall in love with you."

As narcissistic as she was, Kaian just couldn't help but grumble.

'I am taking back what I thought earlier. She is not similar to Kela. They're both happy, but Kela didn't deliberately fondle her breasts on me! Just what kind of lady is Allyssa!'

Kaian's face sometimes turns red. Even though he wanted to push her away, he couldn't do it as he was afraid that he might get kicked out of the party. It took him a few despairs to finally get into a party, and he had no confidence that he could get into another one.

He just let Allyssa do what she wanted and just endured the embarrassing things she would do to him.

'What a lame kid... He is letting Allyssa that whore does what she wanted on him. Or is he liking it?' Bruno peered at Kaian's face and noticed how cool and still dignified his face was. 'Ah, he doesn't like it. This kid has self-control. Good, lust would just bring nothing good if left uncontrolled.'

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at their destination, which was a slime camp, composed of 100 slimes in total. Although slimes are the lowest of all monsters when in a huge number, they tend to be annoying to handle.

Slimes don't have huge attacks or strong ones. They just tickle adventurers because their attacks were useless on adventurers' gears. However, on this quest, the difficulty was still E-class since it could be overwhelming to adventurers.

"This is a huge number," Mikael commented.

Bruno, who had the biggest body and the tank in the party, nodded. He prepared his heavy rectangular-shaped shield and then led the group as they slowly approached the camp of slimes.

"A camp is a huge number of monsters combined and gathering. They are sometimes not that harmful since most monsters that do camp are those at the lowest and weakest of all monsters to satisfy and fill the weakness they have." Bruno stated, making Kaian nod as he learned another piece of knowledge.

"I see... Do wolves go camping?" he asked.

"Wolves are animals. They are not monsters. However, chimeric and rotting wolves are the monsters, so maybe they go camping." Bruno answered.

"Heh! Camping or not, they are still weak. Against me, the greatest archer of all time, won't fret against those weaklings. Let my arrow lead us, and let's see how their camping can help them."

Stretching the strings of his bow, with an arrow, Eman launched an arrow to the camp of slimes. As it flew, Mikael's eyes widened.

"Hey, didn't we plan that Bruno would first do the aggro? Why are you making them scatter with your arrow?"

Kaian simply ignored their talk and watched where the arrow was going. As it flew up straight, going through an arch shot, Kaian wanted to see where the arrow would hit.

'He is calling himself a great archer. I am curious if he could at least create a good shot.'

And as the arrow landed, it hit on one slime. However, the arrow bounced off, leaving no damage to the slime. Kaian could only be silent and blank as he watched the slime look in the direction where the arrow came from.

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