
Pumpkin Pierce

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What the hell?!

"What is happening?"

Instantly, a system prompt appeared and generally explained Zhang Yun's situation to him.


[New Quest Triggered!]

[Unexpected Quest – Outsider]

[Quest Summary: You are an outsider, and also an alien species. After examination, the masters of this island realized that you are a huge threat. Therefore, they had decided to work together to eliminate you.]

[Quest Objective: Survive.]

[Quest Rewards: 10 Diamonds, Resurrection Token x1.]

Zhang Yun, "?". 

'Wait, brothers, we hadn't even crossed paths before, why would you feel that I am a threat to you?'

The three bosses did not wait for Zhang Yun, who was filled with questions and directly attacked him.

The first one that attacked was the giant worm. It suddenly burst out from the ground and ate a Murloc that was closest to it into its stomach.

Next, the Storm Eagle swooped down. Its sharp claws latched onto a Murloc's shoulder. It then dragged it into the air and threw it down after it had shredded it in half.

The Twilight Wolf was the most ferocious. It rushed towards two Murlocs like a tornado, crunched one of the Murlocs to death. It then extended its sharp right paw and ripped apart the other Murloc.

It then threw the two corpses onto the ground, jumped with both its legs, and quickly headed towards two other Murlocs, and killed them in the exact same way.

In less than two seconds, Zhang Yun's six level 10 Murlocs had died. And they were all instantly killed.

He stared speechlessly, "Whoa… The damage for their normal attacks…"

And then, the Murlocs' bodies began to leak out an unknown liquid and quickly turned green as they began to crawl up. However, they were all instantly killed once again by the three bosses that were clearly aware and guarding against them.


'They even know how to defend against the Murloc's Symbiosis skill that allowed them to come back from death?!

'This is too scary!'

"Quickly! Come here, all of you! Stop them!" Zhang Yun waved his hand and had all the remaining Murlocs come over and create a defensive formation.

Then, he activated his Legacy skill, "Examine" and used it on all three bosses.

Name: Tunneling Worm King

Race: Worm

Title: King of Worms

Level: 16

Attributes: ???

Name: Storm Eagle

Race: Bird

Title: Eye in the Sky

Level: 17

Attributes: ???

Name: Twilight Wolf

Race: Wolf

Title: Assassin in the Night

Level: 20

Attributes: ???


"All question marks?

"I knew it! I had to increase the levels for my Legacy. If I don't, it will fail me at a critical time.

"The information was almost useless…"

Zhang Yun sighed, canceled his Examine skill, and then looked at the Twilight Wolf that crouched down, preparing for a charge.

The wolf's level was the highest, and it also showed that it was the most powerful. It should be the leader among the three bosses, and it must be its plan to eliminate him.

From the way it fought and its speed, compared to the bird that was flying in the sky and the worm that was burrowing in the earth, he could confirm that it was the ambushing monster that previously killed the two Murlocs.


"What is this?

"It wasn't enough for it to kill my two Murlocs and get away scot-free? It wants to wipe me out, too? Plus, in case of accidents, he even brings along two friends?

"Luckily, I made preparations…"

The Twilight Wolf stared at Zhang Yun, and snarled at him, then once again attacked. It charged towards the Murlocs like the wind.

When the other two bosses saw the Twilight Wolf make its move, they had also made theirs. One burrowed underground and approached Zhang Yun with tremors. The other spread out its wings before diving down like a meteor.

"Here they come!" Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly became focused and he took out the calling cards that he had already prepared and called out his new followers from within.

"Summon Ice Elemental!"

[Summon Calling Card! Ice Elemental!]

"Ice Breath!"

[The Ice Elemental had used the skill "Ice Breath," Activating Frozen effect… resisted, Activating Slow effect, reducing the Twilight Wolf's speed by 70%, dealing 104 points of damage!]

"Summon Fire Elemental!

[Summon Calling Card! Fire Elemental!]

"Pillar of Flames!"

[The Fire Elemental had used the skill "Pillar of Flames," it hits the Twilight Wolf, dealing 174 points of damage! Activating Burn effect, the Twilight Wolf is receiving continuous damage!]

"Summon Lightning Elemental!"

[Summon Calling Card! Lightning Elemental!]

"Lightning Web!"

[The Lightning Elemental had used the skill "Lightning Web," it hits the Twilight Wolf, dealing 168 points of damage! Activating the Paralysis effect, the Twilight Wolf's action is hindered!]

The sudden appearance of the three light ball Elementals caught the Twilight Wolf off guard, and it took full damage from the Elementals' magic. While they were all only at Level 1, the Twilight Wolf's own low magic resistance and the three Elementals' high magic attack, along with their mutual damage amplification, allowed them to each inflicted more than 100 damage.

"Howl…" The Twilight Wolf let out a painful howl. And because of the Slow and Paralysis negative statuses, its charging body suddenly stopped, and it tumbled onto the ground.

'A good chance!

'Go for it!'

Zhang Yun quickly issued his Command, "Commander, jump on its body and restrain it. Other Murlocs, use your scimitars and attack its head and limbs. Do not give it any chance to recover!"

When it received its order, the Murloc Commander quickly pounced on the Twilight Wolf and used all its strength to restrain its limbs, immobilizing the wolf that was already Slowed and Paralyzed.

The other Murloc also rushed over with their scimitars and attacked the head of the black wolf with the size of a lion.

In a short moment, numbers such as -60 and -78 began to jump out from the Twilight Wolf's body. Its howl was also getting louder and louder, but it could not escape the giant Murloc's control due to the Paralysis negative effect.

At this time, the Tunneling Worm King and the Storm Eagle's attacks had reached him. One from the ground, and another from the sky. Their pincer attack denied Zhang Yun any possibility of avoiding their attacks.

"Well done!

"Unfortunately, you don't have any skills!

"You only know how to A-Move!"

With a relaxed smile, Zhang Yun held his Jack O'Lantern Spear, aimed at the Twilight Wolf that was still being pressed by the giant Murloc, and activated the skill that came with the weapon.

"Pumpkin Pierce!"

The Halloween's special light effects appeared on Zhang Yun, the visage of a giant pumpkin appeared on his spear tip, and under the effects of an unknown power, he jumped up high, heading straight towards the Twilight Wolf.

This was the basic control of a veteran player. Using skills with movement to reposition, avoiding an enemy's attack!

For example, in this situation, both the Storm Eagle and Tunneling Worm King's attacks failed. Additionally, owing to inertia, they could not change their direction, and could only look at Zhang Yun escaping from right under their eyes.

And then, Zhang Yun yelled out while he was in mid-air, "Move!"

When they received his commands, all the Murlocs that were surrounding the Twilight Wolf had moved away, giving some space to the flying Zhang Yun.

Half a second later, Zhang Yun fell onto the Twilight Wolf, and he stabbed it with his spear right on its stomach, dealing 36 points of damage.

Without hesitation, he picked up the Jack O'Lantern Spear, jumped off the Twilight Wolf, and quickly rolled on the ground twice, creating enough distance between them.

"Murloc Commander!

"Continue to control the Twilight Wolf. Do everything you can to force it on the ground! Do not let it stand up!

"All the other Murlocs, focus your attacks on the Twilight Wolf! Forget about the other two bosses, kill it first!

"As for the other two bosses…

"Ice Elemental, It's up to you now! Freeze them all!"